Disaster on the Coastliner
Disaster on the Coastliner
| 28 October 1979 (USA)
Disaster on the Coastliner Trailers

A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man William Shatner puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
PodBill Just what I expected
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) I was 6 years old when I first saw this TV movie. Though I was very young, I always liked trains. Being a railroad worker always have it advantages. But when tragedy strikes, most people have a tough time getting over it. So when a disgruntled employee (Paul L. Smith) decided to take action against the company, he would set up the two trains to meet head on. Since everything was running by computer, it took ingenuity of the employees to help stop the disaster from happening. Also the passenger (William Shatner) who happened to be a con man. His heroic efforts did make some effort to the situation. Even though this was a TV, it was loaded with big name stars. This movie has lead to another train disaster movie in 1985 called "Runaway Train". But it's a whole different scenario. 2 out of 5 stars.
redjennger You have to go into this movie wanting what you're going to get. I love the TV movies of the 70s and 80s and especially love disaster movies. William Shatner is a charming con-man and clearly having a ball with his role. Robert Fuller plays a handsome cad; you get to see him in just a pair of boxers (woo hoo! he was a crush of mine from back in my preteen days when he starred in Emergency!)Lloyd Bridges is an obnoxious Fed and HG Marshall as the computer guy in charge. I couldn't figure out why the deranged dude who hijacked the trains had a kitten in his car. That was just weird. Overall a fun and satisfying watch if you enjoy the styles and culture of the late seventies - my only quibble was seeing Shatner and Fuller wearing Sansabelt slacks. Ick.
William L Spencer I saw this movie when I was a kid and loved it. This movie has a good collection of stars and was well made for being a TV movie,It is way too bad that this movie is not available anywhere or on anything, but I do have it taped without commercials.
dispatcher484 Being an avid railroad buff, I have to say that I really like this movie. There's a fantastic mix of light comedy, romantic drama, and high paced action here. Although the track splicing idea is totally rediculous in the time allowed, (and the foreman was 100% correct, the train was moving way too fast for the weld to hold), it was executed with taste and efficiency.On the technical end, no train travelling 120 mph could survive a sudden 30 yard track switch. Here in NYC, the Metro North Commuter Railroad uses 100 yard switches that trains can only handle at about 50 mph. That train should have derailed instantly on such a sudden turn. Also, when uncoupling the cars from the locomotive, the sudden decompression of the air lines should have clamped the brakes on in the passenger coaches by locking all the wheels, and not as a slow gradual coasting as depicted.This is one movie that really should be released on VHS/DVD. There's enough action and suspense here for any action lover. And its a family friendly movie as well.
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