Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here
Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here
| 16 September 2014 (USA)
Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie Apocalypse Begins Here Trailers

After a meteor shower strikes Los Angeles, toxic smoke is released across the city causing people to physically change and become violent. A small group of survivors plans to vacate the city by heading to the coast.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
TheLittleSongbird After seeing some truly terrible zombie movies, I in all honesty was expecting Disaster L.A to be the same. Fortunately, while far from a good movie, it's pretty bad on the whole actually, Disaster L.A is a long way from being one of the worst zombie movies.Unlike zombie movies like Vampegeddon, Zombie Nation, Zombie Night and Vampires vs. Zombies, Disaster L.A does have a few redeeming merits. The effects and make-up could have been far worse than they were, in fact compared to those of most other zombie movies they're impressive, the meteor effects are some of the better ones personally seen for a disaster movie. The acting on the whole is awful, but Justin Ray does make a real effort to give his role some charisma, while the opening scene is thrilling and the music score has some quite creepy moments.However, despite starting well Disaster L.A is more yawn-inducing than fun, scary or thrilling. The rundown-parking-lot-like sets are incredibly basic, some of the movie is too darkly lit, editing is chaotic especially in the zombie scenes and a truly amateurishly staged confrontation in a car and the whole movie looks drab. Aside from Ray, the acting is awful, more underplaying to the point of somnambulance than anything else. A big dishonourable mention has to go to the unbearably obnoxious Jerod Meagher. The movie also really wastes the zombies, for characters that are meant to be the stars they are treated like fairly insignificant secondary characters. There's very few of them (only three at most), they are in so few scenes and when they do appear not only are their scenes staged in a lumbering way but they do not come over as very frightening and they acted towards the other characters very indifferently.The script is to sum up in one word atrocious and constantly cringe-worthy, no unintentional laughs in sight, while the characters are cardboard and annoying, with no development or even redeeming qualities. The direction is so characterless it feels like there isn't even any after the opening sequence, and the story is a predictable bore with awkwardly staged zombie scenes and disaster scenes that are ridiculous to the extent that tension and suspense are nil.Overall, has a few things in its favour, other than that Disaster L.A induces more yawns than thrills. 4/10 Bethany Cox
GL84 Following a meteor crash into Los Angeles, the release of toxic fumes turns the citizens into ravenous blood-crazed zombies and forces several unaffected friends to try to make it to safety against the increasing swarm of creatures.This was quite a disappointing zombie effort that didn't have a lot of worthwhile elements to it. One of the few areas this gets right is the opening intro to the aftermath throughout here which manages to come off incredibly well as there's some great times to the group awakening the night after and seeing the chaos unleashed in the aftermath, as the devastated buildings, smoke and fires, emergency contacts and even the concerned citizens left alongside showcase a pretty real-life scenario that almost plays it off too much like a disaster movie rather than a horror effort. Still, the effectiveness of these scenes delves right into the panic of the situation and how to get out safely, leading in turn into the race to get out of the city with the swarming zombie hordes getting put into the story with some nice scenes here with the realization that takes place in the apartment, the race to overcome the hordes of dwellers in the parking garage while getting off the film's best suspense scene as the one roommate must get around his zombiefied house-mate without alerting the rest of the zombies on the floor to his presence while retrieving the keys to a working car and finally the mad dash to escape at the end where the film really makes the action work nicely in the mini-confrontations that occur resulting in some nice gore as well. However, there's still a lot wrong with this one starting with the utterly inane characters on here who are some of the biggest morons in the genre. Despite ample opportunities shown that they're dealing with zombies they still manage to think that there's no way possible for any of their friends to become one which leads them into rooms and opening up doors for the zombie masses to appear when it was more appropriate for stealth and ignorance to keep them out of harm's way which puts them into danger for nearly every one of the encounters throughout here. Likewise, the fact that they're introduced at a party with all manner of aggravating, annoying behavior and uninteresting story lines means that for the most part we're not following anybody all that interesting and most of their deaths are more euphoric than depressing based on the circumstances surrounding them. That also leads into the film's biggest problem which is the rather halfhearted attempt at zombie films in here by focusing more on the disaster scenario of the meteor strike in the first half, their refusal to believe the danger in the second half and basically make the film's few zombie encounters throughout here the product of their own stupidity with this only having a handful of attacks anyway, forcing them into the backlog of their own film. It's the single biggest mark here that drags this one down.Rated R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
joshuadrake-39480 DISASTER L.A. : THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is really stupid, but it is good.When meteors strike Los Angeles, the massive destruction they cause is the least of the city's worries as it's inhabitants begin to fall deathly ill from the resulting smoke. But when the dead begin to reanimate and feed off the living, five friends make a run for the coast before they can be killed by the infected - or worse, by government forces who will fight to contain the situation at any cost - in any nightmarish no-holds barred thriller.That is just the plot and this movie is just super stupid, but it is really good and just fantastic and was really amazing.The direction of the movie is directed by Turner Clay, who also does the music, editing, cinematography and also executive produced this film. His direction is so incredibly scary that the dialogue he writes is just very scary and intense.The music is over-creepy as hell and the music has a great memorable feel to it that makes you believe that this is going to be a zombie movie. The acting is dreadful in a few areas, but hell, the actors really tried. Justin Ray, Jerod Meagher, Stefanie Estes, Ron Hankks, Michael Taber, Dennis Leech and Morgan Jackson plays the characters in the film and some of them does seem to drag in a few areas.The make-up for the zombies is really gory and scary, but this movie did not have a very large budget and that's what I like about some of these movies, is that with a few action movies, scary films, sci-fi, comedy, drama, musical or teen movies, that you don't need a very, big huge budget to make that kind of movie genre film that you wanted to do.The editing is awkward in a few areas, but it works for this kind of zombie flick and it really does show a lot in this feature presentation. The visuals, set design, story and plot is really amazing as hell, a little cheesy in a few areas, but it really does show as well.Overall, DISASTER L.A.: THE LAST ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGINS HERE is just stupid, but also creepy and really good. My sister Shaliyah, who is a twin to the other sister, Aaliyah, says that this film is not stupid, but the other two movies involving zombies, ZOMBIELAND and WORLD WAR Z are stupid, but also really, really good.I give it a 4.5. out of 10.
RichardFitswell First thing you should know about this movie is it is a one/two man outfit, a guy named Tyler and a guy named John, also the name of the main characters. Now you know the above, the movie gains an extra point for that, so in my eyes it goes from a 3 to a 4 purely because its been made on a low budget and by one/two people only. I'm a bit of a fan of B-movies, as generally, they try harder than the Hollywood classic-rip offs we have all grown used to.The effects are minimal, there is a small amount of blood, the plot/storyline makes little sense considering this is a zombie film. These are running zombies too which have the ability to open door knobs when it suits them but apparently cannot push open a shower door?The action is slow paced and dull, the characters are honestly misfits you wouldn't want around you during a zombie apocalypse. There is no character build up, characters die and I find myself not caring one bit because I could hardly remember their names.Decisions made by the characters seem stupid and not very well thought out, nothing is explained and the ending was abysmal, perhaps a small after credit scene showing survivors on the coast or a rebuild going on, the meteors taken away under cloth or something by the army?There was a lot of potential for this movie, and if this is the directors first movie making attempt I feel it is good in its own right, but it wouldn't be something you'd spend a good bit of money on.
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