Dirty Sanchez: The Movie
Dirty Sanchez: The Movie
| 22 September 2006 (USA)
Dirty Sanchez: The Movie Trailers

The Welsh nutters, Dirty Sanchez are making a movie: The concept of the film is that the Devil has heard about the dare devil nature of the Sanchez boys so he's set them the ultimate challenge, to complete stunts based on the 7 Deadly Sins or be damned to the gutter forever.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Leofwine_draca Following in the footsteps of JACKASS comes DIRTY SANCHEZ, the Welsh television series heavily inspired by the US hit. It was inevitable that a film of the latter would be released eventually, especially after two JACKASS films had already been made with much success. Having never really watched the television episodes, I had some idea of what to expect when I sat down to this, although not a lot. What I saw was a frenetic documentary that crosses the barrier of good taste time and time again to offer some of the most loathsome viewing you'll ever watch.The 'fun' begins with typical stunts involving fighting, people being shot with paint balls and the like – familiar stuff. Then it moves into ever-more extreme territory, with one guy undergoing liposuction and another guy drinking the fat – it makes me heave just to write it. The film gets crazier, with insane Japanese wrestlers carving broken fluorescent tubes into the heads of their victims and one member of the gang cutting off the tip of his little finger with a cigar cutter. Essentially you can divide the segments into two – the violent ones and the disgusting ones. I'm not too bothered by the former, and some of the latter don't really seem that much in the day of I'M A CELEBRITY... and the like. But nevertheless, some segments are stomach-heaving, making the film NOT one for the faint hearted. I can't say I enjoyed watching this, but I can understand the appeal. Let's hope nobody tries to top it.
Thomas Hardcastle I don't like any of the four blokes in this film. They are all knobheads, and I would rather eat my own fecals than spend any time with them. They're sick, and have no talent, so think that the only way they can make it in life is to do things that no one else would dare, through fear of loss of dignity, or extreme vomiting. Dignity is not an issue with these guys, though, so the sky's the limit as far as crude stunts and lunatic behaviour go.Having said all this, however, this film is very entertaining. It's the kind of film you won't want to watch with your parents, and you won't want to watch whilst eating anything. You'd watch this film with your mates (or anyone else you aren't trying to impress).Some of the things these men do push the boundaries of taste and decency. There must be something seriously wrong with them.It's not a wonderful advert for the Welsh, but it's a solid couple of hours of shameful fun. Watching these idiots behaving like animals is good for one's self-esteem. I mean, it doesn't matter what you might think of yourself - at least you're not as bad as these guys. A guilty pleasure if ever there was one.
Matt Reedy Disgraceful. Yet somehow compelling. The very fact that it is not you on screen hurling yourself over, into and through things that were not designed for such a purpose makes you appreciate those that are doing so even more.Anyone who has seen the TV series should know what to expect. Like Jackass before them however, they have been allowed to go even further, and at times you wonder if they have not perhaps gone too far, never more so than during Pritchard's quest to win back his honour. Of course, a certain part of you will always be yelling for these fools to hurt themselves in ever more ingenious ways, and it is this part that will make you want to queue again.
tastethevapour I've never been a big fan of the TV show Dirty Sanchez and didn't really have much interest in seeing this movie. I always just thought it was a Jackass rip off with less originality in the stunts and just aiming for sheer brutality.Well I got wound into going to see the movie and for the most part I enjoyed it and laughed at most of the stunts that I saw like the paintball gun and the Tai kick boxing scenes. However, there were some parts that were just too nasty. Now I'm not squeamish at all and I love some of the most violent films known to man, but the finger cutting scene was just too much. This just proves my point about the show in the first place that these guys will just do anything to upstage Jackass or the other shows of this nature. I don't really find a guy chopping his own finger off amusing or entertaining.If you like the show then you will like this movie, but avoid if your the sensitive type.