Die Sister, Die!
Die Sister, Die!
PG | 01 December 1978 (USA)
Die Sister, Die! Trailers

A man hires a nurse to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
DigitalRevenantX7 CAUTION: Plot spoilers present.Rich siblings Edward & Amanda are feuding over their late father's estate. Amanda is also suicidal since she is grief-stricken over her involvement in the death of her father & the disappearance of her sister. Edward hires Esther, a former nurse who has some dark secrets of her own, in order to watch over Amanda – and to ensure that if Amanda, who has a history of suicide attempts, tries to kill herself again, that she must succeed. As Edward secretly tries to kill Amanda due to her knowledge of their family's ill fortune, Esther discovers that the pair have been responsible for the fate of their family members.This B-grade mystery thriller was notable for being released with a lurid poster which featured a woman in red negligee being pursued by hands that come from walls around her. The reality is that the film is nothing more than an average mystery thriller with some reasonably good acting.Director Randall Hood did not live to see his film being released – he died of cancer while the film was still in post-production & a long-running rumour has it that Clint Eastwood had stepped in to oversee the production as a favour for actor Jack Ging.As far as mystery thrillers go, Die Sister, Die! is okay, although not good enough to warrant more than one viewing. The actors do their roles professionally – Jack Ging has some fun in his role as the sinister brother who tries to get his fortune by killing his suicidal sister – and the production values are okay. But in saying that, Die Sister, Die! has nothing to say about the thriller genre other than to use the old 'feuding siblings' plot that has been around for a while. Inexplicably, the film was remade in 2013.
kevin olzak 1972's "The Companion" was among several genre titles that sat on the shelf for years before being picked up for distribution by indie outfit Cinema Shares International Distribution Organization Ltd. (that's quite a mouthful!). Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater broadcast no less than nine of their films during its last days on the air- "Web of the Spider," "Track of the Moon Beast," "Godzilla on Monster Island," "Godzilla vs. Megalon," "Godzilla vs. the Cosmic Monster," "Creature from Black Lake," "Dynasty," and "Blue Sunshine," all still rather obscure decades later. Many believe this to have been a TV-movie, but that is not so, director Randall Hood simply had some television experience and knew what to do on an obviously low budget, gathering together a cast well known for their small screen work. Scriptwise, it's strictly routine 'skeletons in the closet' stuff, with Edith Atwater ("The Body Snatcher") in the central role of Amanda Price, like Bette Davis in both "Baby Jane" and "Sweet Charlotte" (or even Agnes Moorehead in "Dear Dead Delilah"), an unmarried spinster devoted to the memory of her dead father. Jack Ging plays brother Edward Price, who hires a discredited nurse, Esther Harper (Antoinette Bower), to look after his sister, in the hope that her suicidal tendencies will reach fruition, enabling him to take over the estate. Esther discovers her charge to be sharp as a tack, not the 'mental deficient' that Edward described, and comes to regret becoming his 'partner in crime.' The entirely predictable skeletons in this closet can be found in the basement, and are thrown away two thirds of the way in, leaving very little to follow. Veteran Kent Smith does well as the concerned Dr. Thorne, but Antoinette Bower's performance is sadly lacking, making her scenes opposite the fiery Atwater fizzle rather than sizzle, blunting the film's overall impact. Producer/director Randall Hood's early death in 1976 preceded the release of his final film, his only previous feature a 1961 children's fantasy called "The Two Little Bears." It remains his modest efforts, and a mostly game cast, that make this ideal late night viewing, not the horror film promised by the criminally misleading ads for its theatrical title "Die Sister, Die!" (which totally gives the game away). "The Companion" aired twice on Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater, Apr 4 1981 and Dec 18 1982.
Red-Barracuda A troubled old woman is saved from suicide by her brother and the family doctor. Her brother's concern is purely for show though and he hires a nurse with a shady past to 'look after' his sister, i.e. to ensure she definitely dies next time she tries to kill herself. But once the nurse begins work things change.This psychological thriller has the definite feel of a TV movie. I can find no definitive evidence that it is but I would not be surprised in the least to discover it is one. It seems to have been promoted as a horror movie. The title is quite in-your-face and the poster art is somewhat misleading. It shows a nubile scantily dressed young woman running away from an ominous house while being terrorised by several brutish hands that reach out to grab her from crumbling walls. It combines imagery of Gothic horror with Roman Polanski's Repulsion. It's a great poster! But, it's hardly accurate in terms of describing the actual content. First and foremost, this is not a horror film. It's pretty solidly a thriller. It's about family secrets and greed within a Gothic setting. It has occasional spooky moments such as nightmarish dream sequences and secrets in the basement.Despite some of the negativity directed at it, I found Die Sister, Die! to be perfectly enjoyable. It's well acted, including a turn from Kent Smith who starred in the classic Cat People (1942). It's just probably not going to appeal to people who get their expectations up by checking out that cool poster in advance of watching it.
bensonmum2 I don't care that this movie is listed as a horror on IMDb or that the video cover art features hands coming from a wall to grab a woman or that the film is included on just about every budget horror set, Die Sister, Die! has little in the way of horror to offer. There are moments of horror to be sure, but it's really more of a drama/mystery. If you're a fan of Columbo/70s style mysteries, this movie might appeal to you.My problems with the movie have nothing to do with the way it has been incorrectly categorized over the years. Instead, I see weaknesses in the script and acting. Too much of the movie is just plain dull. Die Sister, Die! might have been much more enjoyable with a tighter script and a shorter run time. There's just too much in the way of padding for my taste. As for the acting, Antoinette Bower is dreadful in the pivotal role of the nurse. She plays the role as a woman who appears on the verge of going comatose at any minute.The plot is standard 70s made-for-TV stuff. An older woman wants to commit suicide because of some unknown guilt. Her brother, seeking to inherit the family's fortune, would like to see her succeed. He hires a nurse to look after his sister and to make sure the next suicide attempt is the last one. The family doctor plays detective and puts the pieces together. There are some fairly entertaining twists and turns along the way, all leading to a satisfactory, if not predictable, conclusion.Fans of 70s Movie of the Week fare should definitely check this one out.