Dick Figures: The Movie
Dick Figures: The Movie
R | 16 September 2013 (USA)
Dick Figures: The Movie Trailers

Two best friends, Red and Blue, risk everything to find the greatest treasure of all time.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
itsjoeydigital This film must be watched a lot of times. Dick Figures: The Movie is way better than the TV show of the same.
sakurajade Honestly, it's worth it to watch for all the fight scenes alone. They're incredibly well choreographed and fun to watch.
ericstites29 Well to be completely honest, Dick Figures The Movie was not the knee-slapper I expected it to be. There were a few funny moments but I never laughed very hard. BUT! The plot line and all of the action in the movie still made it one of the best Movies I've ever seen! I also loved how much detail there was in every scene compared to the show. I love how much Ed and Zach put into this movie and they did a fantastic job! I loved how some of the stuff in the movie comes from things that were said in the show. For Example in the episode where they play poker and tell manly stories, the Raccoon tells of how he slaughtered thousands of warriors with the great sword of destiny and how the sword was lost, which pretty much sets up the whole plot line of the movie! This movie was not as funny as I had expected unfortunately, but it was still one of the best movies I've ever seen and I really wish it had gone on the big screen. That would have been epic. I really did get my money's worth from the $30 i donated to help make the movie!
boonzeet Before this movie is watched it's important to remember what it is, namely a film geared at people familiar with the franchise.By producing the film independently it contains the same humour, animation and production quality as the web series, but in a refreshingly new form. There's some notably well put-together scenes and the film as a whole was generally enjoyable to watch.Turning a short web cartoon into a film could almost only go wrong but they have managed to pull it off.It would be great to see where the series goes next for the pair, but let's see how this film rides out for them.