Diary of a Sex Addict
Diary of a Sex Addict
R | 23 November 2001 (USA)
Diary of a Sex Addict Trailers

A restaurant owner leads a double life.

Steineded How sad is this?
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Gonzalo Melendez (gonz30) People never cease to amaze me. There are 29 quasi-unanimously negative comments about this movie. Many all-time masterpieces have only 3 to 5 comments posted on this site. If this is such a forgettable trashy TV movie (which it may be to many), why waste so much time criticizing mediocrity? Why bother after wasting almost 2 hours of your life? Why watch the movie at all? I saw it recently because it was the best option on late night Cable TV (HBO or Cinemax). When I read the synopsis which the channel superimposes on the TV image, I knew I was in for a B, no C or D movie. I was however surprised that Nastassja Kinski was in it. Sadly, she also had nothing better to do at the time. Well, at least she got paid for the experience.And as for me, I got what I expected: a 5 over 10 rated movie.I dis-considered the title and exploitative subject matter in this rating. I mean, who of these 29 bored "users" expected CITIZEN KANE or the ultimate crusade film against sex addiction? A campy old Joan Collins-style flick is what came to mind, and that's what I got.Actually, it's entertaining, and it does make a statement for the problem of sex addiction, although it is really so low grade, it's hard to take the film seriously, and not as a funny parody with tongue in cheek humor. But for a late night flick, it's not bad, it's easy to follow .... it's entertainment.Actually, I think I may change my vote to a 7. Considering the genre, it's above average. Besides Joan Collins dramas, trashy classics like SHOWGIRLS came to mind as I was watching this. Sin in suburbia - the whole idea is boring and banal. How can a movie or book make this material a timeless classic? Wake up people! Are IMDb users really so terminally bored?
Carl S Lau A sexually obsessed chef leads a duplicitous life: one as a "happily" married man with a ten year oldish child, the other as a sex fiend. The bulk of the documentary-like film follows him for five consecutive days and is told in flashback with Nastassja Kinski as a clinical sex therapist, listening to his story and intelligently probing him. Nastassja's role is very restrictive and she is the only principal adult character who does not take off her clothes. If she had, I would have rated this movie a big fat "F." As it is, it rates an F+, implying that it is still a failure unless one likes to be bored. It is probably a lot more interesting to spend ninety minutes cleaning out the garage. "Diary of a Sex Addict" falls into the category of films that once one has seen it, one wishes that one hadn't.
jwillia2 Just happened across this last night channel surfing. Saw that it was shot in video, but it looked like high quality on my 19" bedroom tv, so I went into the living room, fired up the HDTV. It was shot on video. High Definition video, and it looked amazing.While it was, to a certain degree, a bit of a fable (as in, where sex addiction leads), it definitely had some outstanding points. Michael Des Barres was both charming and disturbing as the addicted restauranter, Sammy Horn (I'm sure the pun is intended). Nastassia Kinski, as his therapist, was stunning in her ability (primarily through dialogue) to express sincere compassion. Rosanna Arquette is outstanding as his charming, beautiful wife, and even more outstanding when she learns of his infidelities.All of the actors (especially the ones who took their clothes off) took a big chance doing this project; unlike film that's been transferred to high-definition, HD video shows every single little detail--and every little flaw. It also serves this particular subject matter well. Instead of just another straight-to-video movie-with-a-message, the choice to go with high-definition video gives DOASA a more immediate feel, more of an "it's happening now" mood. It's also a bit more voyeuristic and personal than film. Lighting and production design with such a sensitive medium are critical, and cinematographer Nathan Hope and PD Oliver French did a great job--particularly in the therapist's office and Sammy's restaurant. I think the choice to use HD makes this movie stand out. While stories of addiction are by no means new or original, an HD movie about this particular addiction combined with such great performances makes DOASA a powerful viewing experience.
perfectisolation I fell asleep on my couch at 7:35pm last night watching Larry Sanders (I usually DirecTivo it, but not last night). Woke up at 3am (invesment banker on the west coast), and was fascinated to see this on HBO2. I was shocked on how poor this 'movie' was. Seriously. shocked. So shocked that I had to write a commentary on iMDB. This is really really bad. the writing is boring, but the directing and editing are simply below those of a freshman at a film school.Yes it is shot video. Mind you, that is shot on VIDEO, not DIGITAL VIDEO. It does look like a soap opera. The clips from skateboard videos have a more 'film' feel to them then this horror.I wanted to describe the poor directing but i honestly cant remember anything. The shots and blocking are stupid. yes, i chose the word 'stupid'. not unconventional, not daring, not bold, not boring, just stupid. I know people reviewing this review will say "well give me an example". I cant. It was 3am. but trust me, I know you will watch it anyway, you will be drawn by the horrible reviews.
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