Sex Pot
Sex Pot
NR | 18 August 2009 (USA)
Sex Pot Trailers

“Half Baked” meets “Superbad” in this hilarious comedy following two young losers whose lives are unexpectedly turned upside down when they find some marijuana that has aphrodisiacal side effects. After deciding to use the wacky weed to their advantage, the guys meet an array of pot-loving beauties.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
mpillon-483-826710 This movie was a fantastic analysis of the developing male 'id'. The tumultuous plot is a beautiful reflection on the chaotic destruction and recreation of the self-perceived identity of an adolescent mind.With stunning visuals and brilliant cinematography, this movie simultaneously pays homage to, and critiques classics such as 'American Pie', 'American Pie 2' and 'American Wedding'. It highlights the purity of mirth found in simple humour whilst deriding a director's desperate desire to cling to a plot.Whilst this movie may not be for everyone, such as the pessimistic and pretentious like Harry Sorensen; those who seek pleasure in entertainment and life in general are sure to enjoy this art film.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Alright, looking at the movie cover, you already have the assumption that this will be a teen comedy in the likes of "American Pie" or something similar. I thought as much, and wow was I in for a surprise. This movie is about two virgin boys getting wasted on pot and trying to score with the women."Sex Pot" is filled with really, really bad dialogue. At most times it is just incoherent lines that are being tossed there, making you think if they had any clue to what had been done or said earlier in the movie. The dialogue was forced, halting and painstaking to listen to. And it wasn't helped one bit by any good acting. The performances put on here in this movie was, well to put it bluntly, uninspiring and dull. There wasn't any energy in the movie at all. And I think, as an aspiring stoner movie, this movie fails to get anyone's buzz on.It seemed like all that the movie was about was getting as much nudity into the frame whenever possible, and I for one, found it tacky and tasteless. I am not a prude, nor am I offended by nudity, but it just didn't work in this movie, not by a long shot.I had hoped to get to sit through an adequate comedy and have some good laughs, but truth be told, then I gave up about one-quarter through the movie. I hadn't laughed a single time, and at the pace the movie was progressing and with what happened in the story, there would be nothing in the vicinity of being funny. I gave up on this movie, it just wasn't anything that I had expected and it most definitely didn't suit my liking.Hats off to those actually sitting through "Sex Pot", then again, we all have different likes and dislikes. Some maybe like this movie, some may not. I was one of the latter.
Forzforz2-1 got a kick out of this flick on a lot of levels --- fun characters - crazy story - unabashed lack of restraint. It follows the story of two high school seniors looking to get high and get laid. In the grand tradition of Harold and Kumar it is an episodic adventure - and everything is off the wall because the characters are so stoned. The two leads - Mort and Spanky were fun to watch - especially when they had sex with a pile of food. I also loved the character of the crazy skinny insane girlfriend with all the piercings - Pinky. She rocked. And the transvestite was especially funny. Lots of good pot jokes and boobs - enough to keep the thing going strong. the 3 D doesn't add much - I saw it both ways and I liked the regular 2D better. This is one of the best films from the Asylum in my opinion.
KineticSeoul I will start off by saying maybe some people will like this film if they watch it with the main interest in mind, which is sex and pot. And will push sex and drugs so that some youths will think this is all what life is about. I don't know if I am shallow but I found every girl in this movie to be ugly more ugly than some porn stars they were all just repulsive too and speaking of porn stars the quality of this movie is like watching porn except it revolves around 2 annoying and unfunny characters and they just act like a couple of basers and there acting is horrible. Not to mention the story either cause it's just some random crap thrown into lengthen the run time of the movie which would have been fine if it was funny, but they just throw crude humor and sometimes crude humor is okay but it's not funny and just expect the audience to laugh by the shock value, and the shock isn't even that original. At one point they both were screwing pieces of fruits and bagel... Why the hell would I want to see that? They try to make the movie into some crude humor with sex and drugs, but the movie was just crude. I can see some people liking this film, but there IQ will drop drastically while watching this. It was not a good road trip type of movie, but it wasn't unbearable to the point I didn't finish the film and dislike it to the point of giving it a 1 but maybe that is cause I saw it with some friends while having a conversation.2.8/10