PG-13 | 13 September 2008 (USA)
Departures Trailers

Daigo, a cellist, is laid off from his orchestra and moves with his wife back to his small hometown where the living is cheaper. Thinking he’s applying for a job at a travel agency he finds he’s being interviewed for work with departures of a more permanent nature – as an undertaker’s assistant.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
ciyao-29248 The film Departures by Yojiro Takita introduced me a job I have never noticed: mortuary. As the characters in the film mentioned, having a work to do with dead people's body is a shame. However, I would think this kind of job is unusual, but not a shame, because every job should be respected. The main character, Daigo was first working in a band to play cello. When the band was dismissed, Daigo and his wife Mika moved back to his mother's old house, because it is too hard for them to afford the living expense in Tokyo. In the old town, Daigo found this job, and starting to work as a mortuary. All of his neighbors and Mika did not agree with him doing the job, but after seeing him doing the job, they realized this job should also be respected. I really enjoyed watching this movie because this is not just showing a plain story, but having many social and family issues like transgender and no parenting children. The burial custom in Japan shows that it is not an American film because there is no such custom that cleaning the body in front of its' family and friend.
tamayo-24294 Departures isn't going to be my favorite movie of all times, in fact I would place in towards the bottom of my list. The movie depicts a young married man who lost his job as a cello player in an orchestra, but he needs to find a job soon. An NK departure agent isn't a glamorous job, in fact it's a job that nobody really wants. First off the main character, Diago doesn't look like the right person for the job, but that kinda is the point. To me it just doesn't look right and I think it would be better if Diagonal was a little older. My second problem with the film is the fact that it was so slow. There wasn't any action and day in and day out, they just went to funerals. I know that's what the film is really about, but it would be nice if they could put in a little bit more action.
WILLIAM FLANIGAN Viewed on DVD. All departments = nine (9) stars. Director Youjirou Takita leads a team of film makers who undertake a very careful, detailed, and emotionally moving depiction of the lives of undertakers (starting with initial motivations to enter the profession). The arts of the mortician as dramatized in this photo play include skillful bereavement psychology, ceremonial showmanship (there is a not-so-subtle link to live theater acting), facial makeup (again tied to acting), and "encoffinment" of bodies in caskets (with various price points). It is also shown to be a profession typically despised (death is far from a popular subject matter in Japan and elsewhere) until services are required (marked by an abrupt 180 degree flip in attitudes). Direction and acting are across-the-board exceptional and continuously address this morbid subject in an upbeat manner. Nonetheless there is a drift here and there into the maudlin due to slow-paced scenes. The overly-long production does not help matters either. Cinematography (semi-wide screen, color), lighting, and editing are excellent. Surround sound field is mostly fine. Original score (there are also some short selections from classical compositions) is also excellent with deeply resonating and haunting Leit Motifs. It is performed by a very large orchestra (which is shown in action early in the film). A highly-recommended Shochiku Company release. WILLIAM FLANIGAN, PhD.
ironhorse_iv It's very surprising to see a movie about the taboo practice of encoffinment, become so university praise by critics. You would think, this movie would, fall under the radar of American & Japanese society, because of the dark subject matter; however, this movie became one of the highest-grossing domestic Japanese films of that year. It was even, a bigger hit international abroad; winning many awards from critics like the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film of 2009. However, for me, I saw it as a one-time watch. A good movie worth checking out, but not worth revisiting, time after time, again. Loosely based on 'Coffinman', a memoir by Shinmon Aoki, and originally titled "Okuribito" means "the sending away"; Departures follows the story of a young man, Kobayashi Daigo (Masahiro Motoki) who returns to his hometown after a failed career as a cellist and stumbles across work as a nōkanshi—a traditional Japanese ritual mortician. He is subjected to prejudice from those around him, including from his family and friends, because of strong social taboos against people who deal with death. Eventually he must try to earn their respect and learns the importance of interpersonal connections through the beauty and dignity of his work. Can Kobayashi Daigo achieve that or will he be disconnect from his family & friends for the rest of his life? Watch the movie to find out, if you want to! Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say, this movie by director Takita Yojiro was very informative to how Japanese culture prepare their dead for the afterlife. This is pretty much, the main appeal of the film for me. To see, what steps, it takes for them to prepare their dead is very interesting; and I'm not known for having a morbid curiosity for such things. You really do learn, a lot about Japanese culture, by watching this. However, besides those, the movie doesn't have much, going for itself. Yes, the classical cello music by composer Joe Hisaishi was indeed beautiful to hear and some of the film is very well-shot, but as a main stream appeal; it doesn't really have some. It's morbid curiosity at its best. I really don't know, if American audiences would revisited this film, time after time, again like me. After all, the film moves in a somewhat slow, heavy-handed, and predictable pace. In my opinion, the conventional simple story is a little too-stretch out. The result of this, cause the movie to falls into a pit full of pointless filler scenes in the second act. Even, the third act, break up is very clichés. You can see it, coming from a mile away. However, most of the changes from the novel, in the climax for the film, was well-written and perform. I love the ending with the message stone. It was somewhat redeeming and heart-warming. As much, as it's sounding like, I didn't like the movie, I honestly did love it. The actors in the film are all, well-played. One thing, I'm pretty glad, the movie has, is English subtitles then English dubbing, because I would hate to see the movie suffer from bad lip sync. The subtitles really help a lot, because some of these rituals can seem somewhat confusing. After all, there are not many people that eat live squids, go to bath houses and drink Japanese tea in rituals ceremony, here in the States. It was nice to try to understand, such practices. I also kinda glad, the movie had some lighten moments. A good example is when Kobayashi and his boss, Sasaki (Tsutomu Yamazaki) are cleaning a body that they thought was a woman, but they find out, it's a man. However, one thing, worth noticing, about Japanese humor is how that joke and many after that, doesn't have that much of a punch-line, because the film tries too hard to be respectful. I think, this film would work, better, if they allow more leeway in how they were able to portray the dead. Maybe there was a little too much calming, hypnotic grace with this PG-13 film. It mask people's fears, too much that humor and drama can't really shine through. I think this is why, the movie kinda suffers, when it comes to rewatch value. Maybe, it could had work better, as an R-Rated film, but that's just a maybe. Anyways; Overall: Departures is alright movie. Somewhat overpraise, but still a great film worth checking out. After all, it's nice to see films like this, reverse prejudice against a once taboo subject.
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