NR | 19 September 2003 (USA)
Demonlover Trailers

A French corporation goes head-to-head with an American web media company for the rights to a 3-D manga pornography studio, resulting in a power struggle that culminates in violence and espionage.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
mysteryb I read dozens of reviews about how this film didn't make any sense and was horrible - and I have to say I am more confused by the reviews than by the film. The narrative was continuous, and I had no trouble following the story line at all.---This is the spoiler part--- The real issue, for some people at least, behind corporate power, torture and sex, is control; they don't actually enjoy any of those activities per se. The plot followed Diane from the point where she thought she was in control (aka "puppet master"), to where she suspected she might not be, to where she lost it and someone else had to take control, to where she had to voluntarily give up limited control, then gave up a lot of control, and finally, involuntarily gave up all control. At first, in control, she is an "ice-queen," and she becomes more and more emotional as she slowly discovers the truth, leading up to the heartbreaking final shot of her face, trapped and condemning.There was no "rape," both characters are both so burned by porn that their understanding of sex was necessarily kinky and based in fantasy. First the rape fantasy, and then the fantasy of having sex with somebody who was asleep. I think she shot him as an unconscious reaction because her psyche correlated the sex act with a murderous act, as evidenced by her fascination with hellfire and the earlier 3-D porn meets "zombie" kill for all shown earlier on.Overall I thought it was a fine effort, and I enjoyed it far more than anticipated.
lastliberal Fans of the capitalist systems will naturally be opposed to the message in this film. Its is just an exercise in corporate power struggles and greed.Connie Nielsen (Gladiator, One Hour Photo) is a conniving, soulless corporate lawyer that is clawing her way to the top while spying for a rival company. She is negotiating a deal for a Japanese company that make anime porn and needs the deal to move into 3D.She steps over a rival, who's friend, Chloë Sevigny (Boys Don't Cry, Zodiac), stops playing her video games in the nude long enough to respond and ends up in the driver's seat. It's all about power and control and any means is fair game to get there.Gina Gershon (Bound) pops into the mix as a representative from an American company (Demonlover) that wants the same company. She exposes the hidden torture porn website that they own. Unfortunately, she doesn't last long in this game of corporate intrigue.Even a simple act of having sex becomes a power game as it turns from sex to rape to - well, I won't give that away.The ending ties it all up and show just what is driving all this mess, but unfortunately it just sort of pops into view and was not really set up properly. If done right, it would have made a good film into a great film.
Claudio Carvalho "Demonlover" has an intriguing and interesting beginning, with betrayals in a corporation that is disputing a porn Manga site with a competitor. All the characters are "bad guys", and their motives are basically one: dirty money. The first hour of this movie is attractive and original, without clichés, and due to the lack of development of the characters, I was curious to know where the screenplay was going. The next thirty minutes becomes absolutely boring. However, the last thirty-nine minutes is pointless and confused, with lots of plot points, making the story completely disconnected and too long. A friend of mine recommended this movie, but in the end I was totally disappointed. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "Espionagem na Rede" ("Espionage in the Net")
Enchorde Recap: Diane is in the middle of concluding a deal, buying and selling the rights to some popular anime-porn. But Diane is really playing the game, really working as a spy for a competitor to both parties of the deal. What Diane is to find out, is that she is not the only one playing the game. Or something.Comments: First, for a pretty good review, as someone said, read Charles Taylor's at (can be found under "external reviews"). Second, and most importantly, yes this might very well be an imaginative, creative and unconventional movie that also makes a statement about what might happen in a commercial global internet-based market. But mostly, and above all other, it is boring and confused. There are no plot-holes in the story, no, there are only plot islands, where the story briefly touches down after making a random and unexplainable jump. And don't expect to figure out along the way, or that the movie will offer some explanation. No, on the contrary it becomes more confusing. The director, or whomever for that matter, might say that this is intentional, and just a new way of making movie. It's artistic. To me, it is an attempt to justify a complete mess. And if you're making a statement, why make it in a way that people will lose interest and get confused half way, and couldn't care less at the end.Connie Nielsen, or her character, is in focus of the movie. And she does somewhat of a good job trying to keep it together. But it must be hard when the director intentionally cuts crucial parts of the story, leaving the audience guessing, and the character development nonexistent. Instead we get unmotivated scenes with porn or nudity. I guess the director wish to say something with that, but to me this is not more of an intelligent challenge, it is far less. It took me all about 10 minutes to get bored.So, my recommendation is. If you wish for something different, sure, go ahead. I do give a small plus for the unconventional thinking. But don't say I didn't warn you. It is boring.3/10