Demon Keeper
Demon Keeper
| 06 May 1994 (USA)
Demon Keeper Trailers

For Remy Grilland the world of the occult is nothing more than a way to swindle rich old ladies out of their money. A parlor trick. But when an expert of the supernatural comes to his seance, Remy feels obliged to summon a real spirit. In his ignorance, he brings forth a most vicious and evil demon. one known to spread misery by infiltrating the mind, playing on weakness, and leading its prey to murder. Now, locked in the house for the night, each person must find a way to evade the Demon's powers. Only the light of day will bring mercy.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
jweiz83 The previous comment is correct. This movie is horrible. But if you see the box and take it home and expect Stephen King your in the wrong section.For those interested. This is a B ( quite possibly C) Flick. Opening with a witch burning in the 17th century were the "priests" tear the accused girls dress down to her waist and shed her of her Satanic literature and a charm from her neck. resulting in a banshee like scream and horrible special effects demons shooting from her mouth killing all surrounding her ( quite possibly the best scene in the movie), you cant really expect to much. Personally i didn't hate it. If your in the mood to watch something horrible and love bad horror flicks this is right up your alley.There are plenty of gratuitous tit shots and plenty of demons and LOTS of bad acting......Horrible. But. Entertaining. Don't pay a lot ( i paid $.50) but if you like this sort of thing ( i.e you like the Misfits and/or Mystery Science theater 3000), you'll love it. Especially when the demon grabs the boob. Classic
Backlash007 Demon Keeper is exactly what you expect after taking one look at the box art: Cheesy and mindless entertainment. Roger Corman's producing this one so you know it's on the cheap. The monster make-up proves this. The guy in the demon suit looks bad and they insist on overly lighting his scenes. Had they hid the monster in some shadows it might not have looked half-bad. However, no amount of lighting could help the acting in this film. The only names you'll find here are Edward Albert (who recently passed away) and Dirk "Starbuck" Benedict. Benedict really shocked me with his awful performance. I think he knew the movie was going to bad and phoned it in. So you have to give credit to Albert; at least he tried. He seemed to be the only actor who cared. To no avail though because Demon Keeper is still a bad B-movie and nothing could have changed that. The bright side is that the film was just over an hour so the torture is short. Sadly, this is still better than the sort of crap their unleashing on the direct-to-DVD market today.
nipperoshea When I rented this movie I was about 14 years old and me and a few buddies had rented it with several other "B" horror movies one Halloween.My honest opinion of this movie. BAD. We were turned off within the first 20 minutes by the terrible plot, acting and, well, basically, everything else. Although it has been several years, I still remember wondering how any film could be worse.My advice, DO NOT see this movie. If you're looking for a bloody horror movie stick with the Return of the Living Dead series, or for a funnier spin, Braindead (aka Dead Alive). If you want something that will scare you, I personally recommend movies of the style of The Amityville Horror (both the original and the remake), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original or remake, but not sequels) or The Exorcist. For a good serial killer movie, the Halloween series or Nightmare on Elm Street series are good.
VideoMonkey I can see the guys doing the budget preparation for this flick. "Well lets see now, we spend 50% getting Dirk Benidict, cause Battle Star Galactic and the A-Team were cool. The we spend 40% making a Demon Costume, never mind that the Demon is supposed to be incorporeal in the script. And we spend the rest making the movie." This was pretty bad and VERY cliche.... Have a loved one present when watching (or bring a good book)