NR | 23 April 2006 (USA)
Delivery Trailers

Disturbed loner Montgomery Goth struggles to maintain his sanity while working a thankless job as a pizza delivery man. Montgomery's miserable life perks up after he meets the girl of his dreams in the form of the sweet Bibi. However, things go awry and Montgomery's inner demons push him to go off the murderous deep end.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Woodyanders Disturbed loner Montgomery Goth (a sound and sympathetic portrayal by Matt Nelson) struggles to maintain his sanity while working a thankless job as a pizza delivery man. Montgomery's miserable life perks up after he meets his dream girl in the form of the sweet Bibi (a fine and appealing performance by stunning redhead Tara Cardinal). However, things go awry and Montgomery's inner demons push him to go off the murderous deep end. Writer/director Jose Zambrano Cassella relates the absorbing story at a steady pace, takes time to establish Montgomery as a genuinely pitiable character (he's the unbalanced product of a tragic and terrible childhood), grounds the premise in a believable everyday blue collar reality, does a good job of presenting Montgomery's lonely life and troubled mindset, maintains a bleak unsettling tone throughout, and pulls out all the harrowing stops for the gruesome last third. Moreover, Cassella not only further spices things up with inspired moments of black humor, but also delivers a substantial amount of unflinching graphic gore and tasty gratuitous female nudity. The solid acting by the competent cast rates as another definite asset, with especially praiseworthy contributions from Kevin James O'Neill as Montgomery's abusive boss Mr. Hand, Melissa Gruver as a mean junkyard owner, Trhea Danae as cheerful therapist Dr. Martha, Luis Miranda as the bitchy Belinda, and Loretta Breanan as shameless slut Lola. Better still, this film offers some painfully spot-on accurate insights on man's cruelty towards and lack of compassion for his fellow man. Both Cassella's crisp cinematography and moody score are up to par. A neat little indie fright flick.
filmentity This is one of those little films that one finds on the bargain bins, I found it that way, the DVD box got me hooked. Shot, as mentioned in the commentary track, for $5000. I am shocked. It looks just like the average $200,000 B-movie horror flick. I am not saying this looks like Lawrence of Arabia, but it is a great indie horror film, with actual character development, it takes its time, that is ballsy.Matt nelson is amazing in his performance, I mean, the guy threw himself into this role and that is admirable. A great film, great concept and a fantastic effort by Jose Cassella and his team.
marion-linda1 I got this in Canada, through say that "Automaton Transfusion" is the "Holy Grail of indie horror films". And that it was a miracle for being shot for $30,000. I guess those folks didn't see THIS movie miracle.I think Delivery was shot for around $4500?, somewhere in that range. I mean..they spent what producers spend in sodas and bubble gum in ONE day of shooting in a real film set.And the film looks great, in fact, better than most $60,000 and up micro budget films.Character development?, in a horror film?, who knew there were people that still used that.... Delivery takes its time, it makes you work for it, but if you know what you are getting into, you'll find something there, you'll find true smart film-making behind the silly situations and cheesy effects.An awesome performance by the lead, who is dead on perfect for the film. Lets see what these guys can do with an actual budget.Very good, very entertaining, very well done for the budget, huge congratulations!
aprilcruz73 DELIVERY definitely falls into the low-budget, done on a shoestring, splatter flick category that seems to be all the rage these days. I've seen plenty of these digital horror flicks over the last 5 years and I have to say that Delivery ranks up there amongst the better ones. This is way more than a bunch of dudes running around their backyards with a video camera. This is cheap done with skill.High Points: character development! Finally a low-budget flick where characters aren't just setup to service a killing. Monty the pizza guy has a dark family history, and you get to see his life slowly unravel... Hilarious politically incorrect supporting characters, including a belligerent transvestite and her gay swimming pool mafia... Good performances by the leads (Matt and Tara?)... Notable technical work- good lighting, camera-work, direction... The last 25 minutes is a cathartic, kill all the a**holes climax just as satisfying as "Carrie." And lots of NAKED SORORITY GIRLS! I'm female, and love this great American pastime. More jugs the better! Low Points: The pacing is VERY moderate. Basically Monty the Pizza Guy getting sh*t on by a series of jerks for an hour got a little tedious. Some weak performances here and there, but forgivable.Overall, a commendable feat accomplished with little resources. A fun flick when you have the gang over with a fridge full of Pabst. Have a ball!