Delivery: The Beast Within
Delivery: The Beast Within
NR | 18 June 2013 (USA)
Delivery: The Beast Within Trailers

Delivery tells the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young couple who agree to document their first pregnancy for a family-oriented reality show. The production spirals out-of-control after the cameras capture a series of unexplained events, leading Rachel to believe that a malevolent spirit has possessed their unborn child.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Guillermo Bosque Summary: The performances were good and the ending was shocking for some people, but in general Delivery: The Beast Within lacks of scares and entertainment. It is dull and trashy. 33/100 (D+)Delivery: The Beast Within is directed by Brian Netto and tells the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young couple who agree to document their first pregnancy for a family-oriented reality show. The production spirals out-of-control after the cameras capture a series of unexplained events, leading Rachel to believe that a malevolent spirit has possessed their unborn child. I will make it easy to you, look at the poster, then watch the trailer and the last 5 minutes of the movie. That's it. It promises a lot and delivers nothing. First of all, this film is somewhat derivative. It offers little to the genre, and there's nothing special or original about it. It's not an awful movie, it's just boring.It is filled with so many tired clichés, such as: the dog that obviously dies, camera malfunctions, etc. You have seen it before, skip it. There were a few original ideas like all the paintings of the pregnant woman and how her art has changed since she's pregnant. I actually liked the first act of the film, it was well executed, but as the film goes, it became boring, and the found-footage made it even more tedious. It has good performances, shout-out here to Laurel Vail, she's the protagonist and the best thing about this flick; she was believable and scary. The main actor Danny Barclay was pretty good too, but his character was annoying at times.This director has lots of potential, this film has some great ideas, for example how this pregnant woman expresses her demonic side through her paintings. This movie had its sad and tense moments. For a moment, I really felt like I was watching a TV show, good job director! But this was at the beginning of the film, as I said above. I liked the first minutes of the movie because the found- footage was effective, but after the first half, this format became tedious. It had its moments, but it was boring as a whole. Maybe with a few more bucks and without the found-footage, it would be a decent movie. I'm still interested on this director. What will he do next? (D+)
minch007 I don't mind found footage or low budget movies as long as they're not predictable, boring and plot less. I kept waiting for this movie to surprise, scare or disturb but I just kept waiting right up to the credits. The husband Kyle was annoying, he didn't react to any of the strange events but just played frustrated and distant. The wife Rachel's friends didn't even seem to notice her weird behaviour. The midwife was so non reactive that I half expected her to turn out to be an evil accomplice of the demon ala the nanny in Damien (the Omen sequel), would've been a good plot twist if she did. But no, she was just dumb. It seemed extremely implausible that this couple would attempt a home birth under the circumstances. The only thing I thought the movie did well was to have interviews with the production crew of the fictitious documentary. Because they were actually creeped-out. This was the sort of movie that you wish they had done so many things differently, small changes would've made it much better. E.g. Kyle being really scared just once would've made the whole thing much scarier. I really wouldn't bother.
Damien Chelin Not really a "Found Footage" movie fan however this one got me hooked till the end . Scary parts may not be that scary at all but you get this uneasiness feeling that gets you focused during the film . Cast was OK and acting well done .Story is presented like a documentary and from start to finish does not disappoint.It's worth watching if you're a ''Found Footage'' fan and if you're not then you'll still get along with it pretty well .Thumb ups !
Liam Blackburn It's a slightly different take than Devil's Due and it is notably shocking at times. There are good shocks in this one, definitely a shocker. The different take is that she is Catholic, and she is impregnated by a non-Catholic. She is also "manic-depressive". This adds a different element. The setting is believable with it being the old tapes from a pilot reality show. I don't really like the pregnant woman, at least she's not model or anything. DD has a hotter pregnant woman. This is important to me I don't know why...maybe because I'm just a guy. I guess this actually more realistic since it has an average-looking couple. I don't really like the jumping back and forth between before and after the whole incident was over. They shouldn't have revealed that she dies. The paintings as a reflection of the ghost and her pregnancy are a cool idea.