PG | 09 August 1991 (USA)
Delirious Trailers

A soap opera writer gets hit on the head and wakes up as a character in his own show.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
HelenMary Slightly along the lines of My Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter but the other way around and with fantasy rather than contrivance, with similar comedy and cheesy soap opera acting/story lines. It's silly, ridiculous but typical of soap opera shenanigans and it's quite a good spoof in that regard. John Candy is typical John Candy and everyone else is over-the-top, including Robert Wagner as himself and Raymond Burr in a comedic role, and Jerry Orbach too! Delirious is a crazy romp set in a fantasy town created by a lovesick soap opera scriptwriter. In a concussion-induced delirium Jack Gable (Candy) thinks he's inside his own soap opera and uses his writing to make himself into a dashing hero. It's Hollywood schmaltz but rather enjoyable and good for silly giggles. Lots of silly stunts (pretty impressive horsemanship) but shockingly bad sound/dubbing and there's lots of holes in the production. Overall a nice rainy afternoon watch. Wouldn't recommend it or necessarily watch it again although I really like John Candy, however, this was by no means Uncle Buck.
bkoganbing That's John Candy's dilemma in Delirious. Candy's a writer for a popular television day time soap which seems to bear more resemblance to the night time big budget soaps so popular in the Eighties. Anyway after some creative differences with fellow writers Jerry Orbach and Renee Taylor, Candy gets into a nasty car wreck and when he wakes up finds himself in the hospital of his own show being treated by a couple of the characters of same, doctor David Rasche and nurse Andrea Thompson. After seeing this, I see where the creators of Pleasantville got their idea. Pleasantville of course was a bit more serious in its subject matter. Delirious was a good idea that didn't quite come off although the players do give it a good try.Part of the problem is that even in the fantasy Candy's thinking with his hormones. He's got it bad for his show's star Emma Sammes who is doing a nice Joan Collins impersonation. There's good girl Mariel Hemingway who is auditioning in real life for a part on Candy's soap opera and she shows up in the fantasy as well. I have to give special kudos to Raymond Burr who plays the family patriarch of this soap opera with tongue firmly in cheek. Burr's occasionally flashes a twinkle which you have to be sure to catch just to let you know how much he's enjoying this. Nice he took time off from Perry Mason here.Sammes and Burr are the real treats of Delirious. It could have been a lot funnier, but I think someone like Mel Brooks should have directed it.
sagdasggg There are only a few actors in the same category as John Candy when it comes to 90's comedy. The reasons that this movie does not rank as one of the best movies of its genre are a good,not great, script, no special effects, and only one star. Unlike movies with good scripts, and single stars, Groundhog Day and Uncle Buck, there was nothing to be done with this premise. For other movies with missed potential one needs look no farther than movies like Godfather 3, Bram Stokers Dracula, Waterworld, The Fan, etc. The difference between those movies and this one is that the star had nothing to do with any of the films perceived problems. If you like John Candy, and if you don't you are an idiot, this is a great flick. His other movies that are worth an evening, doesn't matter which evening they are worth showing up late for work, are Uncle Buck, The Great Outdoors, Plains Trains and Automobiles, Once Upon a Crime, Brewster's Millions, Spaceballs, Stripes, Nothing but Trouble, and Who's Harry Crumb. They are all a little zany, except for Planes Trains and Automobiles which is still one of the only movies that will make me cry no matter when, how or, who I see it with. Want proof that Candy can act, watch Planes he plays such a sad and honest character that there is no doubt that he has what it takes. John Candy is one of the Great comedic actors of the second golden age of American cinema, he is set apart from other notables by his lack of personal problems, his candor, and zest for life. We should all be as fortunate as he for the blessings he was given. Mr. Candy you are and will be missed, and for as long as there are roofs there will be those of us who shout your name from atop them.Long Live SCTV, John Candy and the best Julia Child I have ever seen.
Matija Trost ...unfortunatelly not that great realization. All in all, throughout the movie i have a feeling that it could be done a lot more with a first-class producer and a actors, though John Candies is quite allright, but sadly nothing more. But, despite that, the comedy brings a few great laughs and that's why i give this movie 5 out of 10.