Defying Gravity
Defying Gravity
NR | 09 July 1997 (USA)
Defying Gravity Trailers

Popular frat guy Griff, the ultimate boy next boy, has a great big secret... Pete. Given an ultimatum by Pete, Griff goes the straight route until things get rough. Ultimately, defying reality is harder than he had ever imagined.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
richp-11 I don't know whether anyone has raved about how beautiful Daniel Chilson is. I have tried to search the net for some more information on him. On the contrary, the only one who was not attractive was his lover, Pete. It is hard to me to believe that any one so gorgeous as "Griff" would fall in love with anyone so homely as "Pete". That, of course, is a subjective opinion. I would recommend this picture to all gays where the themes are still quite valid and the good old boy atmosphere of frats still remains supreme. Even today, after so much "Gay Liberation" talk, reality is such that our society is still mainly homophobic. Straights even avoid seeing programs in which gay characters are featured. Effeminacy still makes them wince. Even gays wince when they see someone who is flaming. This, of course, continues to be unfair. I am not sure how to change all that. It certainly is not through film if straights won't see them. I know that a great amount of effort is expended trying to have us accepted just as another human being with the same needs as straights but when we see the governor of the only State where gay-marriage is legal, running for President and completely in favor of amending the constitution so as to eliminate the gay-marriage in Massachussets, and our own President in favor of the same, in spite of how the straights have turned marriage into a farce by divorcing over and over again, we then see what we are up against. We are still low man on the totem pole and it is because of the rotten hypocrisy of the fundamentalists of organized religion. I still think Daniel Chilson is gorgeous.
plumbweiss I first saw this film on DVD I borrowed from a friend, I enjoyed it so much I had to buy it myself the very next day.Essentially a love-story with twists and turns, it's set in a Frat-house.(so I believe its called....I'm British and we don't have those..) A sort of student household I suppose we'd call it.The main lead is Griff, he's got a secret boyfriend, the other guys in the house don't realise he's gay, and then something happens which threatens his little secret...I admit I shed a few tears during the film especially towards the conclusion, it's quite moving for a romantic like me. Griff, played by dishy Daniel Chilson, and his sweet co-star Pete (Don Handfield) are very easy on the eye and make a nice couple. Some of the Frat Brothers' acting skills lean towards the naive, even clunky, but it all adds to the charm in the end.My DVD copy is PAL and appears to be digitally converted from an NTSC film scan, this gives slightly disappointing quality in the same vein as a UK 'Friends' disc, eg slightly blurred movement and soft focus.
salan0629 I am not sure where to begin...the screenplay is convoluted, the performances overall are atrocious and the direction is confusing and base. The worst performance in this movie, by far, is that of Daniel Chilson. The fact that he was cast is further proof of director Keitel's ineptness. Yes, Chilson is lovely to look at but beyond that every "acting" moment is PAINFUL; and never once believable. The only redeeming factor in this movie is the performance of Don Handfield as Pete Bradley. Understated, pensive, and honest, Handfield is the clear standout in this cast. Thank goodness I find no other acting credits for Chilson! P.U.
TazNS I have finally seen Defying Gravity, and I have found the story line to be very good. It is hard to make life altering decisions like that. On the other hand the found the acting to be poor. Other then that it was a great movie and I would watch it again. It was nice to see that "Griff's" Friend stuck by him, even though he always knew. He was just waiting for Griff to tell him. It is hard to find friends like that is a TRUE friend. I will be checking out for simular movies, that have the same/basic story line. If anyone knows of any that you would recommend, please don't hesitate to forward them off. Thank You, Take Care And Have A Good One....I hope to get some feedback...TazNS