Deep Shock
Deep Shock
| 17 September 2003 (USA)
Deep Shock Trailers

When an unknown underwater object disables an American nuclear-powered submarine and attacks a submerged Arctic research complex, a scientific expedition flies to the North Pole to investigate these incidents as well as the sudden, inexplicable rise in temperature that threatens to melt the ice cap and flood the surface of the world.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
movieman_kev After a attack submarine named after Jimmy Carter suffers a tragic fate (no its not attacked by a giant invisible bunny rabbit), the U.N argues about global warming, one female scientist and her ex who still wants to bang her (don't ask me why as she's a bit of a daft twit) go to investigate, where she meets up/emphasizes with giant ice-melting eels. The whole scenario seems a bit fishy to me.If you actually find enjoyment in this cinematic excrement, you have to be seriously eel. It's no deep shock how electrifying bad this movie was going to be, but it was somehow much MUCH worse, I wanted to kEEL myself. By the end I only had my fish puns to keep my mind occupied, yes choosing to watch this was quite eel-conceived indeed.My Grade: F
clichekiller12 This was one of the worst movies EVER!!!!!!!! It was so bad, I was laughing through the WHOLE movie! The plot was SO cheesy; especially the end. This movie turns from an end-of-the-world-disaster to save-the-eels! I mean, c'mon! And I swear...I think they use SOCK PUPPETS for the eels! And there was this horrible kiss scene in the middle with the two main characters who happened to be divorced. How predictable! It was SO terrible that my mom, my sister, and I couldn't finish it, and when we DID finish it, it was about a year later! The second time we watched it and we finished it this time, we did MST3K-like comments throughout the movie.Summary: Only watch this if you're a movie basher! Make hilarious comments, watch this at a sleepover for laughs, and I mean HUGE laughs. Also watch for mockery. The metaphor that explains this movie: This movie is a very shallow field full of cheese and sock puppets!
Movie Nuttball This movie looked good according to the excellent picture on box and it was an exciting film that stars one of My favorite actors David Kieth. It was not what I thought it was though. With these giant electric eels which really looked like dragons it made the film unusual. The acting was good and the effects looked good. The music by Richard McHugh was good! Speaking of the music, I noticed that some of it especially in the first part in the main title which is also located in the beginning of the end credits sounds much like the score for The Fly II composed by Christopher Young! Its really neat music and I found it strange that it sounded alike! Though the movie may not be the best film or the best of its kind or it maybe really disappointing due to the huge creature on the box isn't in the film but give it a watch if you are a fan of David Kieth and/or the genre!
Michael O'Keefe A mediocre Sci-Fi Channel original picture. A little squirmish, but not much. The nuclear powered submarine U.S.S. Jimmy Carter is on a mission deep below thick frigid ice near the North Pole when it is attacked by giant super charged electric eels. A member of the crew (Simmone Jade Mackinnon)thinks she has devised a way to communicate with the monsters, but is not given much chance for vague reasons. Also among the crew are:David Keith, Mark Sheppard and Sean Whalen. This movie could have been somewhat better if the eels/monsters were not so cartoonish.