Deep Dark Canyon
Deep Dark Canyon
R | 23 April 2013 (USA)
Deep Dark Canyon Trailers

Bloom Towne is a small-town sheriff under the thumb of the well-established, deeply influential Mayor Dick Cavanaugh's family. When Bloom's two teenage sons, Nate and Skylar accidentally shoot and kill Dick during a deer-hunt, Bloom's long-held allegiance to the reigning Cavanaugh clan is tested. Skylar (still a minor) decides to take the wrap for his older brother Nate, claiming he fired the fatal shot. The Cavanaugh family's quick retaliation sends Skylar on his way to county jail, soon to be tried as an adult. Desperate and guilt-ridden, Nate breaks Skylar out of jail and sets off a chain of lawless acts, which send them deep into the woods and on the run. Bloom's choice between the law and his sons leads to revelations of old family secrets that threaten to destroy everything he loves.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
maximusgrande Yup, comments on this movie are all over the place, so let me clear up a few things.This is a low budget Indy film. A fairly simple story, small cast, local filming locations. The acting is awfully good, cinematography is crisp and beautifully shows the Northern California woodlands.Is the film perfect? No. Is it highly entertaining? Yes, indeed. Is it a feel-good package? Not even close. So ... it is an uncomplicated film with action, but character driven. I am quite comfortable recommending that people give this one a try.
shawnblackman An action thriller that has two teenage brothers hunting for deer in the woods when one of them accidentally kills the mayor who happens to be hunting as well. The boys happen to be the sheriff's sons which make matters worse upon arresting them. With one brother being released he fears the worst will happen to his brother so he breaks him out killing two officers in the process. Two handcuffed brothers set off in the woods which begins a manhunt with no intentions of arresting them just killing them.This film kept you on the edge with loads of tension. More plot is revealed adding on some layers. The music is awesome in this one as well. Violence is mild.Matthew Lillard is in this for two seconds and Justine Bateman is looking older in a weird waitress role.You'll enjoy this one.
rightwingisevil was praised obviously by one of the persons who's either the director or one of the producers. i have difficulty to distinguish this movie's genre, a horror one, a thriller or anything else that i just failed to categorized. the screenplay is kinda ridiculous, a mayor's family could have such independent super power to put law and the execution authority to hunt down couple of young people? what era is this? feudalism era or dark age? i just hate to see dimwit producers or lousy directors of b movies use IMDb to promote and fool people to watch their blind investments. this is not a movie that you'd go back to the movie theater and pay for the 2nd viewing experience. read carefully of that review and judge by yourself.when i watched it again, i've found out something even more ridiculous: when the two brothers ran to the object they shot and thought it to be a deer, their running route was just ridiculous, they ran along the forest opening in a very wide big curve, the victim was lying behind a big trunk and thick high bush. so it meant that it's absolutely impossible for them to shoot that target from where they hid, and it's impossible to see the target. this is so ridiculous, man.
Charles Cowles I really enjoyed this movie. Great cinematography that captures the rich colors of the Russian River, excellent sound track, good acting and an interesting story. I went to see it again yesterday, liked it even better the second time. Highly recommended! It's basically a chase movie, where two teenage brothers accidentally(?) shoot and kill the Guerneville town mayor, whose family the Cavanaughs pretty much own all of the businesses in the town and who were responsible for the sheriff (the boys' father) getting elected to town police chief. The boys escape from custody and go on the run while handcuffed to each other. The action is well paced and the story evolves in an interesting way that keeps the viewer wondering what's going to happen. In the end it all works out but maybe not the way one might suspect.
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