Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill
Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill
| 26 October 2004 (USA)
Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill Trailers

When a group of college kids stumble upon a small abandoned town of Sunset Valley, they must fight a band of Zombies led by a Confederate soldier seeking retribution for his grisly execution.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mrush I've waded through lots of zombie movies trying to find some good ones.And since Romero has only made 5 there aren't very many good ones among the loads of stinkers out there.This one was one of the worst pieces of homemade garbage I've seen yet in my quest to find good zombie movies.A group of what look to be mostly 20 year olds set off in a van on what I think was a going to a trip to a debating contest.Along the way they get hijacked by a dope dealer who is trying to find his partner who has disappeared out in the Arizona landscape somewhere.Anyway the group tracks the dope dealer to a ghost town in the middle of nowhere.Shortly after arriving the kids are attacked by the missing dope dealer who is all bloody and talks kinda funny.So immediately one of the debaters starts rattling off about the legend of Bloody Bill,a confederate solider ,who ended up out west after the war was over.Legend has it that Bill swore revenge on the town-folk who had killed him for bad stuff he did in the war.How they linked the wounded dope dealer up to Bloody Bill so quick was sort of glossed over and the kid who knew all the details was obviously and painfully reading his lines as we watched flashbacks of how Bill came to be.Anyway the town soon becomes alive with Bill's zombies who run from one old building to another ,as do the kids,in what sometimes looks like a Benny Hill chase scene without being anywhere near as entertaining.All we needed was "Yakety Sax" as background music.Speaking of music this film had one,what I took to be,death metal song with idiotic lyrics that was played over and over and over.But really so much was wrong with this film it isn't hardly worth mentioning it all.The zombies were those kind that were just sort of halfway done, no well done zombie make up here. In the flesh eating scenes,which there are very few, we see the cheapo looking rubber stuff instead of the real looking latex standing in for human flesh.In one scene a grenade goes off downstairs but in the shot outside we see the blast and smoke coming out an upstairs window.One guy runs around and around trying to escape the zombies but all the while keeps one hand on his Kenny Chesney looking cowboy hat to keep from losing it.No one in this film could act their way out of a wet paper bag.The plot and script were terrible and the special effects were as crappy as any I've seen.In short,this whole mess looks exactly like what it is.....a bunch of lame asses making a zombie movie without one single shred of talent whatsoever.It turns out looking like the homemade junk that it is.Hey I only paid a buck for this thing at Wal-Mart and I wish I had my dollar back.Yeah it was that bad.
Zombified_660 Bloody Bill (pardon me if I drop the rest of the ludicrously long title) is pretty good fun. The cast are enjoyably OTT, the premise is utterly ridiculous and there's zombies present in vast numbers. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and some effort has obviously been made to give it some original touches, whether cosmetic or within the storyline. In its field, it's pretty impressive.That said, it's field is straight-to-video horror, where the field varies from the 'really should have been in the theatre but wasn't' titles like Madhouse and Ginger Snaps right down to the 'if I'd paid more than rental for that I would have gone Mr T on somebody' output like Death Tunnel and Killjoy. Rest assured, Bloody Bill is thankfully in the top quarter of that spectrum, largely thanks to a dose of warped humour and the sheer volume of zombies it spits out, but it has some holes in it's jacket.Firstly, the storyline is borderline stupidity. A college debate team (yes, I said DEBATE TEAM) are carjacked by a young black guy (*cough* cliché *cough*) who drives them out to where he was meant to pick up his partner, who it turns out has been assimilated somehow into the zombie army of Bloody Bill, an undead confederate raider who's sworn vengeance on humanity. I'll give you a second while you regain your composure after the inevitable laughing fit. You will need your best suspension of disbelief hat on for this one, and possibly the matching underwear to go with it.Ignoring the stupidity of the plot (which actually it has to be said, is so stupid, it's amazing) the acting is not awful but not great either. The main characters, aforementioned young black guy aside (who steals the show with his catchphrase 'man, that ain't right!' and other scenes of daring-do) are either so annoying or so ineffectual that within split seconds of their mouth opening you're praying for a zombie attack to start up so you don't have to listen to them. The lead in particular is nails-down-chalkboard annoying, refusing to believe anything bad is happening seemingly until 50 minutes in, obviously going for the Scully dollar, even saying 'there has to be a rational explanation for this' several times throughout.Still, where it counts, on the zombie front, Bloody Bill delivers in spades, with an impressive 20-30 zombies on screen at once, charging about and causing lots of mayhem. Bloody Bill himself is cool, a little like John Carl Buechler's Forty-Niner but more decomposed and not quite such a bad-ass. Also, the movie is spiced up with some great moments of bad-taste humour and some pretty sick gore effects.As horror goes, Bloody Bill is a solid success, not exactly a film that'll blow you away, but unpretentious fun all the same, and worth a rent or a cheap buy if you see it somewhere.
sicparvismagna I love this movie. What's amazing is that I've never heard of any of these actors/actresses before and they're amazing at their jobs. The acting was fantastic. And they way they shot the film they made it look like they had a high budget. When most movies have low budgets, the screen is usually dark.. not much color. The music was great, too. My two favorite characters got killed :[. Dean and Denise. If you have not seen it, go rent it act Blockbuster. Better yet, buy it! It is a great movie. I can't wait for Death Valley 2: The Return of Bloody Bill to come out! Sure, it's a low budget film but it's worth.. the what? 12 dollars you would have to pay for it. Trust me, this movie kicks ass! The zombies are cool, too. Bloody Bill is one sexy son of a...
vladb2001 This is the most idiotic horror i've seen lately. Actors are absolute talentless teens and the big drug dealer seems to be at his very first movie, without any reversals. Please, movie makers, spare us these embarrassing productions. I do not recommend this, except to psychopathic little children =)). Extremely low budget, almost no plot (the entrance of Darrel is forced somehow, ... he was hitch hiking and suddenly he is in the middle of the action...). Well, the music was the only good thing about it. Oh, and what's with the "renoir" golden light on everything. To me - at least - golden doesn't inspire terror, but a heavenly atmosphere ... what were they thinking ? Seen session 9 ? GREEN IS THE COLOUR PPL !
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