Death in Small Doses
Death in Small Doses
| 15 September 1957 (USA)
Death in Small Doses Trailers

A government agent investigates the use of illegal amphetamines among long-haul truck drivers.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
MartinHafer A federal agent, Tom Kaylor (Peter Graves) is posing as a long-haul truck driver because of the damage being done by truck drivers using amphetamines in order to work their exhausting hours. The only really obvious lead is a trucker named 'Mink' (Chuck Connors), a guy who very obviously uses pills because he's perennially giddy and the acting is WAY over the top! But Mink won't talk and so Tom needs to keep his eyes open and be very, very careful because whoever is supplying the junk is more than willing to kill to keep this secret...and they soon end up beating Tom's co-driver to death because he asked too many questions!While occasionally the film is obvious and anything but subtle, it is entertaining and does provide a public service. I just wish they'd made Mink semi-realistic and explained that most Amphetamine users do NOT have hallucinations or end up in the Psyc Ward! It's not nearly as silly as films like "Reefer Madness" but if should have been a tad less goofy. It's really a shame, as the topic is an important one AND most of the movie was very good. Still, overall it is never dull and certainly is entertaining!!
calvinnme Peter Graves is a federal agent trying to find out the source of the amphetamines that is killing and driving insane so many long haul truck drivers. An opening segment shows one of the long haul truck drivers trying to stay awake and downing "bennies" as they call them here to the point where he sees cars where there are none, and swerves, crashing his truck and dying, grabbing the viewer's attention.Tom Kaylor (Graves) goes undercover as a student truck driver. He moves into the rooming house run by the widow of the dead truck driver from the opening segment.Tom keeps asking for bennies from people who he thinks might be selling them, and getting rebuffed - practically with a sermon - every time. His first partner on a long drive actually opens up to Tom about the bennie business and how the pills are killers and how he is going to ask around to see if he can find out who is supplying them. He winds up beaten to death.There are a number of suspects as usual in this kind of film, and it keeps you guessing as to whether they are in on the pill business or just afraid of crossing those who are. The end is rather anti-climactic as the person who is the guilty party doesn't evoke either anger or sympathy from the audience. Plus the opening segment makes you believe that Kaylor is after a "Mr. Big", and this person hardly comes across like that.The best part of this film is seeing Chuck Connors of "The Rifleman" TV fame, which is a role that is to come only a year later,as a perpetually hyped up hepcat amphetamine addict of a truck driver, "Mink", who also lives in the boarding house with Tom. It's worth the price of admission just to see him hammily - and figuratively - climbing the walls.I'm giving this five points for Chuck Connors' cheesy performance and for the great roadhouse atmosphere of a bygone era - of boarding houses, transistor radios, cramped ma and pa diners with friendly service, of long haul working stiffs just trying to make ends meet. Then there is the sympathetic treatment the actual addicts are given. Considerable time is taken to show how some of the addicts got trapped in the web of addiction with a good dose of empathy.
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** FDA Agent Tom Kayler, Peter Graves, is sent undercover as a student trucker to uncover a drug ring that providing truckers amphetamines known as "Bennies" to keep them awake during their long and tedious cross country hauls. It doesn't take long for Kayler to get his trucker partner Wally Morse, Ron Engle, to open up on what's going on in the trucking industry in him being addicted to "Bennie" himself and not keeping it, by popping them all the time, secret. In Kayler trying to find out the identity of the Mr. Big who's behind the drug smuggling operation causes Wally, who just couldn't keep his mouth shut, to be murdered by Mr. Big's thugs for talking too much.Kayler for his part keeps on digging and finally gets a lead with his new trucking partner hipster and beatnik like Mink Reynolds,Chuck Conners. Mink is so strung out on "Bennies" that it's a miracle that he can drive a tricycle much less an 18 wheeler. Minks addiction to "Bennies"soon lead to him freaking out and attacking Kayler that lead him to him, after Kayler flattened him, ending up in the hospital emergency ward suffering from a serious case severe drug with-drawls. Soon it becomes evident that Mr. Big is working out of Dunc Clayton's, Robert B. Williams, truck stop that's a popular watering hole for Mink who seems to get his supply of "Bennies" there. With Kayler getting too close to the source, Mr. Big or Mr. Brown as he's known, of who's behind the drug ring he's set up to be whacked like Wally was by one of Mr.Big's top henchmen. ***SPOILERS*** As we and Kayler soon find out this drug operation a lot bigger then he even imagined. Big enough to have him put his guard down in becoming deeply involved with with the person, not Mr.Big, who's been secretly running it right from the start! Never getting his hair mussed up or his fine tailored and pressed clothes, as a trucker, soiled Peter Graves as DEA Agent Tom Kayler almost single handedly puts an end to this drug operation! But not without the help of Dunc Clayton who changed sides when convinced, by Kayler, that he'll be iced along with Kayler by his drug pushing cohorts. The ending has a still immaculately dressed, this time with a suite and tie, Kayler confront the real Mr.Big who, in after trying to bribe Kayler to lay off, doesn't realize that he not only has the goods on him but also has the cops and DEA Agents waiting outside about arrest and cuff him!
dougdoepke Truckers depend on illegal amphetamines to stay awake over long distances, causing a number of road accidents. So the government assigns an undercover agent to expose the criminal connections.I expect this film amounts to an offspring of 1955's Man With a Golden Arm, the first post-war film to deal seriously with drug addiction. More directly is 1956's Bigger Than Life that dramatizes the maddening effects of a new prescription drug on an over-worked schoolteacher (James Mason). Up to 1955, drug addiction was pretty much taboo among non-exploitation filmmakers. So this minor oddity was dealing with an unusual topic not conventionally seen on the screen. (As a teen seeing the movie on initial release, I recall being puzzled by the topic).The movie itself is standard Hollywood expose—the clean-cut gov't agent (Graves), the nefarious criminal ring, a mysterious headman, plus a winsome romantic interest (Powers). Still, the director is Joe Newman who could occasionally rise above the potboiler as I think he does here with some effective touches. Note the well-played surprise twist, along with pill-popping Chuck Connors, a really long way from his sober-sided role in The Rifleman. In fact, I wouldn't have believed Connors' giddy performance if I hadn't seen it. Thanks to the several twists, unusual subject matter, and the manic Connors, the movie remains an oddly memorable potboiler, despite the lowly origins.
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