Death by Dialogue
Death by Dialogue
R | 25 November 1988 (USA)
Death by Dialogue Trailers

A guy and four of his friends visit his crippled uncle, a taxidermist who lives with his housekeeper next to a movie set. Pretty soon people start being killed in the manner they are in the script of the movie being filmed next door.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Coventry Only in the 1980's, those gloriously dim-witted 1980's, it was possible for an over-enthusiast young writer/director to present a concept about a murderous horror movie screenplay and actually find the necessary financial means to make the film! "Death by Dialogue" is bottom-of-the-barrel 80's guff, complete with insufferable lead characters, zero tension building and a fairly high number of WTF-moments. The film is an attempt to amalgamate a typical slasher plot with an edge of supernaturalism, but the result is beyond retarded. The first half hour is still okay, albeit full of clichéd situations and hilariously inept 80's characteristics. The opening sequence, for example, is quite funny when a caretaker mistakes a hideous demon for his employer and yells at her: "Why don't you fire me!". The demon then literally sets him on fire, ha ha! Then there's a the exemplary credits sequence, depicting five stupid twenty-something losers driving up to a remote holiday destination in their convertible, guided by an atrociously cheesy 80's pop song. There's the hero and his girlfriend, the wannabe James Dean cool dude and the token black guy (Ken Sagoes from "Nightmare on Elm Street 3 & 4"). After the obligatory 'we-are-having-fun-playing-kids-games' montage, the dumb posse stumbles upon an ancient horror movie script that is possessed with the evil spirit of a murdered journalist. Yes, that's right! The script summons demons on motorcycles and heavy metal rock bands and actually causes people to die in various idiotic ways. "Death by Dialogue" is a really stupid film with tacky special effects and pathetic demon masks. The fog machines are working overtime and the barn love-making sequence has to be seen in order to be believed. The couple has steamy & passionate sex, although the girl never removes her panties, while the barn fills up with demonic forces until the girl literally blows out of her socks.
Red-Barracuda Death By Dialogue. What a title. What an amazingly rubbish title. I am stunned that there are no alternative names that this film went out under. But, then again, this film is something else.Synopsis: This film is about an evil film script. Its horrific contents come to life and terrorise a group of teenagers.I have seen some rubbish in my time but this movie possesses moments of such stunningly memorable idiocy that I was somewhat taken aback. The very idea of a film script that is possessed by an evil spirit is hilariously silly. The script was for a film called 'Victims' and it was clearly written by a thirteen year old boy. The horrors that are unleashed by the script include a killer poodle-permed rock band, a seven-foot tall sword-wielding madman and two motor-cycle morons. I don't know about 'Victims', I would have thought that a better name would've been 'Eighties Cheese'.This is one of those bad movies that contains moments of laugh-out-loud hilarity but also is hindered by atrocious pacing. Some scenes just go on and on and we do have to wait for the funny bits. But when those funny bits appear they are pretty much top-drawer, i.e. I challenge anyone not to laugh when the hair metal band pitches up in the woods. Too funny. At another time the protagonists decide that the best way to defeat the evil in the script would be to simply re-write it with happy stuff. Seems reasonable? Incredibly they mess up this very straightforward task by rewriting the script with one of the daftest non-escape plans ever conceived. In yet another random event – this film is a series of random events – we have a dream sequence involving a woman in a gown kneeling by a pool who meets an idiot in a racing car by a tree. Go figure.It's all senseless and very haphazardly put together. But it's worth one viewing, if only to be stunned by it's monumental daftness. It does have moments of anti-genius. It's like a cross between The Evil Dead, The Edge of Hell and an episode of Scooby Doo. Although, much worse than all of those. Venture at your peril.
Steve Nyland (Squonkamatic) Now here we see the other end of the extreme when it comes to movies with or without charisma. Earlier tonight I subjected myself to 1988's TEEN VAMP, an anemic attempt to blend comedy antics, American Graffiti nostalgia and vampire hyjinx that had all the charisma of a small soap dish from the dollar store. Now, we watch DEATH BY DIALOGUE, also from 1988 and a vehicle for the then red-hot Ken Sagoes, which by comparison is *ALL* charisma. It is entertaining, risqué, inappropriately amusing, riddled with nudity & graphic gore, filled with loud, cheesy 80's rock, has a muddled, incomprehensible plot line with maybe six brain cells in it's at times pretty head, and I've watched it twice now. No idea what happens during the story, but it's fun, sleazy, colorful and at times pretty inventive.The movie is supposedly about a group of teen agers who are all pushing 26 or so that find themselves trapped in a web of terror & murder patterned after a movie script found in the basement of a house next to a studio. What it *REALLY* is about, however, is blond girls with nice butts + bewbs, 1980s fashions & hair styles, low budget direct to home video horror movie production, and people getting their heads chopped off, exploded by horrific 80's arena metal rock, skewered with large chopping/cutting instruments, and seeing the blond girls with the nice bodies without their clothes on. By concentrating it's sights directly on the gutter and shooting straight about it's nature the movie succeeds brilliantly: This is the best party movie I have seen since NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR.Anyone looking for serious acting, artful cinematography, meaningful dialog and socially aware thematic relevance would be well advised to rent ERIN BROKOVICH and give their brains a rest. But if you need a movie to drink beer to here you go. A typical scene has a guy dressed up like Clancy Brown from HIGHLANDER swinging his sword around like a fool while pyrotechnic explosions highlight his two evil minions jumping their motorcycles while the Scorpion-esquire arena rock chugs out the beat. It looks waaay cool, but whatever ideas there are behind the imagery are not manifest. Here is a movie that is all surface image, devoid of sub-textural agendas and meanings that go beyond the obvious. My favorite part starts with a couple fornicating up in a barn loft: We are treated to ample shots of the amply chested blond riding her amply-bellied lover while weird, dry ice fog and blue lit events disturb the structure. At the height of their sexual coupling the female is literally blown through the wall of the barn to her (unseen) doom, and the understandably perplexed porker whom she had been riding stumbles out with his fashionable yellow trousers around his ankles, wondering aloud wazzup. He then has a nightmarish run through a patch of woods before coming upon an 80's Arena Rock Metal band playing "When The Ax Does Fall" or whatever it's called. They look like Def Leppard's unlucky younger brother. And again, at the climax of their performance the guitarist swings his guitar around in the air like Steve Jones from that Sex Pistols movie and smashes it down on the head of the bewildered porker, which naturally causes it to explode into a ball of spewing mush.What does it all mean? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. And if you look for meaning or depth in this film you will be wasting your time. But if you want to laugh, check out hawt babez in various states of undress, see people get their heads chopped off and stuff get blowed up real good, bingo. I admire the movie's honesty in not trying to be anything but complete crap, and having a sense of humor about itself that is quite refreshing. So here you go: Two movies, same year, same kind of productions (though DEATH BY DIALOGUE does look like it had a healthier budget than TEEN VAMP), same kind of target audience, same medium of home video oriented productions and they could not have turned out more differently if they had been aware of each other & made a point to be different. DEATH BY DIALOGUE is easily the stupider of the two, but at least has the distinction of being entertaining.7/10: The expression "Garbage In, Garbage Out" comes to mind.
mattressman_pdl This spirited little low-budget horror film deserves more than it's reputation. I had the fortune of picking this film up (believe it or not) on DVD and needless to say I wasn't expecting much from a film called Death by Dialogue, with a possessed script and an 80's alt-rock band starring Ken Sagoes, who was one of my favorite characters from NOES. The film does have some ultra cheesy moments but it's decently crazy and gory at times. Plus...nudity. I'd say if you find it on television or in the old releases at your local videostore, be a good-little slasherhound and pick it up and give it a view. As stupid as it is it's worth at least that much.