Dear Murderer
Dear Murderer
NR | 07 May 1948 (USA)
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When a man discovers his wife is having an affair, he commits the perfect crime.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
blanche-2 Eric Portman, Greta Gynt, Dennis Price, and Jack Warner star in "Dear Murderer," a 1947 film courtesy of Gainsborough Productions.Portman plays Lee Warren, an Englishman who has to be away for eight months in the U.S. setting up a New York office for his firm. His wife Vivien, who has cheated on him before, promises him she is over all that and will write every day. She keeps it up for a while and then the letters stop. Warren sees a photo of her in a Tattler magazine with one Richard Fenton (Price) and knows she's being unfaithful again.The film actually begins with Warren dropping in on Fenton and announcing that he's going to kill him, and that it will be the perfect crime. Complications ensue, not the least of which is that dear Vivien has another boyfriend as well. Fenton decides to kill two birds with one big stone.Really excellent suspense film with the beautiful Gynt looking incredible in some fabulous clothes, including the gown she wears when we first see her - it would cause a splash at today's Oscar ceremony. Jack Warner, who seems to be always playing a police detective, is here in his familiar role again.A perfect Sunday afternoon movie and if you're a lover of mystery and suspense as I am, you'll enjoy this.
secondtake Dear Murderer (1947)What a fabulous, complicated, feint and double feint movie about murder, attempted and otherwise. It's a very British feeling film, and though it has a film noir darkness (very dark, in my copy), it doesn't have the angularity nor the action of an American noir. More defining, though, is the deliberate parlor game feel to this very deadly situation. You might compare (if comparing is helpful) to the Joan Crawford "Sudden Fear" to make this most obvious.There is a lot of sparring with words here, very smartly written, and you have to pay attention as the intentions of the characters seem to be shifting all the time. You have to have the low key, steadfast, opaque, and clever detective of course, and the detective here is brilliantly all those things. And you have to have motive, which we have in abundance.And you need abundance since so much is going to go wrong here. Eric Portman is the key figure through it all, and he plays a jilted husband with laconic brilliance. His wife, and his wife's several lovers, are all excellent in support, each either surpassingly innocent at heart despite their adulteries, or really devious and selfish. It's beautifully constructed, and really a joy. But you have to pay attention. No getting up for popcorn here.
Neil Doyle ERIC PORTMAN finds his wife has been cheating on him and decides to commit the perfect murder by doing away with her lover (DENNIS PRICE). Sound familiar? Of course, it does.It's been done so many times before and usually more effectively. At least Portman does a commendable job in an unlikeable characterization and his wife (GRETA GYNT) is a sly and cunning female of the type you'd expect in this kind of crime melodrama. She's rather smitten with one of her suitors (MAXWELL REED) and her loyalty to him causes her downfall when she tries to outfox her husband.It's slow moving and obviously based on a stage play with most of the action confined to a few sets with lots of stage dialog. The director lets the pace lag considerably and never speeds things up for what is supposed to be a surprise ending.Anyone looking for a tense crime of passion will be disappointed. It ambles along at its own slow pace, but most viewers will want to see how it all ends. Should have been a lot more suspenseful.
calvertfan Very slow moving, but still compelling, worth sticking with till the bitter end, if only to see how it all pans out.Lee finds out his wife is having an affair, so he kills the man, and sets it up to look like a suicide. Only problem is, his wife has stopped having an affair with that man, and moved onto a new affair!Greta Gynt, looking a lot like Gene Tierney, is great, as are Hazel Court and Andrew Crawford, whose parts were unfortunately very small. If you're getting bored, take heed that the movie does pick up an awful lot in the last quarter! 7/10