Dead Men Walking
Dead Men Walking
R | 25 October 2005 (USA)
Dead Men Walking Trailers

A viral outbreak turns those who are infected into the walking dead. Soon, the undead are contained, being kept in a maximum security prison. However, those who contained the undead are also trapped in this zombie-infested prison. Their only hope is to escape; but once you're inside this prison, there's really no way of getting out safely.

TinsHeadline Touches You
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
MrGKB ...but "Dead Men Walking" tries awfully hard to nail down the dishonor. I'm startled to notice that male IMDbers 18 and under are the cohort with the most accurate rating of this piece of trash. Penned with all the savoir faire of a middle-schooler (and I really don't mean to demean middle-schoolers), directed with all the lifelessness of an aspiring Ed Wood, Jr., and lensed by someone who apparently specializes in direct-to-video knockoffs of infinitely better films, this sad turkey has virtually no redeeming features whatsoever. It's a dud that makes junk like "Days of Darkness" look like "Citizen Kane." Did I mention that the script sucks? It does, and the direction, production values, and acting aren't much better, once again proving that you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Indifferent acting aside, even the casting sucks, with the most egregious offenders being zombie extras who can't seem to get it out of their heads that they're not in a mosh pit, despite the obligatory death/thrash metal score whenever these drips are on camera.Sorry, dudes, this is crap with a capital "C," unfit for human consumption. Just another sad excuse for work, and unworthy of attention by anyone with a functional brain. It gets a point more than it deserves for a few moments of genuine attempts at real acting, two brief bare boobies, and an opening sequence that promised far, far, far more than this wretched excuse for cinematic entertainment ever provides.
lastliberal I wouldn't either if I was laying on top of Bernadette Perez. There just wasn't anything going on that was more important at the time. I can't wait to see her again in Werewolf in a Women's Prison.But you are not here for that. What about the movie? It seems to be a remake of Dawn of the Dead/Night of the Living Dead, except this time in a prison, where they hid someone who was infected. The whole prison goes down, including the favorites. Now, that is just a crying shame, as you have to root for Perez, Bay Bruner, and the cat-burglar. No tears for the dude who's "top of the food chain."Maximum vomiting and entrails all over the place. If you like blood, you'll love this one.
Arelyx I want the hour and a half of my life spent watching this back. Horrible acting, horrible sound dubbing, randomly added characters which made no sense. Its nice that the director cast his girlfriend as a leading role, but make sure she has even the slightest ability to act. Add on top of that the same rerun action scenes to fill any and all boring and plot lacking scenes. The main question is why? Why give money to make a horrible film like this when I can make more quality cinema on my camera phone. Why was a random Hispanic family living in a maximum security prison? Why was a random inmate having a intimate visit in a broom closet that no one seeming knew about? Where we supposed to be moved by the melodrama of the preacher suicide? The best part of this film? The credits...why, because of the symbolic message that it was finally over and I could stop beating my head against a wall. The most important question? Why did I even bother to watch this entire movie and not switch channels to watch Richard Simmons infomercials?
sign543 I read all the reviews here...went into the watching of this film with the knowledge that, yes, it's low budget...yes, the actors are virtually unknown...yes, it's a B Horror Gore Fest. I was expecting the worst. (Great DVD Cover, by the way.) Despite all of that, this film is not a total train wreck. I even enjoyed it. The story line is pretty clear...straight forward. The special effects are very effective, gore, blood-vomiting and gut-eating at all the right spots. If you are a true fan of that sort of thing...this film delivers.I've watched many badly made films and usually, when they are total train wrecks, you can't get past a certain point in the film. Eventually, you just stop watching or eject the DVD. That never happened with this one. It piqued my interest from beginning to end. I wanted to see what was going to happen next. Yes, the acting wasn't first rate, but it was good enough to move the film along nicely.My biggest complaint is the lighting. It was too dark, too often. They used a very greenish filter on most of the scenes and sometimes it was distracting. When you notice the lighting effects too can't be good. Also, the warden's young son wasn't as believable as he could have been. When their are limb-ripping, blood-covered, shrieking zombies running in every expect fear in a little kid. Instead, he mostly just stands there, looking like he was waiting for direction from the director.So, I went in expecting the worst...and came away with an entertaining 80-something minutes. I liked it despite the flaws.I would also like to say that I rented two films last night: This one...and The Da Vinci Code. I couldn't make it through the Da Vinci Code. This one had me entertained through the entire film. Kudos to the filmmakers. Keep pumping out these gore-fests. The fans are waiting. ;)