Dead in 3 days
Dead in 3 days
| 21 July 2006 (USA)
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When Nina and her high school friends receive eerie text messages declaring that they will all die within three days, they dismiss it as a hokey prank - until one by one, the pals start turning up dead in the alpine countryside. With the cops stymied, Nina and her remaining friends must scour their past for clues to identify the madman before he kills them all.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
loomis78-815-989034 Five friends fresh from graduating high school all get a text message saying they will be dead in 3 days. One by one this starts coming true with Martin (Laurence Rupp) being abducted and drown in the local lake. Nina (Reiter) finds his body and she is taken next from her home by the killer. She almost has the same fate but is rescued at the last moment. After another of the group dies in a gory death which ends in decapitation, the police want to know if the three of them were ever involved in anything in the past. They obviously lie and realize they were. A boy died in an accident many years ago and the group feels it could be his mother attempting revenge. Part slasher film, part mystery, this Austrian film has a fair amount of gore and a creepy killer until the reveal at the end. Everything is handled well by Director Andreas Prochaska and there is some suspense as well, still, the movie lacks punch and nothing is very memorable when it is over. You could do a lot worse than this if you are looking for a newer slasher film to feast on, there's just nothing here that stands out.
Scarecrow-88 A man hangs himself. Five youths, just graduated from school, hit a deer while celebrating in exhilarated spirits, while driving down the road in their SUV. A tragic incident involving a kid who drowned after falling through a fragile sheet of ice due to the attempt at securing a puck while playing ice-hockey with five other children. A warning to the five high-schoolers who put the deer out of it's misery that they will die in exactly three days. All these plot elements converge by the film's end, establishing the motive for why a mysterious predator is targeting the young adults just fresh out of high school, exasperated at surviving and optimistic about the future.The film's setting(..a city surrounded by giant, snowy mountains and water)is beautiful, the camera-work striking, and the acting good. But, the film treads familiar waters and the story-line isn't even remotely original. The killer wears a black slicker and leather gloves, there's a brief amount of nudity, and a bit of graphic violence( murder sequence, featuring a victim's head immersed in a fish take, her throat tearing into the sharp edges of the aquarium, is particularly grisly)which might please slasher fans, because Dead in 3 Days features the familiar aspects all too common in the genre. The conclusion has annoyingly stupid behavior by the three remaining principles(..not excluding a really dumb decision of a younger sister to one of the group who follows after them)who up and decide to return to the lake house where the first victim was found tied to a rock used to hold him underwater. This lake house is of major importance to the plot for it pertains to the dead kid whose father was so grief-stricken he decided to take his own life. A blatantly obvious red herring is provided, but I have a feeling his dismissal from the plot won't surprise anyone. How the three remaining survivors aren't able to defend themselves against the killer who stands idle in this cold-blank trance-like state is really rather contrived. Obvious influences include One Missed Call(..the foreboding text message to those targeted)and I Know What You Did Last Summer(..youths involved in the accidental murder of an innocent).
hasosch "In Drei Tagen Bist Du Tot" (2006) is an excellent slasher movie from Austria, a land that has, since the silent time, proved to deliver constantly world-class movies like no other German speaking land did. To whoever does not believe that, I highly recommend the "Hoanzl" collection with several hundreds of region-free available DVDs amongst which you will even find early Mihaly Kertesz = Michael Curtiz movies amongst other classics about which the non-European audience can just dream."In Drei Tagen Bist Du Tot" is remarkable in many respects: First, it is the first Austrian slasher movie. Second, practically all actors have never acted before. Third, the budged was 2 millions of Euros for which in Hollywood one would not even take a camera out of its closet. Third, the whole movie is spoken in Salzkammer dialect and, as usual in Europe, filmed In Loco. (On the contrary, in Hollywood movies it is usual nowadays that the beginning is filmed in Utah, the main part in Rumania, and the end in Canada.) In 2007, "In Drei Tagen Bist Du Tot" got amazingly the Austrian film price, the now so-called "Austrian Ticket" which was given before, in 1996, to Vilsmaier's "Schlafes Bruder". I also welcome this movie because Horror has a very small tradition in European film-making. While the Swiss film De Facto died with Kurt Früh in 1979 and the German film with Fassbinder in 1982, our whole hope stays with Austria.
shakesbeer As mentioned before this movie probably is the first one of its kind to be made in Austria by Austrians artists only. Austria's good times in the movie industry have long been gone and modern Austrian filmmakers concentrate mainly on producing artistic stuff that relies heavily on the actors (mostly due to funding problems). So this film is quite different from what is coming from Austria nowadays but it's not so different from what is coming from Hollywood. That's a new approach and that's OK. In my opinion the movie is better than the average Scary Movie flick. The story is quite straightforward, the ending is adept though not too surprising. The gory scenes come at the times you expect them to come. Sometimes you know what is going to happen before but that's what we call suspense and if it was good enough for Hitchcock it's good enough for everyone. And it works here too! The movie doesn't stay on a high level of tension all the time. It speeds up then slows down then speeds up again several times. Nice flow. The director does a really good job and I especially appreciated the cinematography. Some really nice pictures, good camera positioning. The cutting was good too and makes the movie look more expensive and professional than it was.The young actors are mostly unknown but mostly talented and add to the overall positive impression the film made on me.I enjoyed watching the film although it's not a perfect piece of work (therefore my score of 7/10) but judge for yourself. Let's hope there will be more to see from the people who made this movie. I think there is still a lot of potential to explore.