Dead Genesis
Dead Genesis
| 10 August 2010 (USA)
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Seven months have passed since the dead took over. Many cities and states have been abandoned and left to die. Several self sufficient hunting groups have been established to take on the threat in a war aptly referred to as the 'War on Dead'. Jillian Hurst, a former news writer and amateur documentarian, has set out to make a pro-war propaganda film to support the W.O.D. She joins up with a pack of renegade hunters known infamously to North America as 'the deadheads'. The moral dynamics and hardships of fighting in a war against the undead are told from several different perspectives.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Tina Willis In the first 5 minutes of this movie, I was drawn in. What a great beginning! (That kid must have zombie fan parents!) It was sufficiently and realistically gory and heartbreaking. The zombies looked great. Good make up, realistic blood and guts with good camera use, focusing well on the action, getting a good view! (Only down side I noticed was the skin was a little too elastic) When they "ate" the SEE them eating the guts!! I loved the new take on the old genre. Taking the zombies and making sport out of them. I have always thought, especially with the slow moving Romero style zombie, how easy it would be to subdue them. This movie is about the morality, of killing. Even if it is zombies. Is it "right" to support the "war on the dead" This is the first movie that really explores, in this direction. I thought it was a little satirical. But I'm a sarcastic person....It IS definitely a philosophical zombie flick, if you can imagine that!! The acting was not Hollywood great, but it was still done well enough I found myself interested and intrigued. It did roll quite slow, and I would of liked to see more zombie action, since it was done so well! Within 20 minutes, the shaky camera syndrome was making me a bit dizzy, but I didn't notice it too much after that. This movie is shown in the view of the lead character, a female reporter and her investigations of a "hunting group" while out in the world, hunting zombies with them. If you LOVE the genre like I do, and discussion/conversation in a movie doesn't bother you ,I think you should give this film a chance.
Leofwine_draca Another rubbish no-budget zombie film that makes you wish that the genre had died a death for real. This one tries a slightly different approach to the genre than usual, which means we get some harmless and over-obvious philosophising and moralising along with the cheesy gore effects and repetitive zombie attacks. But whatever way you look at it, this is a mindless shot-in-the-woods outing no better than the equally poor NAZI ZOMBIES.The slimline plot sees a would-be reporter infiltrating a group of zombie hunters who are camped out in the local woods. These guys call themselves Dead Heads, which I thought was a nickname for fans of the EVIL DEAD movies, which gives some inkling of the paucity of imagination on offer here. What follows is badly-scripted, with flat, boring characters every which way you look, and "direction" which consists of somebody shaking the camera about in a cinema verite style. Don't get me started on the amateur hour acting or other poor technical qualities; instead, skip this one entirely and try something else.
GL84 After joining up with a roving band of zombie hunters attempting to rid the world of the creatures, a documentarian following their actions finds that they're far more unbalanced than expected and tries to rely on them to get out of the epidemic alive.A fairly enjoyable, though pretty problematic offering that manages to feature a few substantial flaws. The main one, the incredibly irritated shaking camera effect that renders the majority of this one's action scenes nearly impossible to make out and thus really renders them impossible to understand which is what you want in that situation. There's also the fact that there's just no accounting for all the unnecessary tangents this goes into at the end, where it seems to be about three or four different ideas at once but not one really meshes with the film's central storyline as a whole and feels really out-of-place. That said, there's some pretty good stuff here, from the numerous shoot-outs with the zombie swarms they encounter along the way, gets in some pretty decent bloodletting along the way with some fine zombie make-up as well. The main thing, though, is the opening which is probably as gruesome and shocking a way to do so as there's been, breaking one of the golden taboos of horror films quite readily and not really making any qualms about doing so, which gives it points as well as for the general creativeness on display, but it's not enough to overcome the flaws.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Full Nudity and violence-against-children.
Den23 While I commend a very low budget Canadian production for actually getting distributed, and I can over look most production issues due to shooting on a shoe string (been there).I couldn't watch more than 25 minutes of this movie due to shaky cam syndrome. It was like watching a video shot on full zoom, held with one hand.I watch movies on my 80" projected 16x9 screen and the excessive shaky cam look made me ill. (SCS seems to occurring more and more in low budget productions lately. Very sad.) Unfortunately the above issue didn't allow me to see enough to critique plot/acting.