R | 08 May 1993 (USA)
Daybreak Trailers

When a substantial portion of the nation's populace falls victim to a deadly plague, the tyrannical government quarantines them in camps, offering no alternative except death. But a gutsy rebel named Torch sets out to help the afflicted by leading an underground effort to spirit the victims to humane sanctuary.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
moviemaster The good news...Gooding is good. That's it, nothing else. The bad news... almost everything else. Obviously this was a play/movie written about the US with the specter of AIDS in mind. In 1993, it might have been horrifying. But one of the yardsticks by which to judge works of art is durability... I can still watch Metropolis and marvel at its perception. This work makes me marvel that it was even released. So, it's Sci-Fi? When is it supposed to be happening? Looks like 1993 or earlier to me. Well, as far as I know, bush wasn't president then and all this fascist drivel was not being dished up by Clinton in 1993. It's hard to tell which is more inept, the govt. or the insurgents. The insurgents seem to have little ability to plan and the govt. couldn't catch a cold. Every time they get near the insurgents to capture them, everyone starts running around like KeyStone Kops and the "terrorists" get away. Gooding is good, but Kelly is not (although she can be.) Her lines are so sickeningly sweet, one feels he's been globbed by a honey pot every time she starts one of her love chats. Everyone else is just predictable. If this was supposed to be a projection of what might happen if no cure for AIDS was found and they started quarantining, I suppose it was worth the effort. It does depict people as having few morals except for self-preservation. That's accurate.
Lenny Nero I it is strange as I read through all of the other write ups is the big split between the people who think it was good and the others who think it was not much middle ground, I often think that is the mark of a good film.Having seen this twice now the first time with nothing to watch flicking around I catch it just as the two girls are running out of the 'testing centre' within 10 minutes I had seen the start of a good story that followed on to the end. Yes it did get a bit thin towards the end but it was a TV movie so I did not expect a $50 million block buster it works for what it was. Even so it still had that ability to show the real problems of parts of society and that if some things are not property addressed that they could easily turn out that way.
Billy_Crash If you want to see some fine actors in a really bad movie, this is it."Daybreak" is a poorly written and drawn out science fiction abouta fascist US government using the fear and paranoia of a virus tocontrol the population.But instead of a riveting drama focused on the misuse ofinformation and abuse of public office, "Daybreak" weighs itselfdown with a romance that buries any possibility of strong socialcommentary.Regardless, a young Cuba Gooding Jr., Moira Kelly and MarthaPlimpton show their merit.
decoy Being what it is (a TV-movie), I was surprised by the excellent plot and deep characters portrayed by Daybreak. Though I'm a devoted Moira Kelly fan, I tend to view the strong side of traditional, socially critical science fiction as being the more important part in the enchantment of the film. A later movie with similar intent is Gattaca - both these handle the subject of being different in an intolerant society. But where Gattaca is cooler and more controlled, Daybreak is a bit more lightheaded and dramatic - an ounce of romance counters nicely the oozing intellectuality of the newer creation...