| 08 March 2016 (USA)
Darkweb Trailers

A mysterious group has created a sadistic venture. Kidnapping young women, they auction the rights to hunt them to millionaires with a thirst for blood - and broadcast the hunt on the dark web for the world to see.

Wordiezett So much average
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
GUENOT PHILIPPE Yes I love this crap - because it's a crap of course - I love it for the simple Reason that in this stupid and senseless story, good guys are not so different from the bad guys. And most of all, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS everybody dies at the end. No happy endings. THAT'S WHY I LOVE THIS FILM. I apreciated the couple, sub characters, who seemd to be sympathetic, but who were eventualy not so good after all. And every time Danny glover appeared on screen I laughed.
Al A total waste of time. I felt sorry for the cast. Why and how this film ever got made is beyond reason. Don't bother renting this turkey. SPOILER ALERT: The brother dies and the lead blonde woman is run over by a truck. That's how it ends. The lead woman doesn't prevail. The bad guys win. Very unsatisfying ending.
gjenevieve It is not as bad as the reviews that I read nor the overall rating it has. I almost didn't watch the movie at all after reading the reviews. I decided to go ahead and watch it anyway, figuring that if it really was as awful as everyone said, I could always just not finish it.Good points: 1) The movie runs at a pretty good pace. I was rather surprised by that. I was expecting it to be slow and labored. 2) Not a bad premise. The idea behind a bunch of sick people gathering together to hunt down a person in order to make money and other sickos making a movie of the ordeal to put on the darkweb for profit is a good one. 3) Some of the story lines are not that bad. 4) It is not an unbelievable premise. I can easily see that there would be people out there that would do this kind of thing. 5) Danny Glover is in it. 6) There were some good fight scenes. 7) There were a couple of points that were a bit tense. I found myself holding my breath. 8) Some interesting plot twists.Bad points: 1) There is often a lack of syncing with what people say and their mouths. It does not always match. It isn't the worst syncing I have ever seen and it isn't so bad as to be awful to watch. 2) The acting is not the best. It also, however, is not the worst. I have definitely seen some movies that had way worse acting. 3) There are some plot holes that make some of the movie not quite as believable as it should have been. I added 3 plot holes to the goofs section and labeled them as spoilers. 4) The two women that were part of the hunting party were not that believable. I would have written their characters much differently. 5) Danny Glover's part is not well written and he does not have a prominent enough role. 6) I do not understand who some of the people were, especially the ones at the end of the movie. 7) The ending did not really make sense as I did not know who the people were at the end of the movie.
deltawing-77417 I can't believe haw bad this movie is, the acting is simply terrible, I guess the whole movie had a budget of 20.000 $ and they had to finish it in a week. The only good thing in the movie is the lead actress Petra Silander because of her looks, everything else (her acting too) is stunningly terrible. The story is thousand times seen cliché and the fighting scenes are bad to mediocre. An example how a movie should not be made.It should have been some combination of "Hunger games" and "Hostel", or thriller with a horror elements but fails miserably. I guess the director knowing that the script is disaster rented his friends for free so the movie can be filmed. You will feel sorry for your time.