Deadliest Prey
Deadliest Prey
| 27 October 2013 (USA)
Deadliest Prey Trailers

Sequel to Deadly Prey. Colonel Hogan is still alive and just getting out of prison on parole, some 28 years later. But he has only one thing in mind and that is revenge on Mike Danton. So once again, Hogan puts together a group of mercenaries, has Danton kidnapped, and the games begin. Only this time Hogan is funded by a huge internet company in exchange for broadcasting the hunting of Danton over the internet, worldwide. For Hogan, winning is everything. Proving that there can only be one best and that it is him. What he had not thought of is that he isn’t the only one who had twenty eight years to get pissed off. Because now Mike Danton is pissed off and that means few will survive.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
rushknight It's all here. Wooden acting, terrible plot, cheesy special effects, lots of ridiculous and campy choreography.. And killing everyone. Just, killing everyone all over the dang place.While I haven't watched the original yet (on my to-do list), the sequel is terrible. It's just hammy and hokey all throughout. I knew beforehand that I was about to watch a solid "B" class movie, but wow man. This one is just sub-par.Mr. Prior (the writer) is apparently behind on the times, as his portrayals of nearly every facet of the world appear to be built entirely on clichés and stereotypes. The actions undertaken by the bad guys are far removed from typical military procedure. The evil villain was so cruel and vicious to his loyal soldiers that a few good facepalms were in order. Why would anyone sign up for that sort of abuse? Because they needed jobs? Ha ha! That's a good one.The "hackers" seemed to have given Mr. Prior a particularly nasty writer's headache, as every bit of their dialogue was absolutely just hilariously bad and demonstrated a profound lack of technical computer skills. The audience members were also a great laugh, although I was a little confused about how they were watching a live internet feed on the TV at their favorite watering hole, and apparently doing so for nearly 12 hours.The acting was either wooden and unbelievable or uproariously excessive. There was no middle ground.There were some great moments though. As one reviewer mentioned, the villain at one point claims to have killed more people than cancer. Now THAT is a great line. I loved it.Overall, the film was pretty boring. Even the action parts were handled slowly and cleanly to be point of being hard to watch.I wanted to enjoy this, but there just really wasn't much to enjoy.
Sandcooler Whenever a belated sequel to a "so bad it's good"-classic gets released, I start fearing what I call the "Birdemic"-effect. Directors who have accidentally obtained a cult status by being really terrible often start being really terrible on purpose, completely ruining their magic. I'm glad to say David A. Prior isn't one of those directors. "Deadliest Prey" is 100% serious, 100% genuine and 100% laughable. In many ways it's actually even more entertaining than its original. It definitely looks better, the special effects are upped a notch (not a fan of CGI, but the first one was almost completely bloodless), the dialogues are...slightly better and the fights are...slightly more realistic. Apart from that, this is pretty much the same movie as "Deadly Prey". The plot (so to speak) develops exactly like in the first one, right down to the smallest details. Five minutes in you think oh, almost the same opening scene as the first. That's kinda lazy, bring on the new stuff! Then Danton gets kidnapped while taking out the garbage, and then they tell him to "RUN!", and then he leaves someone alive if he tells him what's going on and then just kills him anyway. Oh what's next, they're going to kidnap his wife and he'll find the female henchman (henchwoman?)in his house? Thornton is ready to kill him but Hogan wants him alive because otherwise the movie's over too soon? Oh, both these things also happen? Well, I'm sure they're not cutting someone's arm off ag...this is a remake, pure and simple. But a nice remake, with a heart and a better pace than the original. It adds nothing, but it's still worth seeing.
HumanoidOfFlesh Colonel Hogan(David Campbell)is back after 27 years of rotting in prison and he surely is very very angry.He gets released and immediately seeks out his revenge on Mike Danton(Ted Prior),extremely skilled soldier and total killing machine,the star of "Deadly Prey"(1987).But this time Hogan want to broadcast his revenge over the Internet.The cameras in the woods are filming every moment of carnage as Mike Danton kills dozens of armed soldiers via Rambo-like traps and his deadly weapons."Deadliest Prey" is very watchable and vastly entertaining action/survival flick with plenty of mindless violence.Prior still looks as menacing as ever and Campbell is delightfully over-the-top as the main villain.Three hackers are quite annoying,though.Overall,pretty cool homage to "Deadly Prey".8 severed arms out of 10.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) Stars: Ted Prior,David Campbell,Fritz Matthews. What would you do if the director of a film offered a pre-release showing of his long awaited sequel ? WATCH IT !!! Do not wanna give away any spoilers at all,But David Campbell,The Villain,Has some catch phrases and a half to enjoy. Ted Prior revisits one of his favorite roles,Danton from Deadly Prey,Ted as we interviewed recently wasn't sure he could still be 'The Prey',But letting his fans make their own opins about results, You Go Dude ! Bringing Fritz Matthews back was a screenwriters nightmare ( NO SPOILERS,REMEMBER) and a gift to David Prior fans. Did we mention David Campbell steals the film scene after scene, And Ted Prior seems to be okay with considering their last filmic dance. Lots of knife work,bullets shot and traps galore. There is ironic comedy too. Would wish DEADLY PREY was promoted as 25th anniversary edition sometime.