Darkest Day
Darkest Day
| 15 May 2015 (USA)
Darkest Day Trailers

Dan wakes up on a beach with no memory. He discovers an empty city ravaged by a deadly virus. After befriending a small group of survivors it soon becomes clear the army are hunting him down, and the group are forced on a dangerous journey to escape.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
negi-63202 This movie was obviously made on a very small budget that was probably spent mostly on digital cameras, fake blood and all the cans of beer the characters drink in one of the first scenes, Darkest Day is a plucky if hardly original British zombie film. Like so many other films and TV shows involving an undead menace, it focuses on the group dynamic among a group of so-far uninfected strangers, although this iteration goes somewhat against convention by having all the survivors be students in their twenties instead of a more heterogeneous mix of ages and types. This project was overall very decent and had good dialogue. Nevertheless, bits of it, like the editing, are pretty great, and the use of Brighton and the South Downs makes for a refreshing change of location.
Nigel P Borrowing themes from other sources has never been a problem for me; 'Darkest Day' is clearly influenced by British 2002 zombie classic '28 Days Later'.The first thing that struck me about this, after its fast-paced, gruesome opening, is the very flat acting on display from most of the cast. Although one gets used to the stilted delivery, it is still a stumbling block – and sadly, two of the main players Dan (Dan Rickard) and Sam (Chris Wandell) are the worst offenders. Most of the other characters are reduced to merely a few words here and there, which may or may not be a good thing. The exception is Samantha Bolter's Kate, who is excellent, believable and far more 'there' than her somewhat two-dimensional colleagues.When researching this film online, however, many of the cast are also active behind the scenes. Richard Wilkinson (James) also composed the music, Simon Drake (Will) is a second unit director and camera operator. Most prolific is Dan Rickard, who co-wrote and directed, provided digital effects and editing (as well as providing some special effects for 'The Dead (2010)' and 'The Dead 2: India (2013)').The story features Dan, who wakes up on Brighton beach, with no memory how he got there. He soon realises the world is awash with 'the infected' (the word 'zombie' is only used in the credits at the end), and becomes reluctantly taken in by a group of young people lead by physically intimidating Sam (nick-named 'Arnie' at one point). These people spend their days getting endlessly drunk, going on occasional shopping sprees, and only leaving their seaside-town home once the military discover their whereabouts and take more than a passing interest. A bond almost forms between rivals Sam and Dan as the latter, who realises the military are specifically looking for him (he was infected, but appears to have been cured), volunteers to lead the soldiers away from the group, resulting in a low-key but very effective ending.Occasionally the violently shaking camera becomes a little heady, but visually, the film looks terrifically bleak, making great use of the seafront location and economically relaying how run-down the world has become, with sparing use of overturned cars, smashed windows and forlorn streets. The Infected, although little more than bloodied performers, are persuasive in their intent; shrieking and moving at speed (and there are LOADS of them) and create the most tense scenes.Rumoured to be budgeted at £1,000, my initial misgivings about 'Darkest Day' soon became overcome with admiration that the project is as good as it is.
kingslandbungalow The poster for "Darkest Day" says it all - "British Zombie Horror at its best" - if this is a separate genre then there's no hope at all!The movie blatantly rips-off 28 days movies - the main character awakes after an apocalypse with no memory of what has happened or how he got there. It's so blatant I can't believe the movie was green-lighted - but then again looking at the credits it seems to be a vanity/conceit piece for the main actor (who I think is the director too). This explains why the main actor is soooo wooden and the directing total crap.Characters seem to behave in unpredictable and unlikely ways, stare at the camera, overact or underact and are essentially unbelievable.There is an amazingly ineffective army, an amazingly over-effective character who single-handedly beats up a whole hoard of zombies, dumb characters who get over the death of their friends and family in a heartbeat, and loads of really bad special effects. A character also seems to die from a broken arm for some reason...At the end the main character kills himself for no real reason - I only wish he'd saved us all the time and done it in the first scene of this turd of a movie.
fionascott-46107 I have to say I really enjoyed this film. It was clearly made on minimal money and, after watching the making of, I was really impressed by how the filmmakers managed to get it done.The film itself has it's flaws and it's a shame they didn't come up with characters that were more likable but I love zombie films and this definitely quenched my zombie thirst! Visually I thought the film got better in the second half and that's where the pace picked up too. Ignore negative comments, I would say this film is definitely worth a watch to see what can be achieved with little or no cash (particularly if you are a newbie filmmaker).