Danger Within
Danger Within
NR | 17 January 1960 (USA)
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Drama set in an Italian prisoner of war camp during World War 2, where a group of British soldiers find their plans for escape thwarted by a mysterious traitor in their midst.

Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Spikeopath Danger Within is directed by Don Chaffey and adapted to screenplay by Bryan Forbes and Frank Harvey from the novel "Death in Captivity" written by Michael Gilbert. It stars Richard Todd, Bernard Lee, Michael Wilding, Richard Attenborough and Dennis Price. Music is by Francis Chagrin and cinematography by Arthur Grant.Northern Italy, 1943, a POW Camp. No matter how intricate the planning, how well executed, escape attempts are met by tragedy as the sadistic camp commander is waiting to not only foil the escape, but to also kill the escapees in cold blood. It can mean only one thing, there's an informer in the camp.Packed with British thespian talent giving good turns, Danger Within serves as both a POW escape drama and a war time mystery thriller. The mystery element is a little undone since the informer is revealed to us the audience at the midpoint, but from there on in the suspense is amped up by way of wondering if the rat will be found, and if the amazing grand escape planned at film's end will succeed. With that, the second half of pic also serves as an escape procedural. Lots going on here, with plenty of slices of British humour into the bargain as well, while some of the dialogue is tough and the odd line is very much of its time; but in a good period setting way (for example; how wonderful to hear the word clot used as an insult again!). 8/10
ronevickers This is an absorbing, exciting and thoroughly entertaining British POW drama which has a cast that reads like a veritable who's who of British character actors. Not one of them disappoints either, and there are especially sterling performances from Richard Todd, Bernard Lee and Richard Attenborough. In fact, it's a perfectly casted film which holds attention throughout, and has a plot which moves along nicely to a clever and quite novel conclusion. Although there are scores of similar films made on the subject, this is definitely one of the very best and, anyone who has not yet seen it will not be disappointed. Highly recommended!
raypdaley182 It gets the high score it deserves for daring to be different in so many ways.Yes, its a POW film. Yes, their trying to escape.So why is it so different?Their jailers are the Italians who we so rarely see in POW films. We have a murder mystery, a Who Done It to solve! We also have a spy in the camp revealing the escape plans to the Italians.It's a pretty good name cast with Richard Todd, Richard Attenborough and William Franklyn as the more notable names.The film looks good, it's well scripted and you have an excellent bad guy in Benucci, the Italian Camp Commander.The great storyline that they find the man they think is the spy dead in a tunnel which totally throws them off starts the who done it. It also stops them thinking about spies until they do reveal who the actual traitor is (I won't spoil that for you).The ending after the escape is a tad weak, I would have liked to have watched more of their escape once they were outside the camp.Overall its a very decent movie for its age. Thumbs up and recommended to those who like their War or POW films.
diva10155 It never ceases to amaze me the truly wonderful films that you find if you venture from the mainstream. This is one of the greatest finds I have come across in a while.A classic cast of Richard Todd, Richard Attenborough, Bernard Lee, Vincent Ball and Dennis Price are holed up in a Prisoner of War camp in Italy. They struggle against a sadistic camp Capitano (Peter Arne), the impending threat of a German takeover of the camp, internal personal clashes and a traitor in their midst as they try to escape. It sounds like heavy going but with a tight, often witty script and magnificent performances this is simply rivetting viewing. Richard Todd and Richard Attenborough (both underrated actors) especially shine out for their performances.And there is the bonus of seeing a frighteningly young and skinny Michael Caine in a bit part!