Danger: Diabolik
Danger: Diabolik
| 24 January 1968 (USA)
Danger: Diabolik Trailers

International man of mystery Diabolik and his sensuous lover Eva Kant pull off heist after heist, all while European cops led by Inspector Ginko and envious mobsters led by Ralph Valmont are closing in on them.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Sam Panico I can't see it as anything other than a success. A film that's all style, with a flashy couple that steals things because — hey, why not? — and battles the mob and the police because — hey, why not? I've seen reports that De Laurentiis had budgeted $3 million for this and Bava came in so low, he was offered the chance to do a sequel (this kinda conflicts with other reports that Dino was unhappy with the returns). Bava didn't want to work with Dino again, even when offered the chance to work on King Kong.Just watch a few minutes of the film and you'll realize there has never been anything before or since like it. It's probably my favorite comic book movie ever — the closest a movie will ever get to simulating the reading experience without slavishly copying panels ala Sin City.Read more at bandsaboutmovies.com/2017/07/12/danger-diabolik-1968
ebiros2 Not that this movie was about a spy but actually about a thief, the format is very much like the James Bond movies that had gained popularity in the '60s when this movie was made. Diabolique (John Phillip Law) is a high profile thief who mock at the government's ineptness to catch him. He has a partner Eva (Marisa Mell) who helps him with his capers. He has a lavish lifestyle, but also few enemies which is trying to kill him. All of them are closing in on him, but it's Diabolique's ingenuity that will get him his way.The movie is very well crafted. The cinematography of Mario Bava will match any James Bond movies, but the location isn't as outrageous as the Bond movies, and has a more domestic European feel to it. The lavish style, and the mood is almost identical between this movie and the 007 series, but focus is bit weaker in this movie because the Diabolique character doesn't have as much purpose to what he does compared to 007. Similarity might not be coincidental if you consider that Albert Broccoli the producer of the James Bond series, Mario Bava, and Deno Delonetiis are all Italians. The beautiful brilliance that're common to Italian movies are abundantly obvious in this one as well. I liked this movie out of all of Mario Bava's movies because it's not as macabre as his other horror movies. Everything is quite beautiful in this movie which makes it worth watching including the two stars John Phillip Law, and Marisa Mell. If you've never seen Marisa Mell, it's worth watching the movie just to see her.
Clay Loomis This baby is funny, but only in a "so-bad-it's-good" way. What were they going for here? Was it camp? Was it supposed to be serious? I'm lost for an answer. One thing's for sure, you should never point your machine gun at your girlfriend, as Diabolik does in this film. Pointing a gun at your woman is really bad policy. Firstly, because it's not very nice. Secondly, because she might have a gun of her own and kill you.I've never seen the comics that this movie was based on, and I'm sure that would have helped me understand it better. Seen on its own merits though, this movie sucks. I loved and laughed at it, but it was nasty laughter. The kind of laughter I'm sure a movie director is not looking for.Why is this movie available in discount bins? For one thing, it's not Goldfinger. It's also not Police Squad. I'm not sure what it is, but it's pretty funny on a silly scale. What is it? Why was it made? I don't know. It heads way off into oblivion in the last 30 minutes too. Let's all go nuts. That must be an Italian thing. And speaking of Italians, why are they making movies in English? And I'm not talking English English, I'm talking American English. Did they think we were going to buy into this? Diabolik is kinda funny, in a drunken sort of way, but you won't want to watch it twice.
Criss Cross DIABOLIK is a magical film from one of the most magical storytellers of all time.Bava directs this with his usual colors and glory camp about what it could be the most iconic anti-hero of the XX, Diabolik (John Phillip Law), is a hunky, sensual, smart and cool thief who, with his beautiful blonde go go girlfriend Eva(Marisa Mell) go to steal the bourgeoisie, laugh of the cops and go to they're secret cave to have sex in a lake of dollars. Evil Valmont goes to the police and tries to trap Diabolik trapping the poor Eva and now Diabolik must use his bizarre, psychedelic powers to rescue her and, at the same time, giving a lesson to the government. We can't denied it: We love bad cool guys fooling the right hand cops. How can you denied the pleasure to see this movie? ... And it is, indeed, a pleasure. Groovy soundtrack by Ennio Morricone.