Danger!! Death Ray
Danger!! Death Ray
| 28 January 1967 (USA)
Danger!! Death Ray Trailers

Secret Agent Bart Fargo chases the kidnappers of the inventor of a death ray.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
verbusen I'm probably being generous by giving this a 3 but it is in color and the people do speak on camera so that rates it higher than my all time low 1 of 10 standard, Beast of Yucca Flats. Oh man is this a really bad flick. No it's not as bad as the Attack of The Eye Creatures (also in color and having the "actors" speak on camera) but man for a spy flick from this glorious era, this one is close or is rock bottom. I mean this is worse than the Operation Double 007 and that one was really bad! I'm typing this out as the movie plays it's just going nowhere, and I'm not missing anything. Thank god for Italian film-making though, as bad as this turd is they put out out some other great stuff. At least if it had some hot Italian babes it would be worth watching but there ain't no Sophia or Gina wanna be's around here, just mid 30's producer/director wives (which aren't dogs but are not the kind of eye candy one would want in a bad flick like this to make it worth something rewarding). You'd think that a crappy flick like this would make a great Mystery Science Theater 3,000 episode but even that commentary only makes this a 5 in my book. So in summary, to each his/her own, worse than even Operation Double 007, no hot babes under 30 here, toy sub's and cars and helicopters, really boring, the guy doesn't get any action, the Death Ray is lamer than Battle Beneath The Earth, the MST3K commentary barely makes it tolerable. Avoid at nearly all costs, you have been warned! 3 out of 10, 5 out of 10 with MST3K commentary.
Skragg Even considering that I'm in SOME ways an undiscriminating "Euro-Spy" movie fan, I'm really going to ask for it here. Yes, it had about the WORST miniatures EVER. (As Mystery Science Theatre put it, "Special effects by Billy.") And yes, "Bart Fargo" is a pretty unlucky name for a movie spy (outside of an all-out spy COMEDY). But in spite of that, I think the rest of it worked, as an "escapist" one. Its tries at comic relief (especially considering I'm seeing it as a dubbed movie) weren't bad, and neither were its "heroine", its villain or its "femme fatale." And I don't think Gordon Scott was at all wrong in the part. I just look away dramatically when those miniatures appear.
quamp Man, the late 1960's sure did produce a whole mess of James Bond clones. Bart Fargo, hero of Il Raggio Infernale is one of them.However, unlike the Albert Broccoli offerings, the gadgets here aren't very inspiring, the acting is pretty bad, and the plot gets very contrived very quickly. The artist woman chosen to be Bart's romantic interest was definitely chosen for her good looks and not her acting ability. Then again, this film being from Italy, one shouldn't expect a whole lot.
coverme6 Considering how many spy movies there are, "Danger! Death Ray"is the lousiest of them all! Gordon Scott plays Bart Fargo (FartBargo?), a machine gun-toting spy who has to save a scientistand his daughter who are being held hostage. Appearently, thebad guys had kidnapped the scientist because he invented somekind of laser ray gun, and the villians are hoping they can getone of their own if their captive would develop one for them.Since the plot is cliched (if you don't know what a mean, checkout "The Pink Panther Strikes Again!"), that alone would destroythe viewer's hopes of enjoying the movie. How could it? Theperformances are bland and unenthusiastic, the dubbing horrible,and lousy production values. And also, what the hell kind of asecret agent named is Bart Fargo?!! A suave spy needs a slick,dignified name like James Bond or even Austin Powers, not somedumb hickish name like Bart Fargo!! That kind of name wouldbetter suit somebody like a fat, smalltown r