| 16 September 2016 (USA)
Dancer Trailers

Sergei Polunin is a breathtaking ballet talent who questions his existence and his commitment to dance just as he is about to become a legend.

Alicia I love this movie so much
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
shepyanks I happen to love dance of all types (big on ballet) which peaked my interest with it being THE Sergei. Best dancer in history, hands down. This is a movie, however, for everyone, not just dancers. I do think those who aren't 'into' dance will be after seeing this doc!This was one of the most interesting and beautiful documentaries I have seen, and I have viewed a lot of them. The movie was fresh throughout, whereas some docs either start fresh and interesting then become a total yawnfest and stale by the middle. Sergei's story is remarkable, impressive, one to be shared over and over and over again. He is an icon and legend for his fierce, artistic, poetic, athletic dance first and foremost, but to see where it all started is fantastic.The final dance literally took my breath away.
gmanlaws so looking forward to this documentary, the man is incredible, extraordinary, would love to see him dance in the flesh. Sadly the documentary was dull and disappointing. Worth watching for the most fabulous dancing I have ever seen. can't wait to see him dancing this summer
Kirpianuscus the career of Sergey Polunin. this is the subject of this beautiful documentary. a ballet star, "Bad boy", seductive subject for media, for his tattoos, revolt, eccentricity. in London, in Moscow, making a great motivational short film. hard work. passion and hate about a way who not seems be, always, him. dialogues. images. confessions. and the portrait , a great portrait, discovered step by step. this could be all. sure, it is a film about a boy from East and about his huge talent. it is a film about ballet and its deep sacrifices. it is a film about glory of a young man. and about the errors. or, about the second chance and the reconciliation with the past. short, it is a film who must see. because, the chances are not small, in a delicate - precise manner, it could be a film for yourself. and this does it more than an expected ordinary documentary- the story of the Ukrainian young man has, at different level, each sin and virtue who define the contemporary life. but it is more than a newspaper article or a motivational book. it is a good support for discover, again, the essence of life. this is all.
Paul Allaer "Dancer" (2016 release; 85 min.) is a documentary about 'bad boy' ballet superstar Sergei Polunin. As the documentary opens, we are with Polunin in his dressing room, with "curtain in 20 min." being announced. We then watch him perform, and are in awe of his skills. The documentary then goes back in time, to "Kherson, southern Ukraine", as the movie informs us, where we see young Sergei do absolutely amazing things at a young age (watch the footage of 8 yr. old Sergei...). Before we know it, Sergei, now age 13, is training at the Royal ballet School in London.Couple of comments: this is the latest documentary from veteran film maker Steven Cantor. Here his subject is a highly skilled and talented ballet dancer who shot up through the ranks of the ballet world, only to discover that it's pretty lonely at the top, not to mention that the physical and psychological toll it takes on him may be more than he can handle. The British press had a field day with this guy, branding him the "bad boy" of ballet (and that is certainly what I remembered of Polunin). But when you see it in a larger context, it's pretty clear to me that Polunin wasn't much of a bad boy, but instead a lonely young man who comes of age in a brutally competitive environment, all the while terribly missing his family. There are some extraordinary moments in this all-access documentary. Let me just mention one to wet you appetite: late in the documentary, Polunin is dancing the lead role in Spartacus, and at the break we find him in his dressing room, recovering before the second half of the evening. Just watch..."Dancer" opened last weekend at my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati. The Tuesday evening screening where I saw this at was attended poorly (only 2 people besides myself). Given the complete lack of marketing for this release, I can't say I was very surprised. Hopefully this is the type of release that will find a wider audience once it is available on DVD/Blu-ray. If you like ballet, I would readily recommend you seek this out, be it in the theater, on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray.