Da Hip Hop Witch
Da Hip Hop Witch
R | 31 October 2000 (USA)
Da Hip Hop Witch Trailers

5 teenage rappers gets notice of a mysterious witch that supposedly lurks in the ghetto and those who are attacked by her gets a successful hip-hop career. In their search for the witch, they come across various rappers whom already been attacked and retells their experiences.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
CokeCola I've seen Manos: The Hands of Fate, and this movie has managed to defeat it in terms of sheer level of torture. The movie has no interesting dialog, no tolerable acting, and no plot to speak of.On the upside, it does have a great many R&B artists. On the downside, seeing this movie will likely void any respect you had for them as they mindlessly ramble off about an urban Blair Witch parody. Eminem is entertaining (though redundant), so fans might want fast forward to his segments, should they find the movie lying in a gutter somewhere (a likely situation).If there were a brick near my entertainment center, I would have attempted to beat myself into a coma to escape the grueling pain. I would award this movie 0 stars if it were an option, but instead this gets a very reluctant 1. Watch only if want a small personal hell in your living room.
HollywoodenDOTcom A truly terrible movie. Rap with a capital C. Eminem-tly missable.There is but one redeeming feature, a very good-looking actress by the name of Amy Dorris who looks like a great candidate for Miss Sweden, had she not been American, of course...It's a pity that beautiful young actresses like this are forced to accept roles in worthless efforts like this in an attempt to gain exposure, but hey, that's Hollywood for you. It would be nice to see Amy Dorris in a much better movie than this in future.
Mudge1031 I didn't know that much about the movie when I first saw it and was mainly just checking it out for the singers and rappers that played in it. After I saw it thought there were more reasons to see it again. This movie was seriously hilarious. Its not exactly the type of movie to win Academy Awards, but this movie is WAY funny and entertaining. Everyone should see it at least for a good laugh.
bumstead-killah Da Hip Hop Witch may just be the single worst movie in history. This movie doesn't have even one person who can act in the least. I have been a fan of hip-hop since I was 10 years old & I'm a fan of many of the artists in this movie but after this I won't ever look at them in the same way again. The camera work sucked, the sound sucked, the story sucked, the editing sucked, the acting sucked and most of all this movie sucked.