PG-13 | 18 April 2015 (USA)
Cub Trailers

Over-imaginative 12 year-old Sam heads off to the woods to summer scout camp with his pack convinced that he will encounter a monster...

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Tom Kanon Oh boy,..why oh why do we waste tax-payers money on this kind of drab?"Cub" is not an original, or for that matter, a good, movie. It tells the "story" (and I use that word lightely) of a scouts-gang heading out into the woods to find themselves butchered by a woodsman and a little boy. It features every cliché imaginable: dumb main characters, dumb blondes, gratuit sex-scenes, etc etc.. Now, that would not be a problem if the movie would be superd. But it lacks...everything!! There is no plot whatsoever!! -why is the little boy in the woods? No one knows -why is there a man in the woods killing people? No one knows -how did he manage to get a bus in the woods, underground? No one knows -how did he built a massive steel onderground lair? No one knows -why does the police officer not just drive around the tree logs? No one knows -How come the police officer can't find his way in the woods? No one knows -How do the killer and boy survice in the woods? No one knows -why was this kind of crap ever produced? No one knows Don't watch this crap,...and to our government: STOP WASTING TAX-PAYERS MONEY!!!
Bryan Kluger Straight out of Belgium comes a little horror movie called 'Welp', otherwise known as 'Cub' here in North America. 'Cub' is a true return to the horror-slasher genre. I've never seen a slasher movie so brutal before. Usually, we see some form of jerk- off teenagers who plan a weekend vacation to get stoned, have sex, and drink like fishes. Then some supernatural force usually comes back to life or out from hiding to off each victim one by one in some gruesome fashion.It's a strong premise that has been duplicated thousands of times over in different settings and venues, and has made the Hollywood box office billions of dollars. But with this Belgium breath of fresh air, it's much deeper and smarter than the rest of them, and is quite disturbing with one hell of a backstory that keeps you guessing all the way up until the final moments of the film. 'Cub' follows a cub scout troop, ironically enough, full of not-quite yet teenagers and their three scout leaders. Two of the three scout leaders are young men in their 20s with the third being a female. The leaders run their scout troop like a military boot camp, but have a bit more fun.The troop is headed out to a weekend camping trip to the woods when one of the campers named Sam starts to notice some creepy things lurking out in the woods, after he learns the scary campfire tale of 'Kai'. Well it turns out that the legend of 'Kai' is much more real than anyone would like to believe. And not just real, but extremely violent and brutal, as this legend has set up elaborate traps throughout these woods to kill people who intrude on their space. It's never explained as to why this is happening, but we know that their is a deep dark past with this killer, which shows full on when people and animals start to be brutally murdered.It has a few of the usual genre tropes thrown in, but somehow here it feels fresh as the director uses his camera to show only what is needed and then surprises us moments later with a 180 degree turn. But what really shines here are the kid actors. Specifically Sam and a 'Kai'. Their creepy body language and understanding of all these adult themes are flawless.You'd think these kids were all adults with how they use their facial expressions to show their fear. 'Cub' is truly a remarkable and horrific film, and one that I can't wait to watch again.
OliverGbyrne To begin this review , I must say that taking into consideration that this was the director's feature film debut , he did extremely well. The direction was the best thing about this film. Now , the issue of this film comes from it's script.It lacked focus. The story is simple enough : 12 year Sam goes camping , he his bullied by the other scouts and even by one of the scoutmaster (And his evil dog!) . When Sam tries to warn everybody that he saw a character from an Urban legend , Kai (an animal/boy who eats people) he his laughed at so Sam ends up developing a rather strange and disturbing relationship with Kai that would turn this Camping trip into a living nightmare! So the story is fairly straightforward as you can see but the issue is the writers felt necessary to add small layers/subplot to it that makes it more complex then it should. I can go on to much details or I will spoil the films.Let just say that the director gave Sam a mysterious background that raises a lot of questions but none of them are answered by the end of the film. For me ,personally, Cub is very good up to it's last 10 minutes.Great atmosphere, great direction,great acting by it's lead actor but the above issue I have with the film gives us an ending that leaves things to the viewers imagination. Your personal enjoyment of that film will come to this at the end : If you like to have a clear ending to your film , I am afraid you will be disappointed by Cub but if you are the type of person that loves a film to end in an ambiguous sort of way I believe you would find much to like in that film. Outside of this , Cub do a lot of things right. So if you are up for a very dark little film that has a very strong and shocking yet confusing ending you could do much worse then this trip to the wood. I give Cub a 6 out of 10
ifindyourwarmthinfectiou I am shocked this is even rated with a 6. I was expecting a decent film, but this is seriously dumb. I found myself almost falling asleep while watching, having a hard time following the story. I felt bad for the dog who gets killed, though. There is no a single thing than can save this movie. Pointless. Boring. Who is the kid with the mask? Who the hell is the older guy? What on earth are they doing there? I don't even have words to describe how bad it is. I hated the bullies, the deaths, everything. It's already hard enough to fill this review with 10 lines of text. Please do yourself a favor and don't waste your time seeing this crap.