Cthulhu Mansion
Cthulhu Mansion
R | 07 February 1992 (USA)
Cthulhu Mansion Trailers

After a drug deal gone wrong, a group of punks flee to a secluded mansion where the house itself begins to terrorize and kill the trespassers.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Vomitron_G Why, oh why, did I watch this again after so many years, since the only thing I remembered from this movie was that it was bad. I guess I needed the laugh. This might be the worst H.P. Lovecraft adaptation I've ever seen on screen (so far, as I plan to see more). The acting's bad and so are the special effects. Not one suspenseful thing happens. It's not creepy or scary (though I must say the movie at least tries to be and somehow tries to capture Lovecraft's spirit... alas, it fails...) and the climax is pathetic. Some lowlife gangsters steal some coke and flee to a big mansion, taking a magician and his daughter hostage. Nothing happens for ages, and when some people do die, it's more of a laugh than a terrifying event really. Some rubbery claws come out of a fridge, some plants make a girl disappear and the bag of coke magically crawls into the fire by itself (!). What was that all about? I guess Cthulhu doesn't like coke. Good for him, because drugs are bad. And so is this movie. I hope film-makers have learned it by now: If you don't have the money to back up the story with decent actors and good special FX's, then don't make a Lovecraft-movie. The man must be break-dancing in his grave for quite some years now, with all those bad movies based on his stories...
BaronBl00d Well, this film tries to sell itself off as being Lovecraftian but really is more like crappion...or carrion. Really, it is not all that bad once you realize it has nothing to do with H. P. Lovecraft and is nothing more than a tale of a magician and how some hoodlums break into his home. The film goes right for your horror heart strings with a black cat, a huge mansion, lots of swirling dry ice, and other horror cliches. The house is impressive and the actors are so annoying(apart from Frank Finlay in the lead as the magician and Marcia Layton as his daughter)that you readily want something tragic to happen to them. What exactly happens...who is to say? Certainly not me as it is a very porous story, but the execution of the plot is done with some style. Despite some major, major flaws, the film is very watchable and entertaining in a bad its good vein.
lthseldy1 The name "Lovecraft" is what made me want to buy this film. But to my disappointment, thats exactly what this film was!! It's about a gang of punk teenagers that go to an amusement park and one guy ends up killing a drug dealer. they all get scared and decide to hitch a ride with the carnivals magician and make him take them to his mansion. He warns them not to stay there but they have not choice, the cops are looking for the killer of the guy. Well, one of the members is hurt and his sister takes care of him. Meanwhile all of this nonsense is going on. All the killings that are so stupid their laughable. the plot gets more and more worse and the actors are no-names that we don't really care if they die or do something else. This film is a 1 on my rating. DON'T BUY THIS ONE get "Re-Animator" or something else by Lovecraft instead.
Dolf The write-up for this video touts "Based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft". The only thing even remotely based on H.P. Lovecraft is the name "Cthulhu" in the title. There are absolutely NO similarities between the great horror writing of H.P Lovecraft and the writer of this piece of junk.I know some people would say that a film like this can't be taken too seriously, you have to have fun with B horror films, right? Well, this film wasn't even campy enough to make it funny. The plot is so shaky and filled with holes it should be laughable, but it is so boring and uninteresting that you can't seem to do that too often.Oh sure, there are some fun moments - the bag of cocaine being pulled across the floor by an obvious "fishing wire", the "Candy in the kitchen" scene, but all in all there wasn't much to even laugh about.Another problem this film had was poor editing. Some cuts are WAY too abrupt - even for fast paced horror action. Hmmm, don't let me forget to say that the death scenes are unoriginal and terribly uninteresting.This film squeaked out a 4 rating from me because it wasn't so bad I had to turn it off, but I wouldn't recommend it to those looking for a good horror film. I also wouldn't recommend it to those looking for a B horror film to have fun with - you'll be hard pressed to do so.