Cry of a Prostitute
Cry of a Prostitute
R | 01 January 1976 (USA)
Cry of a Prostitute Trailers

The gangster Tony Aniante in the middle of a feud between two mafia families. He manipulates both families into believing he is on their side and are just waiting for the right moment to take the initiative...

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Bezenby Who'd have thought that the guy who made Strip Nude For Your Killer and Burial Ground would produce one of the best Euro-crime films ever made? That said, if ever a genre needed someone that didn't hold back, it's this one.The film basically starts as it means to go on. When a car crashes on the French/Italian border causing three fatalities (including the decapitation of the driver) it becomes apparent that the child on board had been dead for several days before hand. Even more horrifying is the discover that the child's body cavity had been used for transporting heroin. The police are astonished at what they find, and even the mafia are revulsed at how low one of their own is willing to stoop, and set out to put a stop to it and restore their already dodgy reputation.Enter Mafia hitman Henry Silva, sent by one particular Don to Sicily to sort everyone out. Henry is a cold blooded killer who likes to whistle a creepy tune before putting a bullet through everyone's head, and quickly aligns himself with Don Scannapieco, the seemingly 'better' of the two Mafia gangs in the area. Then again, he also aligns himself with the other Don, who is prime suspect for the old child-stuffing racket. A Fistful of Dollars type scenario then arises as Henry plays the two gangs off each other, with over the top violent results.Of course, there's a few other characters to take note of. Scannapieco's daughter is having a Romeo and Juliet type relationship with the other Don's son, which complicates matters (and hints at a possible positive outcome), Scannpieco's youngest son is a mentally-handicapped cripple who is a burden to his father, and strangest of all is the other Don's girlfriend, the totally messed up Barbara Bouchet, who threatens to claim that Henry raped her if he doesn't make love to her, which he does...up her wrong 'un. That scene alone will make or break those not used to this kind of madness.The violence escalates as the film progresses, with some jaw-dropping gun battles. People are shot in the face with shotguns, Henry makes really sure two hitmen are dead by running them over with a steamroller, and Don Scannapieco's wife is so overcome with grief at the murder of one of her sons that she forces a hitman's corpse through a bandsaw head first. No one is safe in this film and even Henry can barely speak during the finale due to taking a severe beating and being thrown off a cliff. Bianchi even throws in a little mystery as the cock-sure Henry starts breaking down a bit and suffering from flashbacks to the murder of a woman by a mystery person. This all comes to a head in a blood-splattered ending in a film that never lets up for the entire duration. This is one seriously-trashy film made even better by Henry Silva's terrifying stare. Result!Oh, and if you've ever wondered what Barbara Bouchet would look like bathing in milk, this is the film for you.
billcr12 Where do I begin? Horrendous acting, bad story, amateur directing, and some of the worst editing and cinematography in the history of movie making are the only ways to describe Cry of a Prostitute. The Godfather, this is not. Henry Silva is the lead, and he will not be compared with Brando. He is Tony, a guy who has moved to Italy from Brooklyn with some unknown score to settle. In between, we get several shootouts which result in a lot of dead bad guys. The title refers to a hooker played by Barbara Bouchet; and my two points are for Barbie's naked body; clearly the high point in this horrible film; avoid this like the plague.
jrd_73 Andrea Bianchi the director of the gory zombie film Burial Ground and the sleazy giallo Strip Nude for Your Killer turns his subtle (ha ha) hand to the Italian crime film with Cry of the Prostitute. It's Yojimbo time! The feuding between two warring families in rural Italy has become so fierce that the heat is coming down on the big families in Rome. Henry Silva is a gun for hire sent in to stop the fighting. He does this by playing the two gangsters against each other, offering his services to first one and then the other. Bianchi provides more gore than expected for the genre but none of it is overly convincing: a fake severed head, a band-saw mishap, and a dead child that looks, well, like a mannequin (and the camera lingers over it!). The adorable Barbara Bouchet appears playing a washed up former prostitute who has turned to drink. She wears heavy make-up and looks less than flattering. Nonetheless, I was glad to have her. Silva was fine as well. There isn't much here to praise and technically the film is less assured than many others in the genre. Fans might like it more than I did though.
William WOW! Another false ad campaign by Joseph Brenner! He mis-advertises this film at the theatres as some kind of a woman beating movie, as the poster shows a woman's face all bruised up, with the caption "for a lousy 50 bucks he could do whatever he wanted with her", when it is another Italian Mafia film with Henry Silva! Even the video box hints it is some kind of a motel sex film, when it isn't! And it isn't a good mafia movie either! This is one of the mafia films that is so bad it probably ENDED the mafia film craze! The opening credit isn't even the original, as it is a tacked in credit with music from DELTA FOX! UGH! To be avoided!