Cruel & Unusual
Cruel & Unusual
| 05 April 2014 (USA)
Cruel & Unusual Trailers

Wrongly condemned for killing his wife, a man finds himself in a mysterious institution where he is sentenced to relive her death for eternity.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
jdollak There's a classic sense of horror to this story, something that seems vaguely like something that Terry Gilliam would have done. I'm hesitant to provide specific details about the story, but I can say this- It's unpredictable. Every time I thought I was certain about how things were going to play out, the story surprised me. It's manipulative, but not in a way that bothered me. You keep getting exposed to new information throughout, and you are forced to re-evaluate your perspective each time.It's a distressing, but also very uplifting exploration of human failings as well as our ability to force ourselves to rise above those failings.I realize I'm writing this review in a vague way. All I can say is that you should watch it. It very gradually ramps up, and the longer you watch, the more you'll want to see what happens.
Tss5078 Imagine having a bad dream, in which you see a loved one die at your hands. Only to wake up in some kind of asylum, not knowing what's real and what's inside of your own head. That is just one of the themes questioned in the new Sci-fi Thriller, Cruel & Unusual. This is one strange film, that will leave you questioning the nature of reality, but is it all that believable? The story is definitely unique, but has more than several appealing plot holes, that will leave you wondering if the movie was just lazy or beyond your comprehension. The film centers on Edger, played poorly by David Richmond-Peck. Are we really supposed to believe that this guy is capable of the temper or heroism his character is supposed to have displayed? Even less believable is that he's got a hot wife! Personally, I watched this strange film for Richard Harmon, best known as one of the stars of The 100. Harmon truly brings the words devilishly handsome to life, as behind that innocent face and crooked in smile, something sinister is always lurking, and that's what makes him so entertaining. The bottom line is that Cruel & Unusual is a weird film, that makes you think and can be frustrating at times. As a critic, I see massive holes in the story, but maybe, just maybe those were intentional, left to us to fill in the gaps, in which case, the film itself could be as smart and deep as it's plot.
HorrorOverEverything I don't want to say too much about this film since I feel like the less you know about it going in the better.For such a low budget they really did a great job with this. All the actors did a very good job, the story was excellent, and even the small soundtrack was memorable. The highlight of the movie is the original story, it's really an interesting idea and the movie does a perfect job of bringing the idea to life.I'll keep the review very short by saying that this is definitely worth seeing. I don't think it is an amazing film, but it is clever and very original, two things that many higher budget films fail at achieving.7.5/10
Squirrell Master In a world where movies continuously disappoint, there is a title by the name of Cruel & Unusual that brings a ray of hope to this bland over budgeted world of terrible movies.**Spoilers Below **Cruel and Unusual takes us on a journey through the after-life, possibly some type of purgatory, reserved for people who have taken a life. Our characters are stuck re-living when they killed and died. Is there a way out? Can they break the cycle or are they stuck there forever?**End Spoilers **The film held my attention from start to finish and proves that a huge budget and a ton of A list celebrities doesn't make a good movie. All you need is a unique and interesting story put together well.If your wondering if the movie is worth a shot, please do yourself a favor and watch it.