Crows Zero
Crows Zero
PG-13 | 27 October 2007 (USA)
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The students of Suzuran High compete for the King of School title. An ex-graduate yakuza is sent to kill the son of a criminal group, but he can't make himself do it as he reminds him of his youth.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
user-899-95626 Crows Zero is an action movie which is based on "crows" manga. In this movie there is a violent high school named "Suzuran". The students makes their own group/gang and fight each other to be the head, the main boss/leader of that high school. One day a High Schooler as a transferred senior come to the Suzuran high school with a aim to conquer the whole school. He is the main character of the movie and his name is Takiya Genji (Shun Oguri)the son of a Yakuza boss named Takiya Hideo. During the freshman orientation assembly Yakuza arrive at the school seeking third-year senior Serizawa Tamao to avenge an injury.To show his worth, Genji fights and defeats the Yakuza, who mistake him for Tamao.
KineticSeoul This movie is a teenage boys fantasy where the school has no teachers but individual clubs or gangs. And the only goal is to become top by fighting their way up. This has been a popular concept for a while and there is quite a bit of comics and even movies that portray this. Movies like "Volcano High", "Go" and "Blue Spring" comes to mind. But this movie is strictly about fighting and building reputation and number of gang members. The story is like a war happening in school and the only education is to build a reputation and be notorious for being the best fighter in Suzuran High. While having a bit of rivalry going between to gangs. One is Serizawa's gang which starts off as a notorious gang in Suzuran High for being close to the top gang and the other is this new guy named Genji. And Genji's main goal is to best his own father who is a boss in the yakuza and to do that he must become the top fighter in Suzuran High. But instead of showing both sides of the story this movie focuses just about only on Genji and how he builds his reputation and gang members. And makes a group called GPS in order to take over the school. I guess there is more meat to the story when it comes to a character that starts from nothing than a character that already has a big reputation and a large number of gang members. But the thing is personally liked Serizawa more than Genji since he doesn't try to be overly cool all the time. A bit dorky and bright while being cool and having a code of honor. And would liked some of his back-story as well. But that isn't the case and it only focuses on Genji's gang. This has all the rival gang in high school elements in this movie and can sometimes come of just plain ridiculous and senseless even if this flick is based on a manga. In fact when it comes to the characters and such it sticks really close to the manga although this movie is a prequel. The fight scenes are nothing special everyone has only one style of fighting which is brawling and that is understandable but it doesn't have memorable fight scenes. Except maybe the final battle where Serizawa's gang and GPS gang face off with three different things going on. Overall if you like high school teenage rebels style of movie with a lot of fights than this one is a sure watch. Meisa Kuroki is also in this but doesn't add much to the story besides being the very few female in this flick and also adding to the teenage boys fantasy of winning the girl at the end.7.5/10
Angelus2 Suzuran High is not your average high school, Suzuran High is home to the worst of the worst students in the city, were your fighting skills are the only thing worth celebrating. Genji is the son of a Yakuza boss and desperately wants to show his father he is just as capable as his father and perhaps even better...But in order to be the King of Suzuran, he must defeat Serizawa another student who is on his way to becoming the King with a fierce army. Genji must not only fight but work on his leadership and strategy to unite classes in order to match Serizawa's might...Fotunatly for him, he has an ex-Suzuran graduate and low level Yakuza for a tutor. Let the war begin! I describe this as 'Godfather with fight scenes' and in essence thats what it is, a weaker version of the American gangster classic, but this film is more concerned with showing brutal fight scenes. If gritty brutal action scenes is your fancy, then this film will deliver in fine fashion, the fight scenes are very realistic. The actors are all good in their roles, although I feel that there are certain actors such as Meisa Kuroki who appear to be simply used as eye candy...someone who could have been used to a greater degree.Yes, there are tons of plot holes, unexplored and deserted characters in this film, but in my honest opinion it is perhaps one of the most exciting and well done fight films of all time...and when I say Fight films, I don't mean 'Kung-Fu', I mean a 'Fight film'. There are some brilliant scenes in which the classes make that 'walk' and it genuinely does excite.This in my opinion is the 'Godfather of Fight Films'.
lee33089 I got this movie as a gift because I like Japanese movies. I wasn't expecting much, but I was completely blown away. Oguri Shun, Takayuki Yamada, and Sosuke Takaoka really deliver! It's in-your-face with violence, but the point of it is winning loyalty and friendships with people who start out as your enemies. I don't know if there are different versions of this movie, but reading some of the other reviews on here it sounds like there may be, because the start of my movie is Genji registering for school at Suzuran. It didn't really remind me all that much about Fight Club's not based around a man's imagination or underground fighting, it's about gangs of boys just trying to make it through school and the changes they have to go through along the way. I definitely recommend watching it...I have seen it many times and it only keeps getting better. The sequel is just as good.
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