Crimson Force
Crimson Force
| 04 June 2005 (USA)
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The crew of the first manned mission to Mars crash land on the surface in search of a clean everlasting power source they believe to be hidden somewhere beneath the ground. However, the crew find themselves in the middle of a civil war between the High Priest of Mars' royal guards and the High Priestess' warriors. The crew is divided with one half deciding to help the High Priest make peace with Earth and the other side with the High Priestess who is secretly plotting to kill her husband and invade Earth.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Theo Robertson Some people have criticised CRIMSON FORCE of ripping off the plot of STARGATE but this is misleading . Let's be honest here and ask did anyone watching this shout out " Hey this reminds me of that movie with competent actors , a big budget and big action sequences " ? The film starts with the first manned landing on Mars in 2037 . In other words the greatest achievement in human history has come about and for some reason everyone reacts as though they're just spending another day arriving at a mundane day at work . The whole apathetic banality of the characters continues throughout the movie One irritating thing for the audience is that it's painfully obvious that the budget only stretches to a couple of small sets . In fact it could be the exact same set with the set designer tinkling with things to make it look it another set . Director David Flores doesn't help matters by shooting nearly every shot in medium close up which means CRIMSON FORCE ends up being a dire boring movie that doesn't even aspire to be a clichéd so bad it's almost good type of movie
chris-bruins00 I've watched every episode of every Star Trek and Stargate series so I found Crimson Force entertaining. They were definitely trying for the same feeling as those shows. There was a mystery, some action, costumes, sets made of rocks like on Star Trek. The Captain was a nasty version of Kirk. The hero was more like Riker. The women were powerful and were good to look at.The movie is far from perfect. The plot was good and very sci-fi but you need to pay attention to get it all, like in Star Trek. The low-budget aspect was apparent especially in the action parts. Some of the acting needed help. The effects were both good and bad-not as good as Trek but what do you expect for a low budget movie.Worth renting if you like this type of thing.
gareyport Oh it is pure fun-I have seen bits of it only twice. The French dude is the best. I appreciated him and his reasons..Cap was a little hard -headed and had a chip somewhere that kept him slugging-out great sound clips to laugh about later. Sorry to see how French guy gets his end.The minutes from the Ship taking-off to its approach on the planet are fun. I am a person who likes Trek so ...can't give this a 10.Though...I think many of the performers should have taken their roles more serious it may have helped them some. Believability was low accept for French guy who made me feel nervous. Thanks J-
mikemoviesmichigan Crimson Force was the first new Mars movie in years. It moved better than the very boring Mission to Mars, and had all the fun trappings of a self-aware low-budget sci-fi treat. It was funny, complexly plotted, and satisfying.I'm disagree with the negative comments on this Website. The movie has action, sex, adventure, and a plot that was more complex and interesting than the average sci-fi garbage. This movie had highs and lows in pace, giving me a chance to figure out the intricacies of the various alliances.It made me think and it delivered a message.If you don't like it, you didn't understand it.People need to look beyond the Sci-Fi network budget and pay attention to the story. You will see that this movie was better than their other movies.