Criminal Lovers
Criminal Lovers
| 03 September 1999 (USA)
Criminal Lovers Trailers

After a perverted impulse drives them to kill, Alice and her boyfriend, Luc, drag the body into the woods, only to find themselves hopelessly lost – much like the fairy-tale plight of Hansel and Gretel. Starving and with no hope of being found, they chance upon a dilapidated cottage where a hulking man takes them prisoner and proceeds to feed Luc's sexual appetite.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Kirpianuscus one of Francois Ozon films. this is the most inspired definition for the embroidery of love, appearances, eroticism and meet with a classic fairy tale in new adaptation. a film who ignores taboos and who has the right seduction tools for impress. a couple, a murder and a meet. and the atmosphere who reminds a lot of similar stories but defines a great thriller. a film who has many virtue but not the status of comfortable film.the lead trait - science of Ozon to create fascinating games , like spider web, for define every day aspects of society.the other significant detail - the meet with Predrag Manojlovic, one of familiar figures from the films of Kusturica, here performing one of characters who, for a part from us, reminds large slices from childhood.
christopher-underwood This title appeared on my radar courtesy of an Amazon recommendation, based presumably on my penchant for edgy thrillers or maybe because I'd previously bought a French film! Either way, although I had heard of director Ozon and of the acclaim for him, he had not entered my consciousness and hence my surprise when a leaflet advertising largely gay product fell from the DVD box, which I then noted bore a quote from Gay Times. Nevertheless, nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I popped it in. The film is truly excellent. Nobody is entirely as they at first seem, the film starts with a jolt and barely stops, it is full of surprises and, oh yes, there is rather a lot of homoeroticism. Nothing too worrying for a straight guy but it certainly helps give the movie an alternative angle. Seduction is so much a part of straight cinema we barely notice it but here we are certainly made to sit up and question motives. There is humour but on the whole this is pretty dark and probing stuff and a most involving tale for the more adventurous.
preppy-3 Alice and Luc are in love but Luc is unable to fully consummate their relationship. One day Alice claims she was gang-raped by a bunch of boys led on by one of Luc's schoolmates. Her and Luc plan to kill the boy and dump the body...but things take a disastrous turn.OK it doesn't SOUND like "Hansel and Gretel" but that does kick in during the second half of the film. The film is disturbing--it contains some extreme violence, cannibalism and in your face sex scenes. I spent most of the film being really sickened but I gave this some space and...slowly...I THINK I understand what it's saying.EXTREME SPOILER!!! Alice and Luc are kidnapped by a woodsman who locks Alice in the basement and proceeds to sexually seduce Luc. Also it's made clear that Alice lied about being assaulted--they kill someone for no reason at all. Also it's shown that Luc likes having sex with the guy. At the end Alice is punished (killed) for her sins and Luc is led away pleading for the police not to harm the woodsman. This film seems to be about a young man becoming aware of his sexual orientation. Also it shows the hetero relationship in a very negative light while the gay one is shown matter of factly. Is it saying gay is better than straight? As I gay man I find this quite fascinating. END EXTREME SPOILERThis is not for everyone--the extreme violence and sex is going to disturb most viewers--but I found it fascinating. I can truthfully only give it a 7--I can't say I enjoyed the film but it did make me think.
Rogue-32 If you haven't yet discovered France's new infant terrible, François Ozon, this would be a most excellent place to start: Les Amants Criminels is perhaps his best feature-length film thus far, a supremely accomplished work of incredible daring and depth. The story isn't linear - it jumps back and forth from past to present, revealing details slowly, very Scorpionic - and by the end of it, your feelings towards the two main characters have changed tremendously. And as in all Ozon films, the casting is impeccable, particularly the two leads: Jérémie Rénier as Luc, and Natacha Régnier as Alice. You can get the DVD online - make sure you get the Strand Releasing version, with the subtitles.