Crazy Enough
Crazy Enough
PG | 16 April 2013 (USA)
Crazy Enough Trailers

Identical twins separated at birth: One a prominent psychiatrist; the other a life long mental patient. When the doctor gets called to his brother's institution, fate intervenes and the brothers swap places.

Majorthebys Charming and brutal
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
garvie-elinor-owensby Great comedy movie. Good acting. Better than many high budget Hollywood films. Good family flick. Minimum dirty language; no "F***" bombs. The good guys win in the end. We are seniors finding it difficult to find movies for families and seniors. If you are looking for a clean comedy, here's a good movie. We would enjoy watching this movie with our grand kids. I tried to come up with minimum ten lines of text. I'm a 79 year old guy trying to follow the rules; we enjoyed the movie and would watch it again. However, the 10 line minimum makes it hard for me to review the movie. I'll not get trapped in the "ten line minimum" again. Watch the movie, you will like it; I suggest that you skip the review, unless you are more long winded than I.
jacohitchcox My wife and I loved this movie. Acting was decent, cameras were decent, but we thought it was hilarious. We have watched it twice, and still talk about it. I have read the other guys review that said it was not a good movie, and he did not know who the characters were nor the plot, but he is part of the problem with modern day comedies. There were no illicit drugs, foul language, or nude scenes so I guess for the average American I can understand that this movie is automatically not going to be on the top 10. I liked it because I thought the movie was funny and really had some great quotes that my wife and I will remember for years to come. If you are not in to movies that were made to be family friendly this is likely not for you though.
vchimpanzee The animated opening credits sequence shows that twin babies were left at the Philbrook Orphanage. But one of the babies behaves strangely so he gets sent to the Fitzgerald Mental Health Facility.In the present day, Dr. Fred Mulberry is a successful psychiatrist who lives in his guest house because his marriage to cute but uptight Lorna isn't going so well. His teenage daughter Rose is typical of girls her age. His son Freddie is a science nerd.Lorna is trying to start a business selling granola and one of her many demands of Fred, in addition to taking the kids to school, is to get everything on the list from the natural foods store.Fred's boss Mr. Philbrook is running for governor and has a public image as a Christian family man, yet he surrounds himself with sexy women in clothing inappropriate for a professional workplace. And he demands that Fred stop by Fitzgerald to sign papers that prevent Dolores from getting out on her 18th birthday.Ted fantasizes about doing many different types of jobs, some of which he really gets to do, and he is good friends with Dolores. But he would really like to leave this place.Through an improbable series of circumstances that includes a cute but bubbleheaded temp receptionist, Fred ends up having to change clothes while he is at Fitzgerald. This happens in the same locker room where his brother Ted, desperately in need of a rest room, goes to do his business. Ted sees Fred's clothes and his wallet and OH WOW! The guy on the driver's license looks JUST LIKE HIM. He can escape! The ditzy receptionist questions nothing, and the fun begins. Nurse Nancy demands that Ted come out of that locker room and when Fred won't cooperate, she sends for the big mean orderlies John and Richard. Fred protests but the people who work at the place won't believe him, since it must be another one of Ted's fantasies. Amazingly, because he uses a smartphone and never has to remember numbers, he can't give them a number to call to check out his story.Ted is incredibly lucky. While he doesn't know how to drive, Fred's minivan has GPS with a sweet female voice, and wherever he wants to go it will take him there. Including the natural foods store, where Colin works. Colin would really like to date Rose, though Rose likes the rebellious Dylan. Ted sees no problem and invites Colin over.The family sees something is seriously wrong with Fred, but they never once question whether that is actually Fred. After a while, though, he is getting along fine with the family and they really seem to like him, as if something has changed about his attitude. He's actually fun.Meanwhile, Fred must deal with a group of quirky characters, some of whom are capable of plotting an escape, as well as medical professionals who won't believe his story and keep punishing him for his behavior. Administrator Mr. Greene especially hates the idea of his bothering Dolores. Fred does have an opportunity to find out the truth about his boss, because of his brother's many jobs.So will the brothers ever get their real identities back? Does Ted even need to? Well, of course he will, since he's not really capable of functioning in the outside world. And Fred really wants to go back outside.This is actually pretty good. There are many worthwhile acting performances. Chris Kattan, of course, as the brothers. Eleanor Threatt as Nurse Nancy starts out mean but really shows compassion for the patients in this place. Joshua Norman as one of the big orderlies is the same but on a lesser scale. Several actors playing patients also give distinctive performances and I'm sorry I don't remember any of their names. One in particular is Ted/Fred's roommate and is obsessed with books and movies. Another does a nearly perfect Rain Man. And then there is the brains behind the escape plan. And let's not forget Brooke Anna Leedy as the obviously sane Dolores, who shouldn't be where she is.The actors playing Fred's family also do a good job. You really have to like all of them.Jack Hays as Mr. Philbrook is a fine combination of mean and charming.I especially liked the classical music playing in Fred's car.One major disappointment for me was Jason Padgett as Mr. Greene. He is just mean with no redeeming qualities, and nothing more than a cartoon. Sure, the situation is crazy. But once the premise is established, you can take it where you want to, and this movie does so admirably. What the movie accomplishes more than anything else is to drive home the importance of putting family ahead of other priorities. A secondary goal is to make it clear that family does not necessarily mean relatives.I had a good time.
Kevin Thomas McCarthy This was hands down one of the worst movies I have ever experienced. I don't really write reviews of movies but this one was so bad and I was so mad at myself for watching it that I actually changed my plans to go find a computer and write this review. I don't think it would be fair if anyone else saw this movie without reading this.Where can I start? The acting is horrible. The plot is nonsense and the editing is so bad that it is uncomfortable to watch. There is no climax and no conflict and I guess that I am supposed to care about the characters? Nothing makes sense!!!!watch at your own risk.