Count Dracula's Great Love
Count Dracula's Great Love
R | 02 March 1974 (USA)
Count Dracula's Great Love Trailers

Four women spend the night in an old deserted sanitarium on a mountain. They each in turn fall into the the evil hands of a doctor…

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Michael_Elliott Count Dracula's Great Love (1973) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Four women and their male traveler break down in the forest and must take shelter at a nearby sanitarium, which has a history of evil. Once there they meet Dr. Marlow (Paul Naschy) but what they don't know is that he's in fact Count Dracula. Soon the women begin to be turned into vampires with Dracula needing the virgin to fall in love with him so that his dead daughter can return to life.COUNT DRACULA'S GREAT LOVE was the only time that Naschy got to play Dracula and needless to say he did a very good job with it. As far as the film goes, it's easy to see why it has such a strong cult following because even though there are some flaws to be had the film for the most part is a success thanks in large part to director Javier Aguirre who manages to keep the film moving at a nice pace and he builds up a very good atmosphere.The film is available in a few different versions but the recent Blu-ray by Vinegar Syndrome returns the film to its R-rated cut that contains all of the nudity missing from some version. The nudity is certainly a good bonus because it adds a touch of sexuality that is certainly needed. As I had said, the atmosphere is certainly a strong highlight as we get all sorts of fog, a great castle and of course some nice bits of blood and vampire attacks.The actresses playing the women all do a nice job in their roles and especially Rosanna Yanni. The real star is of course leading man Naschy who got to play all of the legendary monsters in his career. This was his only chance to play Dracula and he did a very good job with it. He was certainly believable in the role but more important he looks the part. The black costume and red cape were a perfect look and there's no doubt that Naschy made good in the part.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is a Dracula sequel. It is very scary. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It it has great special effects. This is one of the scariest movies ever made. 5.3 is underrating this awesome movie. This movie is a must see. I give 7 out of 10. For being one of the scariest movies of all time. Paul Naschy was a great actor. He is very scary in this movie. Rosanna Yanni is a great actress. Javier Aguirre is a great film maker. Dracula (March 1931) is better. Dracula (1992) is also better. Nosferatu (1922) is also better. Dracula (April 1931) is also better. But still this is a great movie. See it. Dracula (1958) is also better. But still this is a very scary movie.
accattone74 Though all the available prints pretty much suck, and Naschy's dubbed voice is one of the worst in his oeuvre, I can still make out a truly fine film underneath all the muck (the whole film is on YouTube, but with commercials). Naschy had a very specific body type, so it's great to see those films where he didn't let his shorter, stockier physique get in the way of playing characters that are traditionally tall and/or gaunt. And this is a great little spin on the Dracula story too, with an ending even I did not see coming. The plot of Count Dracula's Great Love concerns ye olde sanguine's attempts to procure the blood of virgins and innocents so as to revive his dead daughter (which is a great twist from the usual lost-love pining). Rosanna Yanni is simply fantastic as the lusty Senta, and in fact, all four of the female co-stars really shine here. This film has atmosphere in spades, much like Aguirre's previous film with Naschy, The Hunchback of the Morgue. Dracula still lives in an old Gothic castle, and the surrounding area is fog-shrouded, but the art direction is so superb that it elevates the film far beyond the assumed banal. And Naschy proves that he can play a romantic lead without the crutch of Waldemar, though his Count Dracula is more akin to Barnabas Collins than the manic blood-junkies one normally has to endure in a vampire film (though there's nothing wrong with the occasional manic blood-junkie). Unfortunately Dracula's heart is too big to fit through the needle of his immoral deeds, and so we're left with one of the most striking and shocking endings in the entire canon of vampire movies. What can I say? Like Naschy's Dracula, I'm a sucker for a/the romantic.
Paul Andrews El Gran Amor del Conde Dracula, or Count Draculas Great Love as it's more commonly know among English speaking audiences is set in 1870 & starts with two hired hands delivering a large heavy wooden crate to an abandoned sanatorium high on a mountain in the middle of nowhere. Sensing an opportunity to make some extra money the men open the crate to see what's inside & if it's worth stealing, they discover a coffin & human remains. Not wanting to admit defeat they try searching the sanatorium for valuable items they can steal, before long they are both murdered by a shadowy unknown assailant who obviously doesn't like thieves. Cue opening credits. El Gran Amor del Conde Dracula then introduces the viewer to five companions travelling through the area & passing the old sanatorium by stagecoach. One man named Imre Polvi (Victor Alcazar as Vic Winner) his secret love Marlene (Ingrid Garbo) & three other women Senta (Rosanna Yani), Karen (Haydee Politoff) & finally Elke (Mirta Miller). Unfortunately for them the wheel on their coach becomes loose & flies off down a hill lost forever. More bad luck follows as the coach driver is killed in an accident when a horse tries to bolt. The five friends decide to seek shelter in the abandoned sanatorium, once there they knock the door & an Austrian Doctor named Wendell Marlow (co-writer Jacinto Molina under his usual pseudonym of Paul Naschy) who now owns the sanatorium, answers. After hearing their situation Marlow invites the five travellers to stay as long as they want. As they bed down for the night Karen gets up to close a window blowing in the wind when she is scared by a man watching her from the shadows, Dr. Marlow assures Karen that it was probably a tramp seeking shelter. However the strange, unsettling & unnerving experiences don't stop there as members of the five friends begin to disappear without trace & there is a real air of unease about the whole situation. Why does Marlow only appear at night & never during the day? Why are there so many bear-traps around the sanatorium's grounds? Could the tales & rumour's of Vampirism & Count Dracula that surround the sanatorium really be true? Watch it & find out!This Spansish production was co-written & directed by Javier Aguirre & I thought it was a really enjoyable Euro sex/gore exploitation film that has a stab at some genuine style & depth under the blood & breasts. The script by Aguirre, Molina & Alberto S.Insua is fast paced, never drags or becomes too boring & maintained my interest throughout. The traditional Dracula & Vampire themes are present but El Gran Amor del Conde Dracula adds a few unexpected twists of it's own & tries to be a little different. I liked the idea of Count Dracula setting bear-traps to catch local people who he then sinks his fangs into as they are immobilised but still alive. I loved the ending as well which in my opinion was a brave decision by Aguirre to have things turn out as they did, Count Dracula sacrificing himself because he has fallen in love with Karen works very well & I was pleasantly surprised about how things turned out for everyone without a happy 'hero kills the bad guy & gets the pretty girl' clichéd ending in sight, with better dubbing, dialogue & acting this could have been a really emotional climax. Which brings me the negative points quite nicely. The dubbing is terrible even for a Euro exploitation film, the dialogue is very stiff, unnatural & at times almost comical. This in turn distracts from the original performances which in all fairness might have been good but not when everyone talks & sounds the way they do. Paul Naschy is a little on the short side but still makes for a good on screen Dracula, there is also a nod towards his Werewolf films when howling is heard in the night & he comments on it. The photography in El Gran Amor del Conde Dracula by Raul Perez Cubero is at times beautiful, the way shafts of light streak through the trees during some dawn & dusk shots as mist swirls past, the lighting throughout the film is also very atmospheric & as a whole the film is a pleasure to watch & has a real style about it. The production design is similarly impressive with the lush detailed interiors of the sanatorium, the dark underground catacombs lit by flickering candles, props & costumes rivalling any period piece Hammer made around the same time. Good solid score by Carmelo A.Bernaola, too. Now to the exploitation elements in which El Gran Amor del Conde Dracula doesn't disappoint either, there is plenty of neck biting & dripping blood (usually on naked women's bodies & breasts), whippings, killings, plus there's plenty of naked female flesh & sex as well. I suppose I write this review as a massive horror/gore/exploitation fan myself & I personally found much to enjoy in El Gran Amor del Conde Dracula, having said that if you don't have a strong tolerance or liking for this type of material then I doubt you would be that impressed with it. Overall I unexpectedly really rather liked it & recommend it to anyone who is considering giving it a go but I don't think I could recommend it in the same way to a casual unknowing viewer. A solid Euro horror with more style & depth than most but certainly not for everyone.
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