Cool Dog
Cool Dog
PG | 04 January 2011 (USA)
Cool Dog Trailers

Jimmy lives in the tranquil town of Eagle Rock, Louisiana, with his father, stepmother and his best friend Rainy, a German Shepherd. When Jimmy's father gets a promotion, the family must relocate to an apartment in New York City that has a strict no pet policy. Unwilling to let his master go without a fight, Rainy embarks on a cross-country journey to New York but navigating the Big Apple is just the beginning of his challenging adventure.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
kcha29 I totally relate to this film as I have a German Shepherd. The tricks and skills Rainy the dog completes makes the movie amazing. His charm, spy and intelligent skills is all you need to thoroughly enjoy this movie.My favourite scene is hard to pick, but it was pretty impressive when Rainy purchased a hot dog with money. Watching the dog play banjo with the homeless was also a high point. I still can't believe how talented this one dog is, blows my mind how smart he is, would have taken years to train him!!I would have liked to see the step mothers eye brows move a little more, at times it was hard to see she contained any emotion. Overall it's the citizen kane of canines!! 10/10 great to watch with family, alone or if you have friends.
mkpotter SPOILER ALERT!! This review contains spoilers. While this movie did entertain my son with it's very campy "bad guys", there are two very sad parts in this movie. About a quarter of the way in you discover not only is the family moving to New York and having to leave Jimmy's beloved dog Rainy behind, Jimmy's Mom is deceased. My son, who very rarely cries at movies started balling at this point. I will say he is very sensitive to the loss of parents, as the only other time I've seen him cry at a movie was during Kung Foo (sp?) Panda 2 when you discover how the main character's parents die. The second time my son fell apart with sadness was near the end when it appears Rainy is dead. An EMT checks his heart and shakes his head that Rainy is dead. I believed it as well and thought 'How cruel to do that to young viewers.' Alas, Rainy either comes back to life or the EMT is an idiot, but Rainy lives! We watched the movie last night on TV and my son is still talking about how much he hated this movie. The silliness of the movie and the heroism Rainy displays to protect others from bad people was extremely entertaining for my son, but it was ruined with the heartbreak that accompanies it. While my son hated it, if you child is not as affected by the death of a parent, he/she may really enjoy this movie. You, as an adult, not so much. The storyline is thin and full of silliness.
charlestontracy Cool Dog is the worst movie I have ever seen. EVER. My daughter chose the movie which of course came from the wonderful collection provided by netflix. I knew within the first 5 seconds this movie was a low budget piece of junk. How do movies like this even get made??? My sympathy goes out to the dog more than anyone else; because unlike the humans the dog actually didn't have a choice in starring in this horrible, senseless, pointless, painful-to-watch movie. I have forbidden my daughter from watching this movie ever again as I feel that movies like these act as drugs and decrease normal brain development.If it was possible my vote would be 0 out of 10.
Tommy Nelson This is a horrible, horrible movie. Every agonizing second is so unbearably corny, contrived, and clichéd. The acting, the writing, the editing, the directing...everything here was the worst it could possibly be. This is not an exaggeration...this film (if you want to call it that) is just as bad as any other kid's film you're likely to see.Jimmy's dad just got a new job, and poor little Jimmy isn't allowed to bring his hero dog Rainey. So Jimmy, his dad, and his mean step-mother move from a small town in Illinois to New York city, meanwhile leaving the dog behind. Jimmy's new apartment is run by a couple of creepy and seemingly evil landlords who hate dogs and children. Meanwhile, Rainey escapes from the state fair where he was left back in Illinois and basically hitchhikes all the way to New York. Rainey makes it to Jimmy in New York somehow, and those mean landlords find out about it. Turns out the landlords are illegally selling animals on the side, and this dog is messing up their style. Ridiculous chaos ensues.The actors here must've learned their technique from elementary school plays. Jen Kober and David Jensen play the two landlords, coming off as second rate Home Alone villain rejects. Kober seems to be channeling Rosie O'Donnell for her overall appearance and voice, but even Rosie would look brilliant compared to this woman. The main kid here is awful, the dad is awful, as is the step-mom. Sadly, the dog probably gave the best performance, and even the dog isn't that great.Try to dumb yourself down for the next few paragraphs to try and understand the hilarity of the jokes. Uh oh, the dog is stuck at the county fair with the new mean owner. But whoaho, the guy falls over and the dog escapes. The gate closes and the guy has to climb over the five foot fence to get out. Derher, he fell down and we get a hilarious cartoon sound effect. Always classic. And then a bull farts on him...funny stuff. And then the dog, instead of running away, plays hide and seek, knocking over bales of hay on this guy, and being goofy. Then a cow burps...ahahaha, you can't write this stuff. Several fart and burp jokes are featured in the film, each one more clever than the last.The dog in this movie is funny. Not only does he save a girls life, he stops purse snatchers, shoots tennis balls at some punk kids, attacks some New York thugs, covers his eyes during scary movies, plays checkers (and wins), plays guitar, plays piano, orders hot dogs and pays the hot dog vendor with the dog holding the money in it's paw, finds his way to New York city and plays hide and seek Home Alone style pranks on several different villains at various occasions. When he attacks the NY thug, the guy runs off yelling "Mommy!". When he attacks the punk kid, the kid begs the dog for forgiveness. (Makes sense?) When he plays hide and seek with the idiot bad guys, they run into each other and fall over and trip all over the place. This is the type of humor this movie features mainly. Idiots acting like idiots, with not an ounce of cleverness or freshness, to try to get four year olds at home to giggle.Brain damage can occur three to four minutes after not breathing...but at the end of the film the dog must've been "dead" for at least five. And then he comes back alive for no reason. I'd almost give this movie a point for having the guts to kill of the dog and keep a little bit of realism, but nope, dog's alive, just apparently been playing dead for a few minutes to "build" the "dramatic tension". Just one of about fifty scenes that featured an element that made no sense, could never happen, and was completely ridiculous.The editor of this thing sucks big time. The film here is constantly being slowed down, which always looks horrible when it's not shot in slow motion, and everything just looks sloppy. And the sound editing sucks too. Animals making noises that the animals clearly aren't making, and people saying lines that are clearly stuck in afterward. The editing is about on par with everything else in the film, so at least it isn't letting us down in comparison.It's hard to even write a review explaining why this was so bad, because absolutely nothing worked here at all. There was not one moment that wasn't cringe worthy, except for a few establishing shots (the brief reprieve from the rest of this mess). The character motivations don't make sense and this is just a big sloppy mess of a kiddie movie. Do not let your children watch this filth. It'll lower their IQ.My rating: BOMB out of ****. 88 mins. PG for brief mild language, and stupidity throughout.