Control Factor
Control Factor
| 18 January 2003 (USA)
Control Factor Trailers

An average everyman discovers he's the unwitting target of an ultra secret domestic black-op centering on mind control.

Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
IMDB Truth "Targeted individuals" is a real thing... Most of the technology shown in the movie is not only real technology, it's very old technology developed by the DARPA and the CIA... Now I doubt they have guns that can make you freeze in place while they "change your implant"... I also don't believe that this type of mind control is being done in mass quantities as it was in the movie, but it's estimated that there are about 3000 "targeted individuals" being experimented on at any given time... This supposedly includes all sorts of weird stuff like moving all your furniture while you're out, "neighbors" who are in on it will spread vicious and untrue rumors about you, "strangers" will conspire against you to make you look like a crazy fool in public, and at the worst possible moment, etc, etc... But usually they use some sort of "ELF weapon"...That "heart attack gun" in the movie, that's a very real weapon developed by the CIA 40 years ago! This was made public by the CIA's own congressional testimony in the late 1970's. Also made public around that time was the CIA's MK ULTRA program, in this program the CIA used drugs such as LSD and other more horrific forms of mind control against the will of their subjects... One of their objectives was to attempt to create mindless assassins..."Voices in your head".... This could be done on a massive scale using the HAARP station in Alaska, but HAARP can also pinpoint its targets... To be fair, HAARP can also be used for a slew of other things, some of which are cool and useful, while others are extremely evil and even deadly... I've seen videos where this technology is demonstrated on a small scale using easily obtainable items, the sound is transmitted via microwaves, and is not audible to the ear, but rather it actually sounds like it's in your head...The "Navy yard shooter" from a couple years back is an interesting story that some think points to mind control... Those who believe there was a conspiracy will point to the fact that the gun they took off the shooter had "My ELF Weapon" written on it... "ELF" stands for "extremely low frequency" which is the type of microwaves used in mind-control and other ELF weapons...It has long been rumored that in the first Iraq war, the US deployed a "Voice of God" weapon... This reportedly caused all Iraqi soldiers on the front-line to hear the voice of "Allah" in their heads, the voice told them to disassemble their weapons and surrender peacefully, and so they did...Think what you want, but we are all under various forms of mind control, some more than others... And if you don't think you're a victim, then I hope you don't own a TV, because that's the worst enemy the human mind has ever known...For the record, "copper or tin hats" will not stop these types of weapons, but they will interfere with the waves and make them less effective... This is why no matter what subject, if it involves conspiracy, some idiot will tell the guy to "go get his tin foil hat"...If they were already using a freaking "heart attack gun" in the 1970's, how mind boggling is it to imagine what horrors they might have created in the past 40 years! Equally as scary, we have to assume that many other countries also posses these weapons...This movie was great overall! Acting was pretty good all around... The story was thought provoking... This movie goes pretty hard against the new world order and their military industrial complex! This might be the best "B Movie" I've ever seen! I might be a little harder on it if it were an "A-list" movie, but either way, this movie is not to miss1
sabf i saw this film not long after it was released when it came on sky and I've been looking for this film ever since i couldn't get it out of my head (lol), i only just found it. i had seen it but i couldn't remember the name of it everything that happens in the film i could tell you but not the name. its got a brilliant storyline and i thought it was great the action was good. anyone who watches this film will have a hard job to forget it. if your looking for a film which is unusual then you have found it. i have never seen a film before with a story line quite like this one. definitely one to watch best film I've ever seen but because i didn't know who the actors were I've had a hard job finding it.
kenhe Control Factor had great acting, not just the main players, but the supporting cast as well. And in spite of the obvious fact that this movie contained elements of various other popular movies, like the Matrix, and even the really great movie Total Recall, it still stood on its own. I had to laugh at some the gimmicks like the baseball caps the protagonists used to repel the government transmitted mind controlling radio waves. THAT brought to mind the fabled tin foil helmets that unstable people are alleged to wear to prevent aliens from mentally controlling them. I watched this movie twice, mainly to enjoy it and it's credibility, but also to concentrate on the technical aspects, how the director managed to keep the several plot lines in operation simultaneously, and still maintain the viewers interest. Adam Baldwin was really gave a great performance, advancing from innocent bystander, to confused victim, and finally to effective leader. I have recommended this movie to all my friends, and will continue to do so. Controlling Factor was to my mind a much better action, sci-fi, and psychological thriller than many other more popular and probably more expensively produced movies.
defcon_dude I guess I've always been a sucker for movies like the Matrix where everything's weird and you don't know what's going on. This seems to be an attempt at that and for the most part it works. I can't say I'm very familiar with Adam Baldwin (is he a Baldwin brother?) but he seemed to do a good job with his part. And I was surprised to see Elizabeth Berkeley actually get to act for a change and not just take off her clothes. I guess they didn't have a very big budget because it isn't really about action as much as figuring out what's going on. There's a nice twist about midway into it that caught me totally by surprise. Also an interesting ending that - gasp! - tries to say something.