Confessions of a Brazilian Call Girl
Confessions of a Brazilian Call Girl
R | 25 February 2011 (USA)

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Rachel is a girl, adopted by an upper middle class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in Sao Paulo to become a sexy call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decided to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer she adopted the name "Surfistinha" which means little surfer girl.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
lazarillo This is the story of a teenage girl who runs away from her adopted family for vague reasons (her adopted brother is cruel to her, she is taken advantage of sexually by the boys in school). She "turns the tables" on everybody by going to work at a brothel, then striking out on her own as an internet call girl, then starting a pseudo-feminist blog as "Bruna Surfergirl" where she "rates" the performance of her male clients (which you would think would be bad for business), and somehow becoming the most famous hooker in Brazil.This movie is based a real-life story, but it is of a piece with a lot foreign movies I've seen lately from France ("Student Services", "Elles", "Young and Beautiful"), Eastern Europe ("A Call Girl"), and Chile ("Joven y Alocado"). This is less preachy and socially alarmist than some of the others, but I think, like them, it definitely glamorizes prostitution quite a bit, both for women (this really doesn't seem like that bad of profession) and definitely for men since all these actresses are insanely hot and much more wholesome looking and genuinely pretty than any actual streetwalker who services thirty men a week and abuses hard drugs would ever possibly be. You could complain that the actress, Deborah Secco, was nearly 30 here and playing an 18 year old, but she probably LOOKS more fresh and innocent than any real teenager who has spent six months working the streets. Prostitution is obviously enticing sometimes to both female providers and male clients, but at best it's like a tasty-looking meal that happens to be lying in a garbage dumpster. These movies kind of tend to ignore the garbage dumpster.If you're just looking a hot sex movie with higher production values, better acting, and more of a story than "Cinemax After Dark", this movie is definitely worth watching, but don't expect any profound statement on the human condition.
AmazinM As someone studying Portuguese, when a film in that language comes to town I go see it. I had no preconceived ideas or knowledge of the actors or story.I found Bruna Surfistinha to be an interesting tale of a lost young girl who ultimately becomes a woman in control of her life. It is made clear early on she wants cash so that she will not be dependent on anyone. She chooses to work in a higher end brothel. The view of the sex industry as a regular job with hours, rules and a break room helped remove some of the voyeuristic feel. There are a lot of sex scenes, but much like Shame, the sex loses its sexiness after a while. Her job just happens to be in the sex trade with much of the film taking place in her 'office.' The sex scenes were well framed, to me reflecting Bruna's journey from girl to woman. As the film progressed, the characters began to shine through and I found myself focused on them.There are many savvy observations served up in the dialogue. The film doesn't give pat answers as to why or offer explanations, but rather is a relatively true rendition of what was a Brazilian internet phenomenon. In many ways it is a Horatio Alger success story while being a train wreck talk show scandal all at the same time. I would recommend it for a variety of reasons, but would also say it might not be for everyone. I'm glad I saw it.
kvkjid Prostitute writes blog, prostitute markets herself with a surfer image and prostitute becomes consequently a Brazilian national celebrity (true story). More than enough for an interesting story about an interesting person. Then, …. where did it go wrong?The movie simply fails to provide deeper insight into what made Bruna Surfistinha special, rather than exploring the above mentioned interesting facts about her, the script decides to follow the day to day activities of probably any average prostitute.Rather than focusing on the blog, the creation and positioning of the surfer image and the national TV appearances, the story shows mainly the following: prostitute makes good money, prostitute gets addicted, prostitute loses everything, glamor turns into hard labor and drug abuse leads to hospitalization.The acting however carries this superficial script (especially the lead actress): a beautiful example of actor added value. A lesser cast and the movie would have been a total disaster.
Rubens Junior 'Bruna Surfistinha' is the story of Rachel Pacheco, an adopted Brazilian girl that constantly suffered from bullying and, feeling apart of everyone, leaved her house and family at age of 18 in search for independence to prove herself and the others that she could be someone special. Then she finds a job opportunity that could give what she was so desperately wanting. She really didn't care if it's from sex, she just wanted to make money and achieve her objectives. "More sex, more money", that's what she thinks to keep surviving.During her hooker years, Bruna Surfistinha did start maintaining a blog, writing about her sexual experiences with her different clients, giving them special and personalized treatment in bed and also reviews and ratings about their performance in her blog, making them some kind special and taking each one of them away from their miserable unhappy life they lived in. She conquered their appreciation and the anonymous mouth-to-mouth publicity made her one of the most desirable prostitutes at that time. The blog was a successful step making her famous and respected in her business. She made a lot of money with important and rich people, living in a first class condo and having everything she ever wanted.'What comes easy goes easy', that's what people say. Not as easy as it's supposed, but everything did go as easy as said. With her successful sex business she overrated herself and meantime became addicted to drugs, fell in depression and lost almost everything, coming back to where she started: from nowhere. Then she reemerged, got all the money she needed back to stop living from sex and wrote a best seller called "O Doce Veneno do Escorpião" (The Sweet Poison Of The Scorpion) in which the movie is based on.That's how she became famous in Brazil. All of this - except the book episode - is in the movie.When the film was announced many people laughed and thought it was a joke, because it's not necessary read the book to know that Rachel Pacheco (aka Bruna Surfistinha) isn't a Diablo Cody (the American ex-stripper who also became famous as a blogger and won a Best Original Screenplay Oscar for 2007's Juno). Her fame was much more a popular response against taboo than just a natural talent. Even so, the book and the life of Rachel Pacheco offered enough material for a movie that fulfills its intents.Unlike what was previously believed, the film is surprising in all aspects. Even looking like a TV movie sometimes, the debut direction of Marcus Baldini worth some attention. The well developed screenplay with natural and accurate dialogs is also a plus. The cast, the soundtrack and the edition - which is largely responsible for most of the movie's development - are top of note here. The cinematography sometimes are beautiful and intensifies some dramatic and erotic moments without being appealing. Also, nudity and sex scenes here are just used objectively and never being abusive or compelling, very different from some ordinary titles that uses nudity and sex just as an instrument to attract audience which is very expected here but never delivers more than the necessary. The movie can easily be defined as some kind of Christiane F (1981) meets Pretty Woman (1990) because Bruna is what Julia Roberts' character would be without Richard Gere.The movie is a slap on the face of those who underestimated its quality just by its topic. Deborah Secco, known in Brazil for her roles in soap operas since she was a teenager, finally grew up as an actress because the movie succeeds most by her performance. Credits should also be given to the supporting actresses, especially Drica Moraes (as madam Larissa), the greatness of her work is evident every time she appears. 'Bruna Surfistinha' never tries to give the character a martyr neither a heroin image, she's just someone that simply got the job and now is suffering its consequences. Much less tries to make her life a modern fairy tale being - perhaps - screenplay's greatest advantage and also what makes the movie never fall into cheap emotionalism.For sure it's not the best thing you will ever watch, but also not the worst. Obviously it needs to be watched as a movie and not as a biographical thing with some lessons you need to learn because even the ugliest truth becomes a beautiful thing in movies, that's why it's worth watching without any profound expectations.
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