Confession of Pain
Confession of Pain
| 21 December 2006 (USA)
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In a city of love and prosperity, a city of lost hope and premature death, veteran detective Hei feels it all: the hurt, the helplessness, the horror. When his father-in-law, the billionaire benefactor Kim, is gruesomely murdered in his palatial mansion, he enlists the assistance of his former partner turned private detective.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
shu-fen Unresolved pain, harboured grudge and hatred leading to bloody revenge is most destructively tragic. Hei even takes harming/killing his wife as a last resort to fulfil his eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth dark plan on his father-in-law who exterminated his family twenty-five years ago.A "well-taken-care-of" work with who did it is known, how it was did is also known, and viewers chase and chase the line to know why he did that. Every area is fine but something missed... it lacks "power", some more energy and intensity is desired. The film is too "quiet", we need at least one exploding/imploding point to exhibit the tension. In addition, Fiona Sit should take the role of that that Shu-qi occupies here as the girl here is a dotty one. Shu-qi has long passed that playful age. Her talent is not developed her. Wrong choice of actress. And, Kaneshiro is not quite himself, I find no clue why.When the flame of hatred and pain keeps burning, the fire of vengeance grows stronger and hotter that even the entire furnace falls apart.
mhmailings A good film all round, nice cinematography, good acting.My only criticism of the film is that unlike other murder mystery / crime solving films - this one shows you the culprit from the beginning - who know who done it, so there's little by way of suspense in solving a crime.The only surprise is discovering that some of the characters aren't quite who they seem.Also you would think that an actress of Shu Qi' stature would have a more meaningful role - she just seems to be there as Takeshi's girl friend. That's it.That being said, it's a film worth worth watching.
jal4eva This film has one of the best scripts I've watched in mystery/thriller films. Some people might say that by revealing the murderer from the start is a mistake in scriptwriting, but I think this is handled very well by Confession of Pain because it is not the murderer that matters, it's more of the reasons and motives, and the feelings and emotions of the murderer that intrigues the audience. Besides, without the revelation of the murderer's identity, it is difficult to continue with this script.The main draw of this film is the inclusion of two protagonists, each with a background story of their own. Had this film been one which only reveals the murderer at the end of the film, this would have become a film with only one protagonist and Hei would become an antagonist rather than a protagonist.In terms of acting, I must say that Tony Leung and Takeshi Kaneshiro are at their very best. Not just their individual acting skills, but their rapport as a whole, doubled their individual acting. Kudos to Takeshi Kaneshiro whom I think stole much of the limelight from multiple award winning actor Tony Leung. In Confession of Pain, Tony Leung's character was one which most hid his emotions and feelings inside him and enforced a disguised image which although was convincing, was too convincing compared to the emotionally complex Takeshi Kaneshiro's character.Also of notable mention are the cinematography and editing of the film. I like the contrasts of the close ups of the characters and the long shots of the characters in contrast to the backgrounds. The editing was also very interesting, especially the part which Bong was on the trail of the murderer while Hei was on the trail of the stalker. That parallel editing doubled the suspense factor. In all the film was paced quite nicely without the feeling of any part being draggy nor too quick. The weaving in of black and white sequences also contrasts well with the general flow of story.I'd think this film is considerable the best Hong Kong film of 2006. At least it is better than the pompous period films like The Banquet and The Curse of the Golden Flower, and the likes of those.
endlessdes Confession of Pain Much like the acclaim Infernal Affair, however, this is less the drama and suspense. Tony Leung is detective Hei for the Hong Kong police force, Homicide department, and Takeshi (as Bong) is his colleague. The film begins with a routine investigation of a homicide case, trailing a suspect that is involved in a serial raping case. After the suspect hops in a taxi with a female companion from a bar during a Christmas celebration, the audience is able to enjoy an excellent choreography of car tailing, with careful art direction of scene shots.The heartbreaker occurs after the crime investigation, with Bong returning home in the morning and finds his girlfriend asleep in bed. At the start of the film, Bong had a causal conversation with Hei about the stale relationship – mostly due to his insensitivity, unable to feel the passion to love his beloved. After some reflection, he steals a kiss and was horrific by her cold lips. Upon turning over the bed covers, he was shocked to find her wrists, both slash. The next scene jumps to the hospital when he realized his love was gone forever.The film fast-forward three years to 2006, where Bong had left the police force, striking out on his own as a private investigator, and also an alcoholic. Hei remains good friends with Bong, meeting up occasionally, and is married to Susan. Bong is still brooding over the lost of his love, drowning his pain through the many glasses of hard liquor – which he once detested – and conducting his own investigation on the motive of his love's suicide.Suddenly, there is a twist in the story; shown in black and white, as of a surveillance camera, the act of a gruesome crime perpetuated by Hei – the murder of his father-in-law and his lackey. This was perhaps the act revealed to the audience, informing us of who is the villain, what remains, is the motive. Normal transmission resumes to the aftermath of the crime, with Susan in the police station assisting in the investigation. Susan was emotionless by the whole episode, perhaps due to her past misgivings towards her father, but suspected otherwise – when the investigation reveals two burglars ransacking her father's mansion – that there might be more than what the evidence shows. Because Hei was considered a suspect – Susan's father was a tycoon – and could not be in-charge of further investigation, Susan took the initiative and request Bong to conduct a private investigation, with the police assisting with archives of data.So the remaining part of the film reveals the cat and mouse game between Hei and Bong. The former covering his tracks, the latter revealing the motive of the unknown suspect.The pace seems to slow off by then, and with the villain shown at the start of it, only the element of motive – why did Hei commit such a crime – keeps the audience going. Cause and effect. Confession of Pain is an expression of pain felt by Hei and Bong; like Bong, his succumb to liquor to nullify the pain over his lost love, and the relentless pursuit for the truth of her death; like Hei, though the cold blooded murder of his father-in-law, his actions of deliberate precision carries much weighted thoughts and emotional pain, masked forever in him, barely revealed. The confession comes at the end, through each realization of the life each has, rather than wallowing in pain brought by memories of the past, the only path out of the vicious cycle is to look forward in life. Alas, only one of them can come out of it.Director Wai Keung Lau and Siu Fai Mak did a nice screenplay, but it was not as suspenseful as Infernal Affair, there seems to be some element missing, which slips my mind. Moreover, Tony Leung was quite deadpan throughout the film, and that leaves out his trademark charisma. Pity. The role should have been given to Andy Lau instead, and Tony could take over Takeshi's role – not to discredit his acting, but it would be nice to see Andy and Tony tag team again since their last collaboration in Infernal Affairs.Ah, the missing element – there is not a strong supporting role in the film to disperse the weight of the main actors.
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