Conan O'Brien Can't Stop
Conan O'Brien Can't Stop
R | 24 June 2011 (USA)
Conan O'Brien Can't Stop Trailers

A documentary that follows the former Tonight Show host. Filmed during Conan’s ”Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television” comedy tour, after his departure from the Tonight Show, taking viewers on an intimate journey of O’Brien’s life.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Rpgcatech Disapointment
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Sean Lamberger I've heard from several people that his attitude in this documentary has damaged their perception of Conan as a person. In some ways, I can understand where they're coming from; his humor on a person-to-person basis is much more biting and acidic than it is on television, and the film's approach of basically lining up every joke told behind the scenes, back-to-back-to-back, does give the impression that he's constantly picking on anyone who dares to enter the dressing room. That it also cuts away so quickly after every punchline doesn't give us a chance to understand the context of the conversation or the target's response to his barbs. The japes are constantly funny, but that uncertainty about their reception ultimately keeps the laughs from flowing freely. There's also an impression that he's always on, telling jokes without taking a breath - even during quiet moments at home with his wife and kids. To some, that might make him seem imposing and attention-seeking, but I took it as his way of dealing with the stress of an overloaded schedule, uncertain future and relentless media attention that he was working through at the time, just weeks after his public blowup with NBC. Conan runs with a very funny group of guys, and their puns combined with the glimpses both on the stage and behind the curtains at his "Prohibited Tour" make for some great material. It's just not an entirely friendly atmosphere for unbridled comedy.
Hellmant 'CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP': Three Stars (Out of Five)Documentary following Conan O'Brien and his six month comedy tour 'The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour', during the time he was banned from appearing on TV by NBC (after his dispute with scheduling). The film appears to be a pretty open and honest examination of all the drama O'Brien was caught up in, showing him often not in the most flattering light. It's funny, due to O'Brien and others usual comedic banter, but at the same time a serious look at that stage in the comedic talk show host's life. It works on some levels and not so much on others due to some mediocre directing and editing in my opinion. It was directed by Rodman Flender, who has a great deal of experience directing television and B horror films (like 'LEPRECHAUN 2'). I think in the hands of another director the film could have been a much more efficient and entertaining documentary.The movie begins by explaining what happened to Conan and his 'TONIGHT SHOW' gig with NBC and how he got banned from performing on TV for six months. It then gives us behind the scenes footage of Conan and his crew coming up with the tour idea, selling it, coming up with material for it and then doing the tour itself. We get several scenes of Conan interacting with his TV crew, primarily his personal assistant, as well as celebrity friends of his (who continue to drop by his show). The movie leads all the way up to the end of the tour and Conan beginning his new late-night talk show at TBS.The movie does seem to be very honest and genuine, with Conan appearing as a bit of a self centered dick throughout. He had just lost his dream job (of hosting 'THE TONIGHT SHOW'), so it is understandable, but still this may throw off a lot of his hardcore fans. His personal assistant seems to get the most of his emotional abuse and the film does a good job of allowing the viewer to relate and sympathize with her (as well as Conan himself) at times. The film does drag a little sometimes as well with the general narrative often feeling slow paced and unenthusiastic. Still the film has plenty of laughs and it does give a good look at that time in the popular comedian's life. It also does a good job of presenting him as just an average guy: not always trying to be funny and often getting frustrated and being mean to those around him as a result. It's not a perfect film but it does serve it's purpose well.Watch our review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP (2011) *** TV talk-show comic host Conan O'Brien's inspired Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television" stand-up concert tour – in response to his being unceremoniously bounced from NBC's "The Tonight Show"/Jay Leno fiasco allows documentarian Rodman Flender full access to the comedian's attempts to adapt to the ongoing frustrations of performing, maintaining his sanity and daily odds-on battles with his personae – nice guy comic or misanthropic egotistical jerk (more so the former, frankly) – with his sidekick Andy Richter, special guests Jack White, Jack Black, Kyle Gass, Jim Carrey, Stephen Colbert & Jon Stewart and Jack McBrayer – that manages to keep tabs with the pent up anger at his mistreatment and his personal goals of being funny (sounds harder than it is). Funny, glib, witty, snarky and clever by a mile – the film, like its subject – can be pricky and sweet at the same time and trust me edgy comedy is always the best in the long run. Go Coco!!
biography98 Not only is he not likable but, more important for a comedian, he is not funny-never was. He is known in the trade as a "paper comic". Why he was ever handed that important NBC job is beyond me. Whenever I see him I think of The Amateur Hour. Where's Ted Mack? You want funny, read my very wicked and sick comedy book THE HUMOR ABOUT HILLARY. Now that is funny!! O'Brien makes Jerry Seinfeld look like Chaplin. Why do some people confuse mean-spiritedness with genius? There is nothing noble, funny or pretty about an unchecked ego. Leave it at the door and just do your thing. This film is a waste of time. The running time is approximately 89 minutes but it seems much, much longer. The Midwestern audiences in the film don't know from comedy. Like a Letterman audience, they will laugh and applaud at anything. Maybe Letterman, Seinfeld and this guy should team up and do a cross-country tour.