Cold Hearts
Cold Hearts
R | 31 December 1999 (USA)
Cold Hearts Trailers

A quiet town in New Jersey possesses a dark secret. Viktoria has given her life and soul to the ways of the vampire...

Console best movie i've ever seen.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Michael Ledo This is a fun teen/young adult vampire film that takes place in Ocean City, New Jersey. There is a core group of vampires which include killers, and those who buy blood and use powder blood. Chas (Christopher Wiehl) is the bad guy vampire leader who is trying to get back Viktoria (Marisa Ryan) who wants nothing to do with him. A mysterious dark stranger (Robert Floyd) rolls into town and wants to help Viki. However, our stranger is not what he seems because there are whooshing and whip sounds whenever he moves and even the vampires oooh and aaah over it.The film is fairly formula in a film that predates Vampires that glitter. It is a nice hidden gem, just don't expect big budget effects.Guide: F-bomb or two. No sex. Brief partial male butt nudity.
Terryfan I like to state that Cold Hearts is my favorite Vampire movie and I'm glad to have it on DVD.I never heard of this movie then one day I was doing a little research on vampire movies and I came across Cold Hearts. Then I went to this website and find out more about it.This was all back in 2003 when I first discover this movie but then in 2005 I finally got to see Cold Hearts when I rented it from Netflix and I am now glad to say it is my favorite movies based on Vampires.I brought Cold Hearts on DVD back in 2009 and I am glad to have it. The movie is one of my favorite dvds in my collection.The movie story is Based in a quiet town New Jersey where a secret is hold in their town. Vampires live in their town.Viktoria (Marisa Ryan) a young woman who grew up with a huge thing about Vampires and when she was asked to join she was more then willing to become a Vampire. Since then she tried to only survive on stealing blood from local hospitals and rarely kills.Her two best friends are the only two she trust more then anyone else. Alicia (Amy Jo Johnson) is a vampire with a so called eating disorder and is not wanting to have any part of killing. Darius (Jon Huertas) is their human friend and the only one they trust.However their main enemy is a Vampire gang lead by Charles (Christopher Wiehl) he is a vampire that kills without thinking twice and his gang is very dangerous.Things only get more trouble when a man named Seth (Robert Floyd)comes to town he gets in the middle of their trouble and then becomes a target for Charles to destroy.I can't tell you how much I enjoy the story because it just one of those stories that brings you in. The Characters are very well thought of with Charles being the main villain. Viktoria and Alicia were very good characters in the movie and shows how good friends they were in the movie.The music is very chilling with the music mixing from classical to rock music very good mix.The Cast was very good for the roles of the main characters of the movie. The Actors really put passion into their characters which is a rare thing in movies.Cold Hearts also won 1999 Atlantic City Film Festival Best Picture Award and it was Robert A.Maciantonio first movie as a Director and he really hit a home run with Cold Hearts.Overall Cold Hearts is a great movie to watch and if you are a vampire movie fan and looking for one to get for your collection then Cold Hearts is just the movie for you.It may have been a small low budget movie but it is a sure winner for a great movie.I give Cold Hearts a Perfect 10 out of 10 Thank you for reading my review and take care
TheVid This low-budget indie film about grungy, vampire youths haunting the beachfront (sound familiar?) could have been smart and amusing, but instead comes off like a fanged version of some WB-style TV show. It misses some clever opportunities to be both stylishly violent and sexy, and instead relies on long conversations between a brooding female vampire (who consistently delivers monotonous sad stories to everyone she meets), and a frat boy with a dufus persona and a dubious moral code. Technically competent but utterly adolescent.
Scarecrow64 OK, let's see... a handsome young stranger is new in town, and walks around on the local boardwalk. He meets a pretty girl, meets up with the obnoxious leader of the local hip young vampires club, is dared by them to follow them into this cave, gets into a conflict over the pretty girl, an epic fight ensues... No, it's not Lost Boys, although you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference, since I think even some of the carnival music is the same. (Do you have to pay royalties for sampling a movie?) Even the ending of this stinkbomb is ripped off from Lost Boys. The make-up is below par, even for a low-budget thriller, the characters are one-dimensional, and just exactly how many "Oh, I had this horrible experience" scenes of teen angst does one movie need? The humor is flat and stupid, and everything else is sadly predictable. Yawn. The only scary thing about this turkey is the promise (threat) of a sequel, an idea that hopefully every distributor in the country will drive a stake through.