Club Wild Side
Club Wild Side
R | 21 February 1998 (USA)
Club Wild Side Trailers

A couple try to save their marriage, while their houseguest discovers her sexuality.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
mligorio A young girl from nowheres ville Wisconsin loves her boyfriend, but she isn't quite ready to tie the knot. These days it seems that it's the women who want to sew their wild oats. She's not a virgin, but, nevertheless, she's naive an inexperienced, and the people she meets in the big city are all promiscuous.Of course, there was never any need to worry about getting pregnant, since, as we all know, that's not what sex is really for. Sex is really an exploration of character. While just about every decent self-respecting man or woman cheats, which she now observes first hand, some characters are clearly more low-down and despicable than others. Not withstanding, love conquers all, as per usual.As in most B-movies, the babes are slender and athletic. This time, however, they only sport about 1-2 cups of silicone. I found this look to be more natural and appealing than the 1-2 liter jugs that I've seen hanging around in other porn flics. And, what B-movie would be complete without at least one beefy hunk for the ladies to fantasize about?Probably the most remarkable part of this film is that for once the acting was done rather well. Yet, the story still comes off as rather dull. It's supposed to be a drama, which I prefer to silly comedies, but somehow it wasn't very dramatic. I didn't sense any real danger, nor did I really understand the characters' motives. Perhaps a murder mystery would have been better.My recommendation: Watch it if you're bored and you like gratuitous sex.
zaur-2 Really cheesy story about a farm girl going to LA and working at well.. the title says it all. Except for the "you know what" parts of this film it's pretty bad. The best thing and what makes it worth watching though is how much the producer's wife, played by Lauren Hays, looks like Celine Dion. Even in her mannerisms. So this flick is good for a Celine Dion fantasy if nothing else.
Smooth B This movie is quite marginal. I'm a big Monique Parent fan and go crazy every time I see her in a movie. She has a small supporting role in this one, as owner of Club Wild Side. The older woman (she's not that old, maybe 24-29) in this flick has some of the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, not to mention she's absolutely gorgeous. It has the formula-laden story of a farm girl coming to southern CA to see her relatives, and let's her inhibitions go out the door when she performs as a stripper at Club Wild Side. I give it a C-. Monique should have had a bigger role in this movie, since she's supposed to be the owner of the club.
Champion-4 I thought that this might be an original for the soft porn genre. Decent acting, a reasonably believable plot, and no goofy sound effects! Sage Kirkpatrick does an excellent job of playing the ditz (which of course rhymes with ...) I think she is hot and look forward to more films with her in it.