Clifford's Really Big Movie
Clifford's Really Big Movie
G | 20 February 2004 (USA)
Clifford's Really Big Movie Trailers

Fearing that he costs too much to feed, Clifford decides to join a traveling carnival so he can enter a talent contest in hopes of winning a lifetime supply of Tummy Yummies treats. Joined by his friends Cleo and T-Bone, Clifford meets up with Shackleford the High-Flying Ferret and Rodrigo Chihuahua of Steel, as they work together to turn a broken-down act into a record-breaking show.

Ploydsge just watch it!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
abarel13 My 2-year old daughter loves watching Clifford on TV and when we showed her this movie she fell in love instantly. She loves dogs in general but the bright red fur of Clifford and the music make her happy and the lessons that Clifford and his friends teach make us happy. It's an adorable movie that anyone should show their preschooler. If you like Clifford or animated dogs, this movie should definitely be in your collection. There's comedy, thrills, and an infinite amount of fun in this movie. It is very child friendly, there are no uncomfortable scenes that could make a parent question the value of this movie and the lesson of not judging people based on looks is one of the unspoken central themes of both the show and the movie.
random_avenger An animated adventure about a gigantic red dog named Clifford who joins a circus troupe after he mistakenly thinks his owners cannot afford his upkeep. Together with his animal and human friends he participates in a talent show, but the result is not what they had wished for.Basically the characters are cute and likable, even if the animation is nothing spectacular. The story never gets very ambitious either: all the problems Clifford and Co. encounter just dissolve away without much effort. Not surprisingly, the importance of friendship is one of the main themes. Not much to see for adults, but young kids may be entertained.
dreamriver1 I took my two boys 4 and 7 to see it and I thought it was so sweet. The same kindness that is protrayed in the television show was just as loving and thoughtful. It was a nice reminder of John Ritter and that his voice lives on.....The characters were the same as the tv show and it is very believable for the kids to see the movie and relate it to the show. The Man that took care of the animals was equally fair and kind to the animals which made the kids believe the animals matter. In all from beginning to end the movie was entertaining and creative story line and held my two small boys attention.
mark_juliano I liked the movie, and so did my 2.5 year old son. It was his first movie and managed to hold his attention for the entire time. He's been talking about it ever since. A caveat though, we're both Clifford fans to begin with.The movie is near perfect for its target audience of preschoolers. There are no scary parts, the story is linear and clear, there's no violence, and it has a happy ending. The plot lacks the complexity of many other of the animated movies marketed toward older children. It is straightforward story with little development of the character's motivation except for a few key things important to the story. The main characters are consistent and entertaining, and the Big Red Dog is well presented in proportion to the rest of the normal sized world. Some of the most comical sequences are when those unfamiliar with Clifford see him for the first time. Kids seem to love the idea of a HUGE friendly dog, and it's played up to good effect in the film.The basic story is classic Clifford. He means well and is trying to do the right thing, but his efforts don't always work out as planned. Except for Clifford's family and friends, not everybody understands that Clifford's heart is as big as the rest of him. Clifford's size is as much a hinderance as an asset, but in the end people love him because he's a great dog, and not just big.For those that that have seen the TV show and/or videos, the movie plays like an extended episode of the show. Same characters (Many of the minor ones don't get a part in the movie), mostly the same voices, and the same look and feel, though the animation is of a higher quality than on the show. There's even some attempt at 3-D animation going on, although the backgrounds are for the most part flat. The soundtrack is better than the show too :). Characters are consistent from the movie to the show, and a several of the running gags from the show are incorporated into the movie. Whoever made this movie took the best of the show and successfully turned it into a feature length film.The movie is dedicated to John Ritter, and I believe it is the last film he did.