Class Warfare
Class Warfare
| 10 April 2001 (USA)
Class Warfare Trailers

In a remote cabin in the woods, Kristen tries to convince her boyfriend to kill fellow classmate Richard to gain possession of his winning lottery ticket.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
prepad A proof that it's not necessary for a movie to have a deep many-layered story and other sophisticated elements to be a good movie. Even if the story could be expanded in many directions, especially in more sociological way (people lust for money) it seems that it's perfect just the way it is. Through many sudden changes it takes the spectator to the end without any unnecessary complications and without letting the spectator taking the eyes of the screen. But the acting for me isn't so good. With the exception of Lindsey McKeon the others were average or even worst. In some scenes they just empty-stared in front of themselves. For exception of Lindsey which was more convincing. It's a really simple movie for just laying back and enjoying. 7/10
Squrpleboy Despite the fact that this was a Made-For-TV movie (and an obvious one at that: ie., cheap looking), CLASS WARFARE left me wishing I could get my money back, and considering this lame production was partially funded through Canadian dollars, I might just be entitled.What made me sit through it in the first place was seeing actress Lindsey McKeon, who I've watched for the last couple years in her role as "goody-goody" Mara Lewis on the soap-opera GUIDING LIGHT, taking a turn at playing "the bad girl" for a change. Surprisingly she does quite well, as Kristen, a spoiled rich-b*tch who suddenly finds herself dirt-poor, but with a conniving streak, and a twist of fate, that will possibly change her fortunes back around. The twist of fate is provided in the character of Richard (Robin Dunne), a socially-radical outcast who discovers that he has just gone from having nothing to winning $23 million on a lottery ticket. Now, put Richard, Kristen, her jock-boyfriend Jason (Wade Carpenter), and their camcorder-obsessed mutual buddy Graham (Dave McGowan) together for the weekend in a remote cabin, cut off from the world by storms, and just guess what unfolds.The film suffers from congesting both the story and characters'personas and motives too much. Everyone is pretty one-dimensional and it doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out that some things, and some people, are going to go very bad, very quickly. I don't think this is that original a plot and it doesn't go out of it's way to make itself anything more. The acting is OK, McKeon is spot-on as the manipulative female lead, and Dunne is very good, perhaps a little too good at times, but no one else is worth writing home about. The only other real credit I can give the film is the one twist I didn't see coming towards the end (not the very end though, that one is so obvious it hurts). Regardless, I sat through all of it and lived to tell the tale so I can't say it was a complete write-off. 4/10. A "something-to-watch-when-nothing-else-is-on" type movie.
Bondgirl-9 I saw this mini-movie when it first aired, and loved it!It kinda funny to see how far people will go for money.It's also funny to see how much a boyfriend can be "Whipped". "Whipped" enough to kill. I think the cast was great, especially the character Kristin.Without Her smooth talking,and deceptive looks the movie would have not been the same.I never use to watch USA but now it is one of my stations.
DrConway The actors seemed to be pretty well cast, and the plot twists were good. :) The ending is probably a little "too pat", but hey, at least there's justice in the world. And at the end there's a kind of revelation about how it all got started. ;)As a native to British Columbia, I want to say again how amusing it is that the movie was set in Washington state, but the whole film was done in Vancouver and environs, as well as having the Government of Canada logo prominently displayed in the closing credits as being a grantor of money for the film project. *grin*